In the aftermath of the fall of the Romanum Empire, a new power rose to dominate the world. The mysterious Astral Imperium swept across the land, conquering nations and bringing them under a single, unifying banner. They fused together science, magic, and technology, creating a new era of innovation and progress unlike anything the world had ever seen before. Now, centuries later, the Astral Imperium has set its sights on the stars. Their first venture into outer space is about to begin, with a team of the most skilled scientists, engineers, and mages leading the way. But as they travel deeper into the void, they begin to uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden. As the expedition becomes increasingly dangerous, the team must rely on all of their skills and knowledge to survive. But when they discover an ancient power that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear, they are faced with a choice that could determine the fate of the Astral Imperium itself. They were not alone in this universe. They must do anything necessary to make sure that they survive the dangers that lay ahead. FOR THE SUPREMACY OF THE HUMAN RACE!