

"There once was a foolish mortal, who dreamed of the land of gods," the women sat on the bed coupled with a candle in her right hand.

"And what happend to them mama?" asked the curious boy tucked into bed.

"Their dream was of course ridiculous, as the gods were enraged by their insolence. A worthy punishment was placed on them, one with too big of ambitions," the mother stood up from the bed and shuffled across the wooden floor slowly, giving a tense atmosphere.

The little boys eyes burned with curiosity under the candle light. He gripped his blankets in excitement.

"What became of them mama?"

"It say's they got banished on Igris mountain to forever wither in pain, while others say their soul has been spilt."


"Rumors claim their soul has been spilt and multiple versions of themselves has been created."

"That's so cool!"

"Now, now Maxwell, would you like it if there were copied versions like you?" The mother scolded softly.

"No mama..." Maxwell turned solemn.

"Ey...it's time to sleep my little Maxwell, you want to be tall like your father, dont you?" Maxwell's mothers eyes softened.

"Of course mama! So that I can protect mama, and Aunt Sera!" Maxwell's mood instantly skyrocketed.

"Goodnight my little light," Maxwell's mother blew out the candle, and walked out.

"Goodnight Mama," Maxwell yawned and fell deep into slumber, after a few twist and turns.

Crackles of fire and screams of dread reached his ears. Was it just a mere fable of his mother's warmth? Their terrifying states as the gods judgments were laid to rest upon them.

Im scared...Mama, help me. Aunt Sera where are you? I want to wake up from this horrid dream mama. Will we disappear once dawn greets us?

"Run maxwell," a hand reached out of nowhere, pushing the boy into the woods.

"Don't look back my little light," it was his mother, her beautiful face he once adored reduced to burnt skin.

"Maxwell!" he met his mother's stern gaze for the first time,"we dont need a liability," her sweet tender eyes gone was replaced with frustration.

Maxwell's body trembled, he knew staying here would just be a bother. But is it ok to not listen to mama this once? No, mama would be disappointed, I can come back once I get help!

Maxwell bit his lip at his inner turmoil, and made a firm decision.

"I'll be back mama!" Tears rolled down his chubby cheeks as he started to run without looking back.

"My little light, I hope you go on the right path," his mother wept as she limped into the burning village.

Their plea's for redemption were quited down by the swords that pierced them. Silhouette's of unknown life forms, caged within armor went around finishing off the miserable with grins on their faces.

Maxwell's mother strengthened her resolve and started running towards them at a dangerous speed.

"All for you my little light."

His bare feet ran heavily against the natural environment. The long thorns pierced his soft small feet and his heart beated against his ribcage.

'Mama told me to never enter the Forest, unless with a good reason. But today is different!' Maxwell tried reasoning with himself, to distract his thoughts from wondering to the village.

But the cold deary forest made his instincts want to go back to his mother's warmth. He recalled his mother's burnt face plagued with frustration and threw away that thought hesitantly.

Maxwell being a 6 years old couldn't cope with the sudden change of environment, his lungs grew tired of the running and his heavy breathes caught up to him.

Maxwell stopped by a large tree with engravings carved within it, and huffed out taking all the moist air in. The forest was rather secluded as the climate to the open fields and it were on two different scales.

The villagers would forbid the children from venturing into it, as it was a rather mysterious place. And mysterious places, could be very dangerous.

Maxwell wanted to continue running but an unknown force compelled him to stay on the spot. Then a soft voice spoke out within the distance. And as if Max was enchanted, he went into the opposite direction as he intended.

Maxwell felt hopless, he felt his inner frustration leak out of the jar he put a tight lid on. The more he was alone the more he felt like giving up on everything he dreamed for and more. Envy, jealousy, remorse and heartache soon spilled out of his little heart and he weeped within the forbidden woods.

Alone and helpless, his feet continued to move without a direction. For once in his life he finally felt like a lost child without his mother. He felt like those orphans at the orphanage. Noone who could guide them, it felt empty.

"Child-" a voice from behind Maxwell, felt like a mere whisper.

"Do you feel weak?-" the voice of a women echoed. A voice which was crisp and calming.

"Do you seek vengeance?-" but yet another gruff voice interrupted. A Husky male voice, which sounded nearly like growl.

"Or do you seek salvation?-" their voice were in perfect tune, and lured the ignorant boy in.

Maxwell was too enchanted to realize the dire situation he was placed in. He bent down and wrapped his arms around his knees and leaned against a tree.

"I want mama..." his sobs were silented by a hand which was created by the shadows.

"We can help you," the voices spoke out to him.

The tree Maxwell leaned on turned into a merky substance, and Maxwell slowly sinked in as his consciousness faded.

"Please..." his voice faded and Maxwell was nowhere to be seen.