
The Day After

Shandra head hurts so much, like someone had not only gave her a brand but also tried to crush her head under a large stone press. She was laying on a comfortable bed with blankets pulled up to her chest. She listened for a couple second to see where she was. What room was she in? There was steps far across the room and could hear someone breathing not too far away. She slowly opened her eyes the bright silvery white light from the window blinds her. Her eyes closed again. 'Why is it so bright, and why does my body feel so heavy,' she thought to herself. She tried to move her arms to brush a strand of hair away from her face, but her arms would not obey her thoughts. She body felt like a enormously heavy blanket was strewn across her body. 'Wh... wha....What happened' Shandra's voice came out rough, hoarse and like a whisper. It sounded like her voice was raked over gravel. This surprised her very much, was she sick? Why could she not move her body? Did the ceremony go wrong? What happed last night? She could not remember.

'Shandra, just rest my child,' a warm, soothing, comforting voice Shandra knew all too well. 'High Priestess.... what happened...last night?' It came out as just a whisper, barely audible. Someone get up and crosses the room coming closer to her. A cooling hand was placed on her forehead. 'You still have a fever. I think the worst is over. We can only hope.' The High Priestess' voice was so soothing to Shandra's ears. With this comforting act Shandra slipped back into unconsciousness. The darkness was too inviting for her to fight it. Her body felt so heavy and weak.

The next time she awoke there was a couple of voices in her room. 'What are we going to do now?' 'All will be fine, this is also part of the Moon Goddess's will.' That voice was the High Priestess, who was the other it seems so unfamiliar. 'Moon Goddess will? We have not had a Dark Moon High Priestess in over 300 years.' Dark Moon High Priestess, what is that? Are they evil? Who was it? Will they hurt Avalon? We must protect Avalon! All these thoughts raced though Shandra's mind. Her body still felt so heavy but when she opened her eyes it was dim light that meet her eyes, was it night already? Had she slept the day away? What was in her head? A cloth? It was wet and cool, it felt nice she let out a small sigh. As the two fingers started to come into focus they had abruptly stopped their conversation. 'Shandra, you are awake again. Can you speak?' Her mouth felt as dry as a desert, with a voice as horse as last time she could only voice one word, 'water.'

How long has she been out? She heard some water get poured into a cup and steps approached her. A familiar face came into focus. It was the High Priestess, she looked concerned but at the same time relieved. The high Priestess took one of her hands and gently lifted Shandra's head to let her sip from the cup. The moment the water touches her lips she could tell just how dry they were and how dry her throat was. The water helped moisten the desert she called her lips. 'Is that better? Now can you tell me what happened last night?' Asked the high priestess while setting the empty cup on a stool near her.

As her head rested on the pillow her eyes went out of focus as she thought 'last night I have not been out for long. But why does my body feel so heavy?' 'I do not know,' Shandra managed to answered with a whisper of her usual voice. 'Do you want to know what happened from my point of view?' The high priestess asked. Shandra focused on the high priestess drew in a breath and answered 'Yes.'

So high priestess told her what happened 'The ceremony was done like all the rest. You did wonderful and showed your power beautifully. But the Moon Goddess chose a different path for you.' 'The blood moon I remember a blood red moon.' Those words flew out of Shandra's mouth as tears started to stream down her face. 'Yes the goddess her self showed you a rare part of herself. Making you a dark high priestess.'


Shandra's mind went a mile a minute she started to remember but the fog was still thick in her mind, 'Am...am I evil?' She started to sob. The question did not startle the high priestess she just gave a warm smile, 'not evil just different.' Those words comforted Shandra a little bit. 'Now rest we will talk more later,' as she rested a hand on Shandra's head, she wanted to ask more questions but her mouth would not work. Then a heavy wave of sleep over came her and she sank into the darkness.
