
A vile heart

Aurelia laughed lightly as the creature touched her hair playfully. She was still curious about what it was but Louis was now taking her to somewhere new in the mansion.

" So what is Sprite? Are they all blue? Why is it following me?" Aurelia kept asking Louis who wasn't ready to answer.

" I don't know why it's following you Aurelia? Come to think about this, the King and every guard in Pearl Town are searching for this creature, an order given by me. What will they say when they find out I'm harboring this creature in my mansion?" Louis informed her and shooed the creature away from her head.

The blue creature squealed angrily and attacked Louis finger he was using to remove some tangles in her hair.

Louis' face contoured in pain as blood dripped out of the small wound the creature had caused on Louis' finger. A cold air suddenly emanates from his body revealing the dark aura and Aurelia hated this part of him.

" Mas…master," Aurelia was careful about calling him Louis. It sounds absurd for a slave to call his master by his name.

In the speed of light, Louis grabbed Aurelia on her shoulder and suddenly found themselves in each other's embrace as Aurelia thought the world had moved.

Louis as a pure blood vampire has so many thrilling abilities which he deserted using as he prefers a normal human life but if triggered, he can certainly do the forbidden. Sometimes he would wave some thoughts in his mind so that he won't be overcome by anger.

" What was that? Where are we?" Aurelia shook all over in anxiety and fear. Her vision was still fluctuating in the dark room and Louis carefully carried her to one of the chairs in the room.

After letting her sit on it, he walked towards another dark area as there wasn't a trace of a window in the room and made a loud smack on something. Golden lights started popping on and fully laminated the room Aurelia hadn't thought was large.

The room was worth a hundred percent wow as Aurelia stood up eagerly to enjoy the view. To her, it seems as if she was in another world entirely. Different collections of paintings were hanging on the wall or neatly placed on bald areas, jewelry like ornaments filled different unlocked small boxes, statues and sculptures didn't miss her eyes as she saw various creatures.

" Where are we Louis?" She asked in Curiosity and failed to notice had called his name.

Louis, who was sitting a few meters away, felt his ear perk up upon hearing his name but he remained there without moving or lifting his head.

Aurelia couldn't have enough of the wonderful view, collections of books on shelves, racks and on the floor also didn't miss her eyes and surprisingly, they were clean without any speck of dust.

" Master?" She called again when she saw him sitting far from her. "Was he alright?' she thought and quickly walked towards him only for him to shout at her.

" Don't come closer, just stay where you are," he warned.

" Are you alright? Should I get Stanley?" She asked as fear engrossed into her.

" Stay back, Aurelia, or will you like to feed me?" He asked and raised his head for his bloody red eyes to meet Aurelia's.

Cold sweat broke on Aurelia's forehead as she stared at Louis who was doing the same but in a more intimidating manner. Instead of drawing back away from him, she finds herself ambling towards him.

Something that Louis had expected. He didn't want to taste her blood again but it now seems she's the one trying to persuade him.

Squatting before him, Aurelia smiled and looked up at him as he was sitting on a chair. " You could have it, besides I'm your slave."

" I'm going to suck you dry Aurelia, don't think it's the same as two years ago," he warned.

" I'm fine with …,"

Stanley suddenly barged into the room with the blue creature coming into view. He had been looking at the weird two until he saw the creature squealing and squeaking in a different voice outside the Duke's collection room.

Finding Louis' expression to be filled with hunger and pain, he quickly pushed Aurelia away from Louis' presence and brought his hand towards him.

The blue sprite happily flew towards Aurelia who was worried. Apart from that, she stands by to watch as Louis sucks Stanley's blood without mercy. Despite how thirsty for blood he was, he didn't want hers.

Aurelia stood quietly away from the gothic scene with the creature sitting on her shoulder. "Using his ability on himself and her might have caused this' she said inwardly.

After having to his satisfaction, Louis dropped Stanley's hand as the sharp protruding fangs slowly returned to normal.

" Find the Fairy book for her. I'm leaving," Louis said and started walking towards the door.

" What about Sidhes? They appeared also while you were away, the day you left the mansion two years ago, it was horror." Stanley narrated.

Louis was quiet as he quietly put broken pieces together, the Sidhe, now a Sprite? Who's Aurelia actually?

" The Sidhe 's appearance took a toll on her severely but this blue sprite is different." Stanley added as Louis pondered.

" Who could explain that?" Louis asked and starred in the direction he heard Aurelia sweetly laugh.

" There's only one person I trust could help, Deliah." Stanley then took a white small towel to wipe off the little stains of blood on the spot Louis drank from.

Louis clicked his tongue in frustration, " I'm going to pull out her tongue for saying such a thing to Aurelia," Louis muttered under his breath but Stanley was able to pick up on it.

" What is it?"

" Now tell me Stanley, where were you when Deliah asked if Aurelia was another whore?" He asked and gaze at Stanley who felt like biting his tongue.

" I was there but I rebuked her immediately, perhaps she said it again when Aurelia went with her into her chamber." Stanley was surprised Louis got to know about it.

" Mhm, watch her closely," he added before walking out of the room.

Few minutes later after Louis had gone out, Aurelia returned with a large wooden back book in her hand with the blue creature sitting on it.

She halted in her tracks when she saw only Stanley in the room with Louis absent. She looked in the direction he was sitting minutes ago but he wasn't there anymore.

" Where's the master? Did he leave?" She asked.

" Yes, he did. He needs fresh air." Stanley said, making it seem casual.

" Ah ah! You have the book I was about looking for, it's about fairies. You could find more about them in here," he patted the book and also walked out of the room.

" Are the Sidhe also fairies?" Aurelia couldn't forget that event. It made an impression in her tender mind.

" Shhhh, don't mention that name, it brings bad luck and yes, they are the dark fairies." Stanley said and shut the door before locking it after Aurelia was out.


In a magnificent mansion with a lush garden outside of it, screams of a lady could be heard. On the flag above the mansion was a symbol of the Crest household.

" Ouch! Stop screaming like a maniac, it hurts my ears," Oliver frowned as she took her blood tea from the servant who was bowing his head.

" Ahhhhhh! Damn that bastard, stinky witch! Ah!" Eva screamed unendingly. The servants and butler were scared of saying anything as the busily did their job before they would incur the youngest daughter fury on themselves.

" Oliver, am I not beautiful?" Eva asked in desperation.

Oliver, who was stirring her blood tea in the glass with a teaspoon, smiled wickedly and raised her head, " yes you are." She replied.

" Don't I have the qualities a noble would love?"

" Of course you have it…" Oliver drawled and stood up from the luxurious couch she was sitting on. " What's the matter? Did the Duke don't like you? I thought father said the king will make you his wife?" She jested at her little sister.

" I don't believe anything father says, he's just using us to climb into riches! If that was true, why is the Duke going around with another woman with him? He doesn't care if I'm alive, I only get to follow behind his shadow." Eva shouted and stomped her feet on the tiled floor. Her heels are almost breaking due to the force.

" Tell that to Dad, not me because I have my own big fish in the ocean to catch. In fact, I have concocted a plan." She smiled and giggled.

Eva was still fuming when their parents entered through the front entrance. Her father who was a burly man in his forties while her mother who looks twenty something or maybe younger than her daughters.

" Father! Mother!" Eva cried out loudly as she rushed to meet them.

Eva was the opposite of Oliver who plays cool and innocent to outsiders but doesn't back down when it comes to someone she hates and might do worse if need be.

Eva prefers to show it out on the person rather than keeping them in mind. She never forgets to taunt someone he dislikes.

" My lovely daughters, why are you crying?" Ariana Crest asked, displeased to see her Eva crying heavily.

" Mom, it's dad…" Eva replied with a hoarse voice due to her screamings earlier.

Crest Ducan was shocked and awed, " what? What does your crying have to do with me?" He asked and raised his hand as the butler removed his frock coat.

" The Duke dislikes my father, he doesn't care about me. You can't believe it would stoop so low for a servant rather than me…" Eva narrates profoundly. " Are you sure I'm betrothed to him?" Eva asked and cunningly gaze at him.

For a moment, a worried expression appeared on his face which quickly dissipated into a pleasant faking one. " Of course you are, you can ask the King himself,"he said.

Oliver smirked boldly at her lying parents. Her mother was quiet because she was part of the lies they made up.

I don't believe you father," Eva cried even louder, making the servants close their ears due to the piercing voice.

" Don't worry, I'll speak to him." Ducan said and glanced at his wife for help. " Oliver, how was your meeting with the King?"

" It was the best moment until Roxanne came barging in with the Duke and that ended our conversation. " I hate that measly," Oliver said with spite.

Eva frowned again, "they actually made Oliver meet with the King? Without her knowing?' Eva suddenly became jealous after hearing what Oliver said.

" I won't bother anyone again. I have to carry my cross and shove that stinky servant outside of the Duke mansion. I'll make sure my enemies suffer from now on," she said with an evil glint in her eyes before walking away and for a few seconds, the family of three thought Eva was referring to them.

" Such a grumbling child." Ducan sighed heavily and sat on the nearest couch to ease his mind. He almost got caught by his daughter, he had to play wisely for now.

" Oliver, I made another appointment with the King, he's interested in taking a tour around Devontae with you." Ariana said and sat beside her husband.

Oliver's eyes brighten up in surprise, " really Mom? Dad? You mean I would be riding in the same carriage with the King himself?" She was shocked.

" Yes dear. Promise not to fail our hope in you," Ducan said with a fulfilled smile on his face.

" Very well Dad, I promise." Oliver then stood up to head in the direction of her room.

Reaching the second floor, she felt a piercing gaze behind her which was hard to let go and she spun to look behind her but nothing or no one was evident to be there. The moment she walked into her room, Eva came out from a corner between her room and the staircase to the third floor which belongs to her parents.

" How could I have been a fool to pester the Duke when becoming a Queen would be better than a Duchess." She muttered under her breath.