
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · ホラー
34 Chs

I Hear Everything

Chapter 29: I Hear Everything

Kaito and Hikoto look at each other terrified, they back away from each other without saying a word, they go in their area and they sit down on their beds. They look down while not saying a word and having wide eyes.

Shino and Mio were in the cell, they were sitting down next to eachother, Shino's eyes widen in fear and terror,

Shino - "no…"

Mio looks at her confused and worried, she says in a gentle tone,

Mio - "What's wrong?"

Shino looks around terrified and worried, she puts her hand on her own forehead,

Shino - "Where's Aoi?!"

Mio - "Who?"

Shino - "fuck… Aoi…"

As soon as Shino says her name, a dark figure walks up to the cell, the figure had a dark plague mask, it was the Black Reaper.

Shino shuts up and looks at him petrified, Black Reaper had something in his hand.

Shino, curious, looks at what he has in hand. In his hands, was a severed head with blood dripping all over the floor, Shino tries to see who the head belonged to, since it was barely recognisable, until she realised that that head belonged to Aoi. Her eyes widen and she starts crying and yelling, Aoi's head was decapitated, her eyes were gouged out and a wooden stick was stuck in her mouth, her jaw presumably fell off, her beautiful brown hair was red because of the blood.

Mio pukes on the floor in disgust, and she hides her face. Black Reaper says in a dark tone,

Black Reaper - "I hear everything."

Shino was screaming on the top of her lungs, tears falling out, she yelled at him,


Black Reaper drops the head on the floor and walks away, now, everytime that Shino looks outside the cell, she'll always see Aoi's head.