

作者: Dev_5370
連載中 · 886 ビュー
  • 1 章
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WebNovel で公開されている、Dev_5370 の作者が書いた ATLAS SILVER -A HOGWARTS STORY の小説を読んでください。...



Ada cinta dibawah guyuran hujan

Hadiah untuk tiga orang pemenang, masing-masing mendapat uang sebesar Rp 5 Miliar?!! Seru tiga gadis dengan kompak membaca pengumuman yang terpampang di layar smartphone salah satu pemiliknya. Megumi, Naomi, dan Kiyomi, tiga serangkai nama yang sangat antusias melihat informasi dari salah satu artikel. Isi dari artikel tersebut berupa ajakan untuk ikut memainkan salah satu game online dimana kedua belas zodiak berkompetisi menenangkan sayembara, untuk memperebutkan gelar dazzling King/Queen. tapi aku masuk ke golongan Scorpio. kata Megumi lho? kok bisa?? Zodiak kamu kan Aries. kedua gadis itu terheran-heran Bintang aku memang Aries, tapi aku bukan Aries murni. Aries yang satu tidak sama dengan yang lain. Zodiak aku dominan ke Scorpio kawan-kawan. Megumi berseloroh. Bah! peraturan darimana pula itu? Aku nggak paham. keluh mereka Ada yang tahu kenapa Megumi bergabung di klan Scorpio? Dalam game online tersebut, gadis itu juga akan menjalani misi menyelamatkan dunia anak-anak. Tentunya dengan seorang partner pria dari golongan zodiak lain. Li-el, nama pria yang mengisi kehidupannya di dunia virtual maupun nyata. pria yang sedikit.... punya masalah kesehatan mental. Disisi lain, hubungannya dengan Devdas, sahabat prianya dengan tingkahnya yang tengil, yang suka cari-cari perhatian kepadanya. Sehingga tidak jarang pria itu mendapat jitakan dari seorang Megumi, yang juga membuat hidupnya jungkir balik.

Sonia_Ansita · ファンタジー

Pay back 2

"i refuse"she said calmly "crystabela, you're a lady who is due for marriage"her father the king said calmly "father i cannot marry when i have duties and an army to command."crystabela said firmly "your brother can command your army and your sister, mirabela can fufuil your duty of a princess" "sorry to interrupt but why did father called mirabela they third princess instead of isabella the second princess ?"isabella asked "sister"crytabella made her shut up "father, you donot think i refused to be queen just to be a distant princess?" "you are not getting any younger"the king said "father i will marry a fine man of wilibreg.Who doesn't want a princess and a commander as wife?" "you will wed the second prince of inca"the king said with authority "AND l REFUSE TO WED A STRANGER"he shouted "i am your king"he said "and i am your daughter ,princess and a commander of my country"she replied "you are just a girl"one of the king court said "a girl? was i a girl when i won five battles for this country? or was i a girl when i defeated two countries and made them ours?ANSWER ME"she commanded. "Crystabela"the king called "father i refuse and i wish you to reject the gift" "I CANNOT"he shouted "father won't you reject? father did you accept the proposal?" "i did and your marriage to the second prince of inca is in three days time" "i will not go to a foriegn land were i donot know their wall for marriage, weren't you think of me as your daughter?" "i was thinking as a king, for my country and my followers future, and as a commander i expect you to do same"he said "i object"crystabella shouted "silence"the king shut her up "princess isabella, you must stand side to side with your sister on her wedding day ". "if i may speak, father you are her father and you must give her hands to her huaband not me." "I will give both hands of my daughter on the same day." "father? mother? i won't get married i donot want to be caged forever why not mirabella she will make a good princess and a better wife" "you all have been dismissed."the king said They all bowed before leaving in anger and worry .

Favour_Philemon · ファンタジー
1 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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