
Chapter 1

Evil creatures were making the world unsafe for human but gladly there were people that brave enough to fight it and calling themselves hero. Hero fight to protect the peace of the world, their make fame and glory within their adventures. Everyone in this world were inspire to be a hero someday.

" Me? I am a hero assistant. "

Typically every heroes have their personal assistant, it's not referring to the party member of the heroes. Hero assistant were someone who carry the heroes item and keep any slain monster loot, making it more easier to understand imagined a movable storage. Not everyone in this world were aspire to be a hero assistant cause their job were less recognized and very hard because the weight of the item in the bag that they have to carry.

Hero assistant also arranged the quest of the hero or their supplies. I almost forgot that hero assistant also have a ranking systems similar to the hero ranking systems. Starting from the bottom, Bronze rank hero assistant were the lowest rank cause they just started to become a hero assistant and doesn't have to carry many things. Silver rank hero assistant were somehow similar to Bronze rank but their just more experience in the job. Most of the hero assistant were in the Gold rank, in this rank the hero assistants must have combat skills either using magic or sword because the hero can easily fight without to think about the safety of the hero assistants.

Above Gold rank was the Diamond rank, Diamond rank hero assistant were only for those hero assistant that have the ability to memorized the dungeons layout in a few minutes, have a good tracking abilities and better combat skills. Lastly the ultimate rank of every heroes assistant could dream of was the Star rank, according to the latest information from the Hero Assistant Association only three people have acquired this rank because people who in this rank were basically have the same abilities as the hero but decided to be a hero assistant instead.

"But mister, at the end even you in the higher rank you still need to carry the heroes item right?"

"Yes because it was the hero assistant job to carry the item of the heroes."

"Tcch, what a lame job! I guess when I grow up I will be a hero instead of heroes assistant."

The kid began to walk away while saying hero assistant was a lame job loudly.

"I guess not everyone like to be a hero assistant."

As Eiron staring to the blue skies, he recalled why did he became a hero assistant in the first place. It was his dream to follow his father footsteps that once a Diamond rank hero assistant.

"Just one more rank then I will reach it, the Diamond rank."

Eiron knew that to reach the Diamond rank he need to work harder and have to take more risky job to be easily promoted.

"I almost forgot to head back to the association to report my current job."

Eiron started to head back to the association before it getting dark.

Thanks for reading the novel !!

This novel is different from my other novel because I will updates the story everyday, that mean one chapters per-day.

With that being said, I hope that everyone will try to comments on my novel as it will help me grow to be a better writer.

On top of that with that comments I will have the motivation to continued my previous novel so I really hope the reader will comment my novel.

I don't care whether it's bad or good (UwU)

Next Chapter will be out soon!!

ExChasercreators' thoughts