
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

Saffron to the Battle

"Our heroes, minus Domino, have arrived at Celadon City once more as we see them waiting in front of the Celadon Department Store for her. When will she ever leave?"

Meowth growls in frustration, becoming impatient. "'I'll just be there for a minute' she said. Apparently, that means one hour in her language."

James is leaning on the wall of the Department Store. "Never trust a person when it comes to shopping."

Jessie is pacing back and forth. "I'm about to go in and drag her out of there myself if I have to."

The doors of the Celadon City Department Store open and there's Domino, carrying a bunch of bags in her hands.

"Nothing like a great day to shop till you drop!" Domino says with a smile.

"Come on, we have to go now!" Jessie grabs Domino as them, James and Meowth both officially leave Celadon City,

The title screen shows.

"Saffron to the Battle!"

It cuts to the gang walking on Route 7 once more, heading back to Saffron City.

"So Jessie, what's your big battle plan this time to beat Sabrina?" Domino asked.

Jessie shrugged. "Make her Pokémon faint first, that's basically it."

This causes Meowth, James, and Domino all to fall in disbelief then quickly get back up.

"Jessie, you lost to Sabrina twice and trainers go missing whenever you lose to her three times!" James says.

Jessie rolls her eyes. "Relax. I bet it's just a silly old rumor."

A male Pokémon Trainer: having green hair and green eyes, wearing a red jacket, a white shirt, and red shorts, walks up toward the gang.

"I'm looking for a Pokémon battle. Any three of you want to battle me?" The Pokémon trainer asked.

"This will be a great way to get myself ready for Sabrina. I accept your challenge!" Jessie answered.

Domino gulps. "I-I don't know Jessie, he looks like some sort of ace trainer."

"I can handle it! After all, I got five badges after all." Jessie chuckles.

"Five badges huh? This will definitely be a challenge. Arcanine, I choose you!" The ace trainer sends his Arcanine out into battle.

The Arcanine howls once it is sent out.

"Arcanine huh?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex.

"Arcanine, the Legendary Pokémon. Fire-type and evolved form of Growlithe. A Pokémon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings."

"A legendary Pokémon? Whoa." Jessie looks impressed as she puts her Pokédex away.

"So, are you ready to send out your Pokémon?" The ace trainer asked.

"Oh right! It's a fire type, so I should send out Squir-'' Jessie was about Squirtle, until interrupted by Meowth.

"Hold on, Jess! Send me out into battle, I want to take down this so-called 'Legendary Pokémon' if it actually is one." Meowth says, looking determined.

Jessie shrugs. "Very well then. Meowth, I choose you!"

"Ah yeah, let's do this!" Meowth hops onto the battlefield with Arcanine.

"Wow, a cat versus dog battle huh? This should be interesting." Domino says.

"I don't know if Meowth can really take down a Pokémon like Arcanine," James added.

"Arcanine, Take Down!" The ace trainer commanded.

"Meowth, dodge it!" Jessie countered.

Arcanine dashes toward Meowth and immediately takes the talking Pokémon down at incredible speeds and Meowth doesn't even have one second to dodge.

"AH!" Meowth cried in pain.

The gang all expressed shock at how fast Arcanine was.

"That Arcanine is fast!" Domino pointed out.

"Can Jessie even dodge any attacks from it?" James added.

Jessie remains focused and calls out her next move. "Meowth, Bubble Beam!"

Meowth opens its mouth and blasts a stream of bubbles right at Arcanine, but Arcanine immediately dodges the move because of its speed.

"Fire Blast!" The ace trainer commanded.

Arcanine howls before blasting flames, which take the shape of the kanji, right at Meowth, hits the talking Pokémon and takes more damage.

Flames start surrounding Meowth and screaming in pain. "JESSIE, I'M BURNED!"

"Just try to ignore it and use Fury Swipes!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth's claws extend and glow white as the Pokémon tries to swipe Arcanine, but Arcanine keeps dodging the moving every single time Meowth tries to swipe Arcanine.

Meowth starts getting frustrated. "Stay still!"

The ace trainer makes his next move "Take Down!"

Arcanine then dashes toward Meowth, charging at him and slamming the Pokémon down with its body. Meowth slowly gets up, and then takes more damage from the burn.

"Jess… I feel hurt." Meowth says, weakly.

"Hang in there Meowth and use Thunderbolt!" Jessie commanded.

Electric sparks start to come out of Meowth's whiskers then shoot out electricity right at Arcanine, which strikes the Pokémon and takes damage, and howls in pain.

"You got it!" Jessie said in delight.

The ace trainer calls out his Pokémon in stress. "Arcanine!"

Arcanine gets up and howls, still able to battle.

"That's the spirit! Bite!"

Arcanine dashed towards Meowth, the talking Pokémon tried to dodge, but Arcanine was too fast and bit down Meowth with its mouth, then proceeded to hold Meowth with its mouth.

"Hey!" Jessie grits her teeth. "This is very uncalled for!"

Domino facepalms in embarrassment. "What an embarrassing way to lose."

The ace trainer claps. "Good boy! Now drop the Meowth!"

Arcanine drops Meowth to the ground and he is lying there, completely fainted from battling.

James declares the winner. "Meowth is unable to battle. Arcanine is the winner!"

Jessie immediately runs over to Meowth to pick him up and sighs. "This sucks…"

"Good job Arcanine! You may return." The ace trainer recalls his Arcanine back into its Poké Ball. "That was a nice battle, well got to go!" The ace trainer waves goodbye and heads in his direction.

Domino walks over to Jessie. "Come on, let's get to Saffron City quickly and get Meowth to a Pokémon Center."

Jessie sadly nods as she stands up, with Domino and James heading back on the trail to Saffron City. Meanwhile, it cuts to the Team Rocket trio in a video call with Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket.

"Is that true?" Giovanni questioned. "There appears to be another criminal organization in Kanto named Team Zero?"

The Team Rocket trio nods in response to their boss. "Yes, sir!" They all said.

"Luckily we three managed to stop them and took out their secret hideout in the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town," Cassidy added.

"Is that so?" Giovanni turns to a grunt nearby. "Search for Team Zero on the laptop."

"Yes, sir!" The Team Rocket grunt starts typing in the laptop and then Team Zero comes up. "Sir, apparently Team Zero is true. They're run by two people named Zaid and Rosie."

Giovanni starts to think for a little bit. "Perhaps I can trust you three again on this upcoming important mission. But, you three will be working with a partner for this mission. Head to Saffron City for your next mission, immediately."

The Team Rocket trio bows for their boss. "Yes, sir!"

The video call on the laptop between the Team Rocket trio and their boss ends. Immediately as it ends, the trio starts celebrating.

"WE GOT PROMOTIONS!" The trio shouted out in excitement.

Cassidy heads to the front of the trio. "Let's try our best not to blow these fellas! We got on the boss' good side again and we have to succeed at everything now!"

"Failure is out of the question!" Butch said.

"Which includes stealing that talking Meowth from that twerp once and for all!" Mondo headed.

"Then let's stop talking and head to Saffron City like the boss said!" Cassidy commanded.

It cuts to Jessie and friends arriving at the entrance of Saffron City. Domino and James both look happy, but Jessie is still looking at her Meowth and not smiling at all.

"Back in Saffron City at last!" Domino said in delight.

"And this time, you're going to beat Sabrina, right Jessie?" James turns to Jessie and sees her with a sad expression while looking at Meowth. "Jessie?"

Jessie immediately looks up. "Oh! Yeah, I definitely will! Woo!" She does a weak cheer.

James raises an eyebrow in suspicion. It cuts to the gang at the Saffron City Pokémon Center. Nurse Joys arrives back from the medical room with Meowth in her hands and walks towards Jessie and her friends.

Nurse Joy smiles at Jessie. "Jessie! I'm happy to say that your Meowth has recovered just fine!"

Meowth hops out of Nurse Joy's hands and lands on his feet. "That's right!"

Jessie bows for thankfulness. "Thank you, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy bows back and heads back to the recovery room. Meanwhile, at the table, Domino, James, and Meowth all finished eating their food, but Jessie barely touched it.

Meowth burps after finishing eating. "That was delicious!"

"You could've excused yourself…" Domino said

Meowth scoffs. "Yeah right. You must've mistaken me as one of those fancy-schmancy Meowth. No thanks."

Domino just rolls his eyes in response. It shows James noticing Jessie hasn't touched her food once.

"Okay Jessie, what's up?" James asked his friend. "You haven't touched your food once."

Jessie takes a big sigh. "It's just that I lost that Pokémon battle to that ace trainer earlier and I don't know if I'm still ready for Sabrina."

"Well, I can't blame you," Domino responded. "You are on your third battle with Sabrina and who knows what will happen if you lose the third time to her."

Jessie groans and slides under the table, out of the view. James side-eyes Domino, in annoyance.

"You're not helping, Domino…" James stands up and offers his hand to Jessie to help her back up, which she accepts. "Jessie, you gotta be confident. You know you're not going to get anywhere if you're doubting yourself like that."

Domino stands up and walks over to Jessie. "James is right. We all believe that you can beat Sabrina once and for all!"

"Show that Sabrina who's the boss!" Meowth added.

After getting pep talks from her friends and Pokémon. Jessie rises back from her seat, now looking confident. "You guys are right, I can't lose this time. I have to beat Sabrina once and for all and earn my sixth Gym Badge!" She gets up and starts heading towards the exit. "Let's go!" Jessie sprints off to the Saffron Gym.

"Wow James, nice pep talking back there!" Domino complimented.

James chuckles and rubs his head. "Thanks, but I couldn't just stand there and see her like that."

"We should follow her though…" Meowth suggested.

It cuts to Jessie sprinting on the streets of Saffron, heading towards the Gym. Until she bumped into someone, and both proceeded to fall to the ground. The person that Jessie bumped into was a male who had cyan hair with cyan eyes. He also had a cyan T-shirt as well.

The cyan-haired person opens his eyes to look at Jessie and growls in anger "Watch where you are going, you dumb bitch!"

"Hey!" Jessie immediately gets up. "Sorry I bumped into you, but that doesn't mean to act so rude towards me!"

The cyan-haired person gets up. "Hmph!" He turns around and walks away without saying a word.

Jessie just stares at the stranger walking away, enough for Domino, James, and Meowth to catch up with her.

"Wow, thanks for waiting for us," Domino says.

"What are you looking at?" James looks at the direction Jessie is looking at, trying to find out.

"It's nothing… Come on, let's just head to Saffron Gym." Jessie turns around and continues to head back to the Gym with James, Domino, and Meowth following her.

It cuts to the cyan-haired person that Jessie bumped into earlier. He is leaning on a building's wall, he looks to his right and then his left.

"Where are these guys?" He asked.

Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo wearing black trench coats, black top hats, and sunglasses, all arrived towards the cyan-haired person.

Cassidy walks up to the cyan-haired person and whispers in his ear. "The Slowpoke has arrived at the pond."

"Ah good. You're the three Giovanni has sent." The cyan-haired person looks at his wrist and starts tapping on his watch.

"What are you doing?" Butch asked.

"Trying to call Giovanni, of course." The cyan-haired person answered.

Mondo blankly stares. "With your watch?"

A projector from the cyan-haired person's watch appears and shows Giovanni. Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo all gasped in amazement.

"Ahh, Archer, I see you have finally met Cassidy, Butch, and Mondo," Giovanni says, revealing the cyan-haired person's name.

Archer nods. "Yes, sir."

"You three." Giovanni directed the trio. "I want you to meet your partner who will help you and carry out this mission with you. Meet Archer, he's an Executive member."

The trio all gasped. "EXECUTIVE MEMBER?!"

"That's right. I am an executive Team Rocket member and I expect this mission to be successful and if you three fail me, the boss will certainly hear about this." Archer explained.

Giovanni nods. "That's right. Especially how important this mission is, this is a mission that cannot fail. If you might have heard, I was in Saffron City for a few days. Studying and observing the whole city, because I heard rumors that a building in this city contains a special Poké Ball. A very special Poké Ball like any other Poké Ball."

The projector on Archer's watch shows a Poké Ball with a two-shade purple top forming two brighter purple circles on the sides of the top, as well as a white letter 'M' printed on the top.

"What you see here is the Master Ball," Giovanni explained.

Cassidy opened her mouth, she was about to ask a question, but Giovanni managed to read her mind before she could ask.

"Why is it important you might ask?" Giovanni replied rhetorically.

Cassidy then proceeds to close her mouth.

"This very special Poké Ball is the only Poké Ball in the world where you can catch any Pokémon without fail," Giovanni explained. "I must have it in my possession at once! There's a building in Saffron City called the Silph Co. They have the Master Ball hidden somewhere in the building. I want the four of you to invade the Silph Co. and retrieve the Master Ball for me."

The Team Rocket trio and Archer all nodded. "Yes, sir!" They all said.

"Very well. As you can see, this mission is extremely important for me, do not let me down." Giovanni demanded.

The projector of Archer's watch turns off.

"Let's do this guys!" Cassidy stood up and was about to sprint off.

Archer stops her. "Hold it, imbecile! What are you doing?"

"Didn't you hear the boss' orders? We're invading the Silph Co. duh!" Cassidy answered.

"We're not just going to burst down the door and alert everyone. No, we're gonna sneak attack them, surprise them. So that we have some time before the police will arrive." Archer explained.

Butch chuckles. "Wow Cass, we just met this guy and he has better plans than you do."

Cassidy growls. "Shut it, Buford!"

"MY NAME IS BUTCH AND YOU KNOW IT!" Butch screamed at Cassidy in frustration.

Mondo sighs. "Here we go again…"

Archer looks on seeing Cassidy and Butch argue and thinks to himself. "How are these guys still Team Rocket members?" He said in his thoughts.

It cuts to Jessie and Co. standing outside and looking at the Saffron Gym.

Jessie takes a big breath. "Okay, I can do this. I can beat Sabrina."

"We're by your side, Jessie!" James says.

"Yeah, teach Sabrina a lesson!" Domino added.

"You're gonna have to because something happens when you lose to her three times." Meowth also added.

"So… you actually came back." A familiar masculine voice grabs the gang's attention as they look to see who it is.

It was the pink-haired purple-eyes person, Daniel, who approached the gang.

"I'm grateful that you came back. I thought you wouldn't consider how tough Sabrina is." Daniel said, directing Jessie.

"The reason why I left is because to get stronger so when I come back, I'll be ready for Sabrina this time." Jessie was about to walk to the Gym until she remembered something and stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She turns to Daniel. "Our little bet is still alive by the way, don't forget." Jessie chuckles and then proceeds to head inside the Gym with her friends following right behind her.

Daniel gulps. "Oh boy…"

It cuts to inside the Saffron Gym with Jessie and her friends entering and starts walking towards the double doors, where the battlefield is located inside.

"Sabrina, I'm back!" Jessie yelled as she swung the double doors open.

Sabrina appears, teleporting to the other side of the battlefield. "So… you returned to lose to me again."

"D-did she just teleported?" Domino says, shivering a little.

Jessie replies to Sabrina with determination in her eyes. "That's not going to happen this time, Sabrina! I got stronger and now I'm ready for you!"

Sabrina starts staring right into Jessie. "If you lose to me the third time, your punishment this time is that I will turn you into a doll and you will fit in my collection… forever."

Sabrina's eyes glow blue as the whole room projects a lot of dolls of previous trainers who lost to Sabrina three times. Jessie and her friends immediately start shaking in fear as the room returns to normal.

"So that's why the trainers went missing!" James pointed out. "Jessie, you can't lose here!"

"Not planning on it!" Jessie replied.

Sabrina starts explaining the Gym rules. "This will be a three-on-three battle, do you accept that?"

Jessie nods. "I accept!"

"Very well. Go Poké Ball." Sabrina drops the Poké Ball onto the battlefield as her first Pokémon bursts out.

What came out was a humanoid Pokémon that resembled a woman. It has a purple face, pink lips, saucer-like eyes, and long blonde hair. "Jynx!" It cried out.

"Hmm…" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex.

"Jynx, the Human Shape Pokémon. An ice and psychic type. It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it. Jynx can only be female."

Meowth gags. "No thanks…"

"Sabrina didn't use that Pokémon before. She must've caught it recently." Domino says.

"Squirtle, I choose you!" Jessie sends out Squirtle into battle.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle cried out into battle.

Jessie decided to start with the first move. "Skull Bash, let's go!"

Squirtle starts dashing toward Jynx, jumps, and then leans its head toward Jynx while in the air.

"Jynx, use Lovely Kiss." Sabrina countered.

Jessie's eyes widened. "A lovely what?"

Jynx's lips glow pink and the Pokémon puckers up, kissing Squirtle's head while the Pokémon is attempting a Skull Bash.

Squirtle lands on its feet on the ground and starts feeling woozy. "Squirtle…" Squirtle falls to the ground and falls asleep.

Jessie gasped. "Squirtle, you got to wake up!"

Sabrina proceeds with her next move. "Jynx, Body Slam."

"Jynx!" Jynx drops onto Squirtle with her full body weight, as the water turtle Pokémon takes damage and remains asleep.

"I-I can't do anything with Squirtle being asleep." Jessie stuttered, from being worried.

"Body Slam again…" Sabrina commands the same move.

Jynx drops onto Squirtle once more with her full body weight, the water turtle taking more damage only this time, Squirtle wakes up from slumber.

Jessie commands her move seeing that Squirtle is awake. "Hydro Pump!"

"Squirtle!" Squirtle opens its mouth and shoots a rapid flow of water right at Jynx, but the humanoid Pokémon manages to dodge it by moving out of the way.

Sabrina tries to put Squirtle back to sleep. "Lovely Kiss."

Jessie immediately commands back to avoid that from happening. "Dodge it, Squirtle!"

Jynx tries to kiss Squirtle again to put it back to sleep, but Squirtle quickly keeps stepping back to dodge it and manages to do so.

Jessie thinks this is the perfect time to strike. "Skull Bash, quick!"

Squirtle quickly bashes Jynx in the gut with its head as the humanoid Pokémon takes damage.

"Jynx!" The humanoid Pokémon cries in pain.

Jessie smiles. "There you go, Squirtle!"

Sabrina continues staring with no expression on her face. "Ice Punch…"

"Withdraw, Squirtle!" Jessie countered.

Jynx's hand is surrounded by snow, Squirtle quickly withdraws into its shell as Jynx then punches Squirtle's shell. Squirtle still takes some damage, but not a lot.

Sabrina commands the same move to Jynx once more. "Ice Punch again…"

"Jynx!" Jynx's hand is surrounded by more snow and punches Squirtle's shell once more. The water turtle Pokémon taking more damage, but not a lot.

Jessie commands the next move."Use Bite!"

Squirtle peeks out of its shell.

Sabrina immediately called out a move the moment Squirtle peeked out of its shell. "Lovely Kiss…"

"Jynx!" Jynx's lips glow pink and plants a kiss on Squirtle, sending the Pokémon to sleep before Squirtle could use the move that Jessie commanded earlier.

Jessie grits her teeth. "Oh crap, that caught me off guard!"

Sabrina has determination in her eyes. "Body Slam…"

Jynx then proceeds to drip onto Squirtle with its full body, as Squirtle faints from the battle.

"Squirtle, return!" Jessie recalls Squirtle back into its Poké Ball and looks at it. "You did great, Squirtle." Jessie proceeds to put the Poké Ball back in her purse and pulls out a different one.

"I wonder what Jessie will send out next…" Domino said.

"Maybe Rapidash, because of fire types having the advantage over an ice type like Jynx," James answered.

"Diglett, I choose you!" Jessie sends Diglett out into battle.

"Diglett dig!" The Shiny Diglett cries and sparkles into battle.

"Ice types have the advantage over ground types. What is Jessie doing?!" Meowth immediately questioned.

"Hopefully this is just some strategy she has," James replied.

Jessie once more starts up with the first move of the round. "Sand Attack, let's go!"

"Diglett dig!" Diglett moves down to the ground and back up to the surface over and over while proceeding to throw sand in Jynx's face.

"Jynx!" The humanoid Pokémon cries in pain.

Sabrina commands her next move. "Lovely Kiss…"

Jessie follows up with commanding to dodge. "Dodge it, Diglett!"

Jynx's lips glow pink and tries to kiss Diglett, but Diglett immediately dodges the move by popping down to the ground of the battlefield.

"Jynx?" Jynx scratches her head in confusion.

Diglett pops back up from the ground in a different spot on the battlefield. "Diglett dig!"

Jynx dives to where Diglett is, trying to kiss the Pokémon to put it to sleep, but Diglett dodges once more by popping back down to the ground of the battlefield.

Jessie laughs. "Awesome dodging Diglett. Use Sand Attack once more!"

Diglett pops back up to a different spot once more. "Diglett dig!" Then proceeds to throw more sand in Jynx's face.

"Jessie is just using Sand Attack?" Domino questioned.

James thinks for a moment. "To lower Jynx's accuracy, I think this is Jessie's plan."

Sabrina slowly starts getting angry. "Ice Punch…"

"Jynx!" Jynx's hand starts being surrounded by now and tries to punch Diglett, but Diglett dodges once more by popping out of the ground and then back up to a different spot.

Jessie chuckles. "Keep using Sand Attack!"

"Diglett dig!" Diglett proceeds to throw more sand into Jynx's face, causing the humanoid Pokémon to cry more in pain.

"Enough of this now!" Sabrina now starts expressing her anger. "Blizzard!"

Jynx fires a blizzard from her mouth and strikes Diglett before it can dodge it again.

"Diglett dig!" Diglett cries in so much pain and immediately faints from getting hit by a super-effective move.

"Diglett, return!" Jessie recalls Diglett back into its Poké Ball and then looks at it. "That's all I needed from you, thank you so much. Take a nice rest." Jessie puts the Poké Ball back in her purse and pulls out a different one, a Safari Ball.

"Jessie's down to her last Pokémon while Sabrina still has all of her three Pokémon left…" Domino pointed out.

Meowth sighs. "I can't believe she's going to be a doll forever…"

"Never say never Meowth, the battle isn't over yet," James says, trying to bring out some confidence.

"Alright, you're my last hope. I know you can do it." Jessie says, looking at her last Pokémon in the Safari Ball for the battle. "Scyther, I choose you!" She sends Scyther out to battle.

"Scyther!" The Pokémon cried out.

"AH!" Domino quickly hides behind James from Scyther as both James and Meowth just roll their eyes.

Sabrina starts this round this time with the first move. "Ice Punch!"

"Jynx!" Jynx's hand starts getting surrounded by snow and tries to punch Scyther, but the Pokémon dodges by quickly flying out of the way.

Jessie smiles from seeing Scyther dodging. "Nice dodging, Scyther, now use Swords Dance!"

"Scyther!" Scyther crosses its claws across its chest and spins around rapidly, boosting its attack power by two.

Sabrina commands the same move to Jynx. "Keep using Ice Punch!"

Jynx keeps trying to punch Scyther with its snowy fist, but Scyther also keeps dodging out of the way left and right. Sabrina starts to growl.

Jessie also commands the same move as well. "Swords Dance again!"

Scyther once more crosses its claws across its chest and spins around rapidly, boosting its attack power again by two.

Sabrina decides to use a different move this time. "Lovely Kiss, try to hit Scyther this time!"

"Jynx!" Jynx blows a kiss at Scyther, releasing a pink heart-shaped wave at the Pokémon, but Scyther dodges the move again with its speed.

Sabrina is getting a little worried but doesn't express it.

"Great! Now use Swords Dance one final time!" Jessie commands the move one more time.

"Scyther!" Scyther crosses its claws one final time, boosting and maxing out its attack power.

Sabrina clutches her fist. "Jynx, use Blizzard!"

Jynx fires a blizzard from her mouth right at Scyther, but the mantis Pokémon dodges the move, acting untouchable.

"Impossible…" Sabrina said, shocked at what she was witnessing.

Jessie crosses her arms and grins. "Slash!"

Scyther dashes towards Jynx with its wing and slashes the Pokémon with its claws and Jynx falls back and faints on the battlefield, instantly.

Sabrina, still in shock, recalls Jynx back. "Jynx, return."

James realizes Jessie's strategy. "So that was Jessie's plan all this time!"

"Huh?" Domino looks at James. "What was, James?"

"Jessie used Diglett to lower Jynx's accuracy, that way she can use Swords Dance to boost up Scyther's attack constantly while dodging and not taking any damage at all," James answered.

"Wow… that's pretty smart," Meowth admitted.

Sabrina sends her next to the battlefield. "Mr. Mime, you're next."

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime cries out into battle.

"Confusion, now," Sabrina commanded.

Mr. Mime raises their finger in the air and fires another beam of psychic energy, hitting Scyther right on point.

"Scyther!" The mantis Pokémon cries out in pain from taking damage.

Jessie grits her teeth. "Hang in there, Scyther! Use Wing Attack!"

"Teleport out of the way." Sabrina quickly countered.

Scyther dashes towards Mr. Mime by flying, trying to strike the Pokémon with its wings, but Mr. Mime dodges by teleporting to a different location on the battlefield, but it backfires for Sabrina as Scyther strikes Mr. Mime with its wing by dashes towards the Pokémon again but faster as Mr. Mime also faints instantly.

Jessie chuckles. "Nice one, Scyther!"

Domino also chuckles. "Jessie managed to tie things up now!"

"Scyther is pretty strong!" James complimented.

"Down to the wire! This is popcorn-worthy!" Meowth says.

Sabrina quietly recalls Mr. Mime, and sends out her next Pokémon without saying anything at all, hinting she's taking things more seriously.

"Alakazam!" The Pokémon cried out.

Jessie calls out the first move of the round. "Double Team!"

"Scyther!" Scyther creates illusions of itself around the battlefield, surrounding Alakazam.

Sabrina has a glare on her face. "Focus and use Psybeam."

Alakazam closes its eyes and then crosses its spoons, then proceeds to release a multicolored beam from its spoons and hits the real Scyther despite the illusions of the Pokémon as they disappear.

"Scyther!" The Pokémon cries out in pain from taking damage.

"Oh no!" Jessie's jaw dropped in shock. "That didn't work at all! Quick, use Slash!"

Scyther dashes toward Alakazam and tries to slash the Pokémon with its claws, but Alakazam teleports out of the way, dodging the move.

Sabrina commands her next move, which shocks Jessie and the gang. "Thunder Wave…"

Alakazam crosses its spoons as it releases a charge of electricity right at Scyther and it hits the Pokémon.

"Scyther!" The mantis Pokémon cries out in pain, as electricity surrounds Scyther, signaling it's paralyzed.

"Shit, this isn't good!" Jessie says, a little worried. "Try to use Slash again, Scyther!"

Scyther tries to fly so it can dash toward Alakazam, but the paralysis prevents it. Scyther lands back on the ground. Jessie starts sweating from being nervous.

Sabrina commands the next move. "Psychic!"

Alakazam crosses its spoons and becomes surrounded by a blue aura, then Scyther becomes frozen and becomes under the control of Alakazam.

"Your Scyther is under control now…" Sabrina confirmed. "Alakazam, send it flying towards the wall."

"Alakazam!" Alakazam starts controlling Scyther, lifting it in the air and ready to throw it towards the wall.

Jessie immediately needed to do something. "SCYTHER, TRY TO FIGHT IT!"

"S-Scyther…" Scyther quietly cries out, while its eyes are closed.

Alakazam was ready to deliver the final blow by sending Scyther hard toward the Gym wall, but in Sabrina and Alakazam's shock, Scyther didn't move, signaling that the Pokémon was fighting the control.

"What?! Alakazam, slam the Pokémon to the wall, now!" Sabrina immediately commanded.

Alakazam tries to control Scyther to hit the wall, but Scyther still stays in the same position. "Alakazam?" The Pokémon scratches its head in confusion.

Jessie immediately saw the opportunity "NOW!"

Scyther opens its eyes and dashes toward Alakazam extremely fast with its wings and slashes the Pokémon with its claws.

"ALAKAZAM!" The Pokémon screams out in pain as Alakazam hits the floor and immediately faints from battle.

Sabrina's eyes widened. "What…" She recalls Alakazam back in its Poké Ball.

"Jessie and Scyther did it!" Domino pointed out.

"What a comeback!" James added.

Meowth doesn't say anything and just nods in approval.

"You did it, Scyther!" Jessie runs down to the battlefield to hug her Scyther.

"Scyther!" Scyther cheerfully cries out.

"You deserve a good rest!" Jessie recalls Scyther back in its Safari Ball.

Sabrina looks on to Jessie and starts getting angry from losing, as she slowly grits her teeth. Her eyes start to glow blue. While Jessie was hugging Scyther, her body started glowing blue and now is levitating in the air.

"What?" Jessie looked around her body and then at Sabrina. "What are you doing?!"

"Get ready to be a doll forever…" Sabrina answered, causing everyone to gasp in shock.

"BUT I BEATEN YOU!" Jessie screamed out.

"YEAH, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Domino added

"STOP WITH THIS NONSENSE!" James also as well.

Sabrina looks at Domino, James, and Meowth with her eyes still glowing blue, as now their bodies also start glowing blue and levitating in the air. Jessie and her friends all screamed while Sabrina was close to turning them into dolls until she heard a familiar voice.


Sabrina looks where the voice came from and gasps in shock "D-Daniel?" Her eyes stop glowing blue, which causes Jessie and her friends to stop levitating and hit the ground.

Daniel slowly walks over to Sabrina. "Sabrina… There's something I never got to tell you all these years, but I made this promise that if Jessie beats you, I'm gonna keep it. Sabrina… I started to have feelings for you a long time ago, but I was just too nervous to admit." Daniel takes a deep breath. "Sabrina… will you officially go out with me?"

Sabrina's mouth was wide open as her eyes began to sparkle. She slowly starts to smile and nods her head. "I-I will!" She immediately hugs Daniel, who hugs her back.

"I-I love you, Sabrina."

"I love you too, Daniel."

Sabrina and Daniel close their eyes and lean their lips together, as they officially kiss. Jessie and the gang all looked on with tears of joy in their eyes from what they were witnessing. Sabrina's eyes start to glow blue as all the previous trainers that Sabrina turned into dolls appear on the battlefield.

One of the trainers looks around in confusion. "Huh? What's going on?"

"Where am I?" Another trainer asked.

Then another trainer was scratching their head in confusion. "I'm alive?"

It cuts to Jessie and friends walking on the streets of Saffron City, as we see Jessie holding the Marsh Badge that she earned.

Jessie smiles. "Another badge and I just need two more to enter the Kanto Pokémon League now!"

"And you can thank Scyther!" Domino pointed out

"Or you would've been a doll forever." James chuckles.

"Being a doll would suck," Meowth says.

Jessie chuckles and rubs her head. "You got that right."

Jessie and her friends start walking beside a TV store with Televisions being displayed outside and protected by glass.


The sound of the news anchor from the displayed televisions immediately got Jessie and her friend's attention.

The news shows a picture of the Silph Co. building "Team Rocket have invaded the Silph Co. headquarters in Saffron City and are holding the President hostage!"

The gang immediately looked at each other. "TEAM ROCKET!"

"Come on, let's go over there immediately!" Jessie commanded.

Her friends all nodded in response as they and Jessie immediately sprinted off to the Silph Co.

"Jessie has finally beaten Sabrina and earned the Marsh Badge! But danger is now upon them as Team Rocket has invaded the Silph Co. headquarters. Will Jessie and her friends put a stop to Team Rocket once more? Find out soon as the journey continues!"