

A week later.....

"Do not be afraid, my student." Gyatsu put a gentle hand on Kai's shoulder. Currently, they were practicing their firebending. But Gyatsu could sense some fear in Kai.

Even though Kai was skilled with firebending and found it cool and all, deep down inside his heart he was scared that it could backfire on himself or he could hurt someone innocent with it.

He didn't want to admit it, but Gyatsu saw right through it. Actually he noticed that part of Kai since they started training.

"You have to let the chi flow and then push it out with force. Do not hesitate Kai, just let it out." Gyatsu explained before shooting out a rolling barrage of flames over the lake.

Before they could hit the trees and burn them, the flames suddenly disappeared. "Look my student, it is I who has control. Not the fire." Gyatsu looked at Kai and patted his back.

"I can tell that deep down you are scared, scared of your own power. But remember, I, your teacher am standing right beside you. You won't hurt me, all I ask is that you don't hesitate."

"Everything is safe, even if you blew the whole forest up, I can deal with that. There is nothing to be afraid of. Let go of that fear of hurting others. That will never happen, as long as you have control." Gyatsu stepped back before Kai took in a deep breath into his lungs.

"Find and rid of your emotion. Let your chi flow, feel it and press it into you limbs." Gyatsu put a hand on Kai's shoulder, reassuring him.

Kai felt the fear, and got rid of it the instant his teacher put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. That nagging fear he would hurt somebody was purged out of his mind.

He emptied his mind and got rid of his emotions as he pushed his energy into his fist and opened his eyes. The instant later the lake was filled with bright orange fire. It washed over the lake before it eventually died off.

"Perfect." Gyatsu smiled and nodded as Kai was breathing steadily like he was taught to.

"How does it feel?" Gyatsu then asked, feeling curious as he saw a smile on Kai's face.

"It feels intoxicating. I felt like I can do anything at that moment. I felt so unstoppable with that power..." Kai then narrowed his eyes as he clenched his fists.

"Yet I felt that it was not my power at all. I controlled it, but it wasn't mine." Kai then looked at Gyatsu for an explanation. Gyatsu nodded, understanding Kai's words.

"I am surprised that you noticed the difference between power and being powerful. Firebending is very powerful and it rewards the bender with that feeling. Lots of benders confuse that and get lost in their own intoxicating power." Gyatsu stared at Kai seriously.

"Don't ever do that. You will lose control, it is the only path if you do get lost in that feeling. Respect the power, acknowledge it, and it is yours to use at will but it will never be yours. Now do it again, but this time on your own."

Kai shot a large wave of burning orange fire over the lake's surface. It was larger than any of the flames he produced before.

"Again! This time with more power!"

"Again! More ferocious!"

"Again! Put your back into it!"



[Firebending: Expert(50%)]

[Flame Generation: Bright Orange (90%)]

"It seems like getting rid of my fear of firebending once and for all did wonders for my skills. I wonder what my fire's next color would be?" Kai whispered as he was sitting on his bed while looking at his system's screen.

'Mastering firebending and it's sub elements is definitely what comes first. But what comes next? How many elements am I able to bend since I only received a piece of Raava? Oh, I got an idea!' Kai got up and searched through his cupboard for something. He took out a cloth from the cupboard.

'With this blindfold. I can find out if I have seismic sense or not. If I have it, then that means I can earthbend.' Kai thought with a smile on his face as he wrapped the cloth around his eyes, effectively blinding himself.

That smile on Kai's face was quickly gone as a few minutes later, he was walking around his house constantly banging in furniture and stubbing his toe.


"Oh fuck! Was that the same chair I bumped into just now?!" Kai grunted and bent down to rub his hurting big toe. He needed to get better at this somehow.

This went on in Kai's apartment for about 20 minutes or so before the 13 year old became tired of stubbing his foot all over the place. Kai sighed as he sat back down on his bed and took off his blindfold.

'I really hope it's earthbending to be honest. Who doesn't wanna earthbend?' Kai hoped in his mind as he rubbed his foot.

'This man Ghazan used the Lava Rasenshuriken to break out of prison. And the metalbending police team are basically using the ODM Gear albeit not as cool as how the guys in Attack On Titan did it.'

Kai sighed and closed his eyes, hoping that he could earthbend one day.




The next day, Kai was practicing his chi control while in a stance of redirecting lightning with Gyatsu. With this practice, Kai felt like he could redirect lightning like it was nothing.

But Kai knew that his chi control mastery had to be at a certain degree to be able to do that. There was no way he could redirect lightning with the level his chi control was currently at.

[Chi Control: Novice (73%)]

'I'll try it when I'm at an expert level. But what kind of exercises can I do to get there quickly?' Kai thought as he and Gyatsu repeated the motions of lightning redirecting.

'Maybe I can make my chi flow faster to my limbs? Would that make them more powerful?' Kai thought as he closes his eyes. Searching deep inside him, he found his chi pool and drew some from it.

Gyatsu who was deep in focus in the motions of redirecting lightning, opened his eyes as he sensed something happening with Kai. Using chi sense, Gyatsu sensed what was happening in Kai's body.

'He flowing more chi to his limbs than usual.' Gyatsu thought to himself.

'There is a science behind bending the elements and chi. When I practice bending condensed fire for long periods of time, I'm forcing my body to somehow believe that this new stronger but more exhausting output of flames was the new normal now. They would work while I'm asleep, changing my body to actually make it not exhausting. That's how my flames got so strong and bright that quickly.'

'I can already feel the effects of flowing more of my chi into my body. I'm feeling more energetic and more free. If I constantly do this, maybe the same thing would happen to my body as it did to my firebending. Adaptation, that's my real golden finger in this world.' Kai thought as he looked at Gyatsu who was acting like he didn't sense the change within Kai's body.


"Yes, my student?"

"I may be stepping out of line here, but I have a big mission coming up and I feel like with the way we're training right now, I won't be able to contribute much to the mission."

"I know that you told me to take one step at a time. But I just feel like it isn't enough. I know I sound arrogant, but I have big plans for the future."

"That is fine. I take it you want to step it up a notch."

"Yes! That's what I meant. I only ask that you add a few more things we can train in."

"It is done, my student. After this, instead of going back home, I will teach you how to use chi to sense. After that, we will be exercising. Pushups, situps, squats and running around this lake."

"Thank you Master. You don't know what you've done for me."

"Ah, it's a small matter. Now, back to training."



Kai was exhausted but he can't end the day yet. He still has to find out if he has earthbending or not yet. There's probably better ways for Kai to find out if he had earth bending, but this was the only exercise Kai could come up with right now.

Kai took off his shoes before he wrapped the cloth around his eyes. He started walking around his house blindfolded. Kai wasn't focusing on remembering the furniture placement in his house because that wasn't the point of doing this, Kai was trying to feel the vibrations of the earth which wasn't easy at all.

The lack of progress made Kai irritated but he got rid of that thought and continued on for tens of minutes.

Kai's just finding out if he has earthbending. And finding it out doesn't mean he'll abandon firebending to train in earthbending. He just doesn't want to waste time finding his next element later.

If some people were to be in Kai's situation, they would probably be asleep right now after a hard day's work. He has four years until the main story starts, why rush it?

Here's the thing, ever since Kai transmigrated into this world, he hasn't been like those people anymore. He has big ambitions. And he's the Avatar, albeit only a pseudo one. Besides, time waits for absolutely nobody and Kai doesn't want to find that out the hard way.

'I should probably find out if I have earthbending with a rock instead of finding it out with a sub skill—Woah!' An extremely focused Kai thought before he suddenly felt something, a gut feeling of sorts that told him to dodge.

He immediately turned and spun around. Kai quickly took off his blindfold and widened his eyes a little at what he did.

He spun around a chair that he had stubbed his toe on multiple times yesterday. Kai shook his head and put his blindfold back on.

'Must be a coincidence.' Kai thought before he resumed training.




The next day....

In Sergeant Lee's office, Kai, Iroh and Lee were conducting a meeting. They were discussing the battle plan to get rid of the Sons of Anarchy.

"Here's the plan. There will be two teams of four attacking each hideout. Each team will have a firebender, an earthbender, and two waterbenders." Iroh explained to Kai and Lee while they were reading a small paper describing Iroh's plan.

"Meanwhile, you, me and Kai will be heading towards the vice leader's hideout. We will start the attack all at the same time on our call. We will phone some of the teams and they will transmit our orders with their own telephones." Iroh added before looking at them.

"Any questions?"

"It's a sound plan and all but we still haven't figured out where the leader is." All eyes were on Kai after Lee's gave his opinion. Kai sighed and sat up straight.

"He's in the Fire Nation Capital." Kai revealed, shocking Iroh and Lee.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? You're endangering the lives of not only countless civilians, but also the life of the Fire Lord and his family!" Kee scolded Kai who glared back at him.

"If I told you this sooner we would be currently discussing how to get rid of only him, not getting rid of him and his entire organization! His followers are fanatic believers of his philosophies about anarchism. They have nothing to lose, I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Getting rid of him only would only cause more damage, do you seriously want hundreds of suicidal maniacs ready to die for their beliefs rampage around the Fire Nation like it's their playground?" Kai asked Lee as he stood up. Iroh put his hand on Kai's shoulder, stopping him from doing anything further to escalate the situation.

"I understand your point, Kai. Sit down and let's continue this meeting like civilized people. The attack is going to happen soon, we don't want anything to ruin it."



"Glad we can reach to an understanding."

To be continued.....

(Do you have tips on writing about earthbending training? And do you think my theories about his body's adaptation to his unusual chi and firebending training methods work?)
