
New Duty

On the following day, after a night of drunken tales and merriment amongst the Paragon Knights, Liam strutted before Theon after being summoned in what he would assume was his office inside the Grand Palace.

The Paragon Knight Commander sat on an oak wooden stool with legs that were thick enough to carry his weight.

Just a little above Theon's head was a square window where a streak of light infiltrated through the shabby room while he could see specks of tiny dust particles along with the rays of daylight entering from outside.

Several heads of creatures lined on both sides of the window, different fangs and unseeing eyes stared at Liam, seeming they were ready to devour him as if they had been alive instead of merely being displayed in Theon's designated Paragon Knight Commander office.

Theon caught Liam's gaze, the Paragon Knight Commander clearing his throat right after.

"Have you thought about what I said yesterday, Ronin?"

Liam contemplatively thought about it again in front of him, and the answer that wanted to be stated from his mouth was quite conspicuous.

However, he had to tone down the fake determination he was supposed to show to claim the new position which Theon had offered, or else things might look scripted in the Paragon Knight Commander's eyes.

He did not want to appear impatient before the Paragon Knight Commander, or that might send him a wrong impression.

Keeping his face steady, Liam looked at the Paragon Knight Commander.

"In all honesty, it would be a privilege to have this title, Sir. Who am I to decline such a grand gesture from the Light King's right-wing? It's unfortunate that the left-wing is missing."

"Hahaha. You're learning a lot of humorous names most players from your squad gave to higher-ups, I see. Very well. That settles it then. There's nothing much for me to tell you since you have proven that you already know a lot. You know, it actually made me think you lived your life with the same high status in your homeworld. Well, never mind. Most of the other things that you will need to know, you could learn from experience. Just continue the breathing exercises I told you and eventually you will gain confidence to have your cultivation."

Liam wanted to laugh after he heard Theon's advice.

Breathing has an enormous significance in the <Mana System> and <Cultivation System>.

Most creatures in the <Mighty Tower> originally didn't need to breathe air in their home planet to keep living.

Air wasn't necessary for most of them.

That was why they would stay on the <First Floor> after they became <Players> to ingrain simple breathing in their system after the <Mana Scroll> rearranged their bodies to have a breathing means.

However, it was second nature to humans like Liam.

If he wasn't having a hard time choosing a cultivation type that would perfectly suit him, he could achieve feats in cultivation most <Players> couldn't.

"But there is one thing which I should tell you about, Ronin. Every three days, you will have the chance to serve the Light King personally. It is one of the Paragon Knight Commander's duties."

Theon paused, checking on Liam to see if he had anything to say.

"Do you have questions before I dismiss you, Ronin?"

In truth, Liam has a lot of questions to ask.

But he knew Theon would never give him the answer he seeks.

The Princess's death was a topic that no one could talk about freely around the Palace.

It would almost be impossible for Liam to find out anything with everyone keeping their mouths shut regarding her passing, especially when the technologies he was used to on Earth weren't existing at all in this chaotic world.

From what Theon has just said, there seemed to be only one way only for him to find information.

It was no other than from the Light King himself.

Regardless of the numerous questions flooding inside his head, Liam chose a safer question to ask the Paragon Knight Commander instead.

"In fact, I have one, Sir," Liam cleared his throat, "Do I get to keep my squad and have the same privilege as you do even though I'm just a temporary replacement to the left-wing's position?"

Theon hesitantly nodded as if he wasn't certain either as he answered Liam's query without speaking.

"First things first. You still have to finish the quest, Ronin. Don't think about that too much. Hence your squad remains under your wing and maybe a few more people until after you have succeeded." Theon finished the conversation.

* * * * *

If not for the pointy ears, Princess Celestia could easily pass off as a normal mortal.

Her broad, enchanting eyes were staring at Liam from a painting hanging in the council chamber that appeared to look like an art museum of the princess.

Soft blonde curls fell on her shoulders and a mischievous smile was visible on her naturally gradient lips.

Without her pointed nose and several jewels abundantly displayed on her neck and hands, she could be a regular American girl with rich parents.

Liam was beginning to understand why the Dark Lord was head over heels to her.

"Your daughter is exceptionally gorgeous, Milord. She received lots of her traits from you. The royal blood was certainly coursing elegantly through her veins. And I had to give credit to the painter of this art as well. The art captured the magnificence look of your daughter, Milord. This is so realistic. Definitely the best portrait I have seen," Liam expressed upon the Light King's approach.

"Hahahahaha! Splendid! That's how I would like people to praise my daughter. She truly was. But if she would hear that kind of compliments from me, she would brush it off in a heartbeat and claim that I am only saying such flattering words because she's my daughter."

The Light King's expression brightened as he reminisced about the child Princess Celestia, nagging him about giving such praises.

Liam let himself chuckle, lightening the mood even more that was beginning to surround them inside the council chamber.

Twelve elegant seats circled the elongated table in the middle.

Stacks of rolled scrolls lie on the table and the Light King gestured for Liam to take a seat.

"Thank you for joining me today, Ronin. These additional Commander duties are quite bothersome, aren't they?"

"No, Milord. They aren't bothersome at all."

"I am fine with honesty, Ronin. Even I myself sometimes get tired of having these seemingly minimal but endless tasks for a king."

"That is true, Milord. I could imagine how bothersome doing these things often. These little things are what people don't see while imaging themselves in your position, Milord."

Liam could understand where the king was coming from.

He was an extremely prominent person on Earth, after all.

Being a person whom people count on and look up to has never been easy, especially doing it continually.

The perseverance it required was extraordinarily draining.

Most people thought that having that kind of fame and power was perfect without actually looking at the responsibilities attached to it.

Some would even be envious and wished to have that kind of life.

But Liam had experienced it firsthand, and he could at least tell that it was far from fascinating.

Putting aside the immense sum and the luxurious life he had enjoyed with Selene, the constant demand from the high-ranking officials and the superfluous expectations were some of the reasons he would gladly trade all of it to have a rather peaceful way of living.

"That is true. It kind of made me think that you've been in my position. By the way, Ronin. Have you had a child?"

Liam and Selene had talked about that before. However, with their way of living, the two of them would only put the innocent life at stake.

No, even their life would be more vulnerable.

Their enemies would only perceive it as a sign of their weakness.

How unfortunate.

But of course, if they had one, that would have been a different story altogether.

'I might not be here if I successfully had one with Selene after our retirement,' Liam thought.

But instead of using that to respond to the Light King, Liam simply brandished a smile.

"Ah, no. And even if I want to, I think it's no longer possible for me. Anyway, why don't you tell me about your family, King Paragus, maybe while we peruse these scrolls?"

The Light King chuckled, reaching for one of the scrolls that came from his people.

They were pleas and letters of gratitude from random individuals in the Light Kingdom who wanted to let the Light King remind them of their existence.

If the public knew the pieces of news about the Princess, he might read a bunch of condolence letters instead.

King Paragus tried to respond to all the letters as much as he could, only if his schedule allowed him to.

"There's really nothing much to tell. My daughter was my pride and joy ever since I had lost her mother. There isn't a day that I don't miss her. I know her disappearance was a mystery to you but refrain yourself from asking too much about her. As you already know, we're keeping this information confidential to avoid chaos in our kingdom. You are rational, Ronin. I know you will get it."

Liam had no idea how to alleviate the sudden somber atmosphere around them.

He failed big time in acquiring information, but that was better than not attempting at all.

He stopped pressing for it further since he couldn't condone reminding the Light King about his daughter's passing again and again.

The same as he didn't allow other people to remind him of his failures, especially before he died without his wife by his side.

There was not a single day that passed that Liam did not miss Selene Fay Smith.

He missed her; he missed her so badly that it became his drive force to get to the bottom of this <Mighty Tower> world.

Holy Scripture 1:1

Like a hoe dancing on the stage, dancing sexy and swaying her butt, twirling around the steel pole like a whore… 

Throw some money and she will do more. 

Like a writer typing on the laptop, with black eyebags, struggling to write a single crap, stopping right after 1 paragraph…  

Drop some power stones and he will do another paragraph!

Symmetricalcreators' thoughts