
[Reynold Dixon]

Time slipped away like sand through my fingers, and suddenly, I found myself stirring from slumber.

The realization of having dozed off hit me like a jolt of electricity, snapping me back to consciousness.

Fuck, I'm still here—in this supposed to be a weird dream.

Fatigue and a prolonged sleep debt had undoubtedly caught up with me, rendering my body vulnerable to the embrace of sleep, even in the midst of daytime. However, the moment I grasped that I had unwittingly succumbed to drowsiness, my eyes shot open, and I became acutely aware of the time I had lost.

My heart burst as I realized I had made a fatal mistake. I immediately looked at the timer above my head.

< Time Remaining: 2:00:00 >

< Time Remaining: 1:59:59 >

[You have earned 10 points!]

2 hours left? I had fallen asleep for that long!

As twilight painted the sky with shades of deepening hues, my gaze fixed upon the once-filled cookie jar now bereft of its sweet treasures.

The fading light seemed to mirror my waning energy and resolve. Fatigue weighed heavily upon me. I didn't have much energy left to search for the water.

The desire for refreshment was undeniable, but the weariness in my bones discouraged any further exertion.

Despite the parched sensation in my throat, I decided to postpone the quest for water, opting instead to find solace in the tranquillity of the darkening evening.

Perhaps, with a restful moment to gather my strength, I could resume the search later, hoping to quench my thirst.

Tread! Tread!

As expected of my luck. Not now.

As adrenaline surged through my veins, I mustered all my strength to flee from the impending danger.

However, as I attempted to take a hurried step forward, a sharp and agonizing jolt of pain shot up from my lower limbs, immobilizing me momentarily.


It felt as if an invisible force had seized control of my legs, thwarting my escape.

In the midst of this distress, an unforeseen and excruciating blow struck me like a thunderbolt.

A dagger found its mark in my torso. The searing pain ripped through my body, causing me to gasp for breath.

Despite my best efforts to stay on my feet, the torment proved overwhelming, and my strength faltered.

My body betrayed me, and I stumbled helplessly to the ground, unable to maintain my balance.


I let my guard down. It got me. I had a faint smirk on.

As I lay there, the world seemed to slow down, and I fixated on the crimson flow escaping from my wound.

In those fleeting moments, my mind raced with thoughts of survival, but the pain and the sight of my own blood were overwhelming.

With a dry swallow, I tried to steady my nerves, fully aware of the rising fear within me. A sense of foreboding washed over me as a chilling sensation crept up my spine, causing the tiny hairs on my back to stand on end.

As I turned my gaze, my heart sank at the sight that greeted me. Two menacing goblins were steadily advancing toward me. I could feel my body tensing up.

Time seemed to slow as I calculated my options. The world around me seemed to blur, my focus solely fixated on those relentless, approaching creatures.

But the thought of escaping seemed futile as the goblins closed the distance between us.

"Garen, did you mention that the pain of death is halved?"

"Yes. Why do you ask? Are you really giving up now?"

"—Do you still think I have a chance to survive–"

The goblins threw another dagger at my other limbs. With a sickening thud, the dagger found its mark, sinking into one of my remaining limbs.

A cry of agony escaped from my lips as the pain surged through me like a scorching fire. I crumpled to the ground, my body unable to bear the onslaught any longer.

Blood pooled around me, mingling with the dust of the battlefield.

"Hmm, sorry I didn't mean to disrupt your focus,"

"—Shut up…It's not like I can dodge that,"

"These goblins, at least let me have some words before I die!"

I had relinquished numerous aspects of my existence, a litany of sacrifices that had accumulated over time.

Among the casualties were my once-promising academic pursuits, cherished friendships that had slipped through my fingers, heartaches of lost lovers, the nebulous concept of a hopeful future, and perhaps most painfully, a surrendering of the very essence of life itself.

These were the burdens I had come to bear, like heavy chains that weighed down my spirit. Why did I thought of that now?

"Garen, sorry to disappoint you…but I don't think I can survive this. I'm giving up," I wish I had a white flag with me now.

My eyes gently closed, preparing to meet my ultimate fate.

"...I have nothing to say about that," Garen spoke. Somehow, his monotone voice calmed me down.

I had grown accustomed to the haunting whispers of "what-ifs" and "if-onlys," those lingering doubts that tormented me in the dark recesses of my mind.


[You have been killed!]

[Your trial has come to an end]

[Evaluating your points and overall performance…]




I had always been a bit of a rebel, marching to the beat of my own drum and never worrying too much about what others thought of me. But as I grew older, I realized that my penchant for going against the grain was coming at a cost.

I had given up so much in my life in pursuit of my own interests and desires. I had neglected my academics, barely scraping by in school and missing out on important opportunities for learning and growth.

I had pushed away friends and lovers, choosing instead to prioritize my own pursuits and passions.

And I had given up on my future, never really setting long-term goals or planning for what lay ahead.

At first, I had felt exhilarated by my free-spirited approach to life. I enjoyed the freedom of not being tied down by societal norms or expectations, and I relished the thrill of pursuing my own path, even if it meant going against the advice and guidance of others.

But as I got older, I began to feel the weight of my choices. I saw my peers moving ahead in their careers, building families, and creating lives for themselves that were stable and fulfilling.

Meanwhile, I felt stuck, trapped in a cycle of short-term gratification that left me feeling empty and unfulfilled in the long run.

Despite my regrets, I found it difficult to change my ways. I had become so accustomed to living in the moment, chasing after whatever caught my fancy, that the idea of planning for the future or sacrificing my immediate desires for a greater goal seemed foreign and daunting.

And so, I continued on my way, chasing my stupid dreams and passions with reckless abandon, even as I felt the sting of regret for all that I had given up along the way.

—Mom, everyone in this lobby chat is praising me! They say that I played like a pro player!

–Wow, you became famous now, sweetheart.

Why, you didn't sound you're proud of me as you used to.

–Student Reynold, don't you have something you want to do in the future?

Finally, some great questions. Probably, starting with skipping your classes.

–Sorry Reynold but—I can't go out with you…I can't go out with someone who spend their time gaming all the time.

What the fuck are you talking about? When did ask you out? I lend you my money last time, remember? I asking for that back.

–Look at this bastard, he talked big but this is all he got? He can't even pull a punch.

Pulling a 1v5 and yet bark. Have fun with washing that bag pack of yours that I just pissed in it during the recess time. Wait, I wondered how will he bark after knowing that?

My mind raced with memories of my life. I thought of all the things I had faced, accomplished, and overcome but also of all the things I had missed out on.

I felt a pang of regret and wished I had spent more time with my loved ones, pursued my education, and planned for my future.

As my body began to shut down, I felt a sense of grief wash over me. I felt the pain and discomfort that had plagued me in life.

Perhaps, because of this?

His younger version playing games on the computer.

ChiyaBoy: Wow, you're so good. Another match?

NoPainNoGain: Told ya, this guy is global-level.

ImnotToxic: It was a fluke. I can do better than him.


Throughout my gaming journey, I had encountered a myriad of both positive and negative comments regarding my gaming ability.

Some applauded my skills, praising me for my impressive gameplay. These words of encouragement fueled my passion for gaming.

On the flip side, not everyone was as kind or supportive. The world of gaming was not without its critics and detractors. Sometimes, I faced disparaging remarks, taunts, and even outright mockery. Somehow, I preferred that.

Another memory flooded. Suddenly, my heart sank deeper.


–Reynold—I'm sorry.

The woman had beautiful long dark hair. She had been the one constant presence in my world, a nurturing figure who never hesitated to lend a helping hand and support during moments of sickness or to offer solace in times of sadness.

Her praises, like a melodic symphony, resonated in my ears whenever I achieved something noteworthy, filling me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Yet, in the comfort of her unwavering love and care, I had unknowingly taken her for granted.

It all happened because of that day.

Blinded by the illusion of entitlement, I had assumed her affection was an everlasting gift, an unyielding stream of devotion I could tap into whenever I pleased.

I had failed to recognize the depth of her pain, the selflessness of her gestures, and the love that flowed unconditionally from her heart.

As time wore on, cracks began to form in the once-perfect facade. The realization dawned upon me like a sudden revelation, an awakening to the truth I had ignored for far too long.

I saw how I had overlooked her needs and desires. The weight of regret pressed heavily upon me, as I longed to turn back time. If only I—

Then…another girl came and kicked my knee.


–I hate you, Reynold…You and your stupid game!! Because of you—mom—I don't want to see your face ever again.

If only I—

I wondered what my life would turn out if I was there at that time. If only—

The little girl cried and ran towards the empty void before she disappeared.

As I looked back on my life, I realized that I had been selfish, demanding, and sometimes cruel. I had my gaze lowered, and sank into the dark floor. I felt a strange detachment from the physical world. I felt as though I was floating, weightless and free.

Garen's words had promised a reduction in pain, yet the torment persisted. It was unclear whether the source of this was solely from dying or whether those memories.

I had long forgotten about those, did it resurface because I had died? Is this what I heard they called 'your life flashed when you died'?

Suddenly, I felt a pull, as though something was tugging on my very essence. I felt myself being drawn close to somewhere. As I moved through the void, I felt a sense of inquisitiveness and wonder.

As though I was seeing the world in a completely new way, unencumbered by the limitations of my physical form. I saw flashes of light and colour.

[You have been killed!]

[Your trial ends here]

[Evaluating your trial's performance…]

Just as I thought I was fading into eternal darkness, a bright light appeared in front of me. I felt a jolt and opened my eyes to find myself back in my body.

"Welcome back alive."

Garen greeted me expressionlessly.

I immediately checks my throat. The sensation of my throat being sliced alive by the dagger was still vivid in my head.

Remembering the horrendous and gruesome moment brought chills to my body, causing me to sweat and felt nauseated.

"How does reviving from death feels?"

"—like spamming the respawn button but you have to wait—I felt for eternity in there," There was a sour taste in my mouth.

"As you collapsed, tears streamed down your face profusely. Was the agony of dying simply too much to bear?"

I saw my face was pale from the reflection of the dark floor. I immediately stood up from the ground.

"Am I back to The Main Lobby Realm?" I ignored Garen's question.

"Yes. This was a little late but congratulation on completing your trial,"

"So what's now?"

"We wait for your result first then we will move on to the next stage. It seemed your result is here,"


< Player's Trial Result >

Name: Reynold Dixon

{ Points Accumulated : 410 Pts }

Survival Time : 34: 01: 13

Troll Killed : 1

Goblin Killed : 10

{ Assessing The Player Stats… }

Strength: 4

Agility: 3

Endurance: 3

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 16

Perception: 13

Willpower: 4

{ Stats Points Accumulated : 6 Pts }

{ Player Ranking : 7th }


"What the fuck with those lousy stats!?"

"To be frank, you performed admirably, securing a commendable 7th position among all the players. However, the system's assessment is rigid, implying that your abilities were confined to that specific level and no further. Despite this limitation, you managed to achieve a splendid result,"

"Now that I thought about it, this game seemed stupid,"

"Enough, it's time we move onto the next part,"

Finally, the trial has ended. Now, we're getting closer for the real game. Thanks for reading this chapter.

Shyrlocreators' thoughts