

The next day flew by and I woke up to an unsuspecting surprise.

There was a snowstorm… in late November. It was freezing yesterday but I really did not expect this. I didn't expect it to snow this early.

From the information Ordos gave me, it seems that winter starts around the middle of November instead of the start of December and ends around the end of March. To say it in simple terms, winter is the longest season in this world. The rest are the same.

Snowstorms in this world usually last the entire day and might even extend to the next day but that's just a chance.

I doubt there will be any customers today so for today I'll just do what I plan to do.

Which is nothing to be completely honest. I have absolutely nothing to do today.

I could just sit around… play with Nyx… and… well that's it.

I looked out the window and watched as the snow fell onto the ground. If I'm gonna guess, it's probably sub-zero degrees and we'll be getting 6 to 8 feet of snow by tomorrow judging from how the snow is falling.

Ahh, I think I would make a good weatherman.

What am I thinking, I'd be horrible at that job. I'd probably be horrible at any other normal job, except being a chef that is.

Recalling my past, I remember I was obsessed with cooking and I even tried to cook an omelet as my first dish. Nevertheless, I managed to cook it in perfect condition. The only problem was I didn't have anyone to eat it… well except Mana.

Hmm, that makes me wonder. If my uncle managed to get reincarnated, does that mean Mana got reincarnated?

I immediately got onto my feet and paced around the room.

That could be a possibility considering how there are other people who have been reincarnated into this world. Though I've only discovered two people; Ordos and my uncle, there has got to be others. I mean, I am also one of them after all.

However, it depends on what reincarnation they were given. A complete rebirth or just straight up thrown into another world reincarnation, which is what I got.

Maybe… just maybe I can find Mana in this world. But that depends if she was able to get the second choice. If she got the first, well that would make this even harder.

Alright… I think I'm going crazy. I'm just thinking random things so I can keep myself entertained.

Though, I'll keep that thought in mind just in case.

After an hour, the snow had calmed down and was now falling down slowly. I'm guessing its rapid phase has already passed as the snow is already measuring up to a foot.

I noticed children playing in the snow and they were having a good time.

If only I was able to have a fun time like that in my past life. I remember when it snowed and I still had to take on a mission or contract. At least I was given thermal clothing.

I let out a deep sigh and laid back on my chair. Now I feel jealous, I wish I was a kid again so I can play with snow. Welp, I'm a little too old for that now…

Wait, I'm only 16. My birthday was like… 5 weeks ago. I'm technically still a kid.

Oh wait, not in this world. You're an adult when you hit the age of 16. Damn…

I looked over on the table and stared at the amulet gifted to me by Aurelia.

Hmm, I wonder what I should gift her. This world has Christmas but it's called the "Festival of Genesis." Reason why it's called that is because it marks the day this world came into existence, according to what the history books say.

Of course, if you can tell by the name, there will obviously be a festival. It's held in every part of Lucifis so it's kinda hard for anyone to miss it. There will be… fun… and fun… and… sorry, I don't really know much about festivals. All I know is that it's fun. I've never been able to experience that fun because of jobs.

But I will most definitely be able to experience the fun here! I doubt anything will be able to stop me from that!

Now then, back to the gift.

I should probably prepare one soon. After all, it would be disrespectful to not give her one as she already gave me something.

I took my pouch of coins out and inspected my savings. I think I have plenty enough to get her something here. But on the other hand…

I looked at the three remaining medals given to me by the king. I could probably get her something nice from the plaza.

The thing is what though?

Thinking back to what his majesty said, I could get her a ring.

A ring would be a good gift…

But… I think it's a bit too early for that. We've only been dating for like a month. But from what I heard, people get engaged at least two months after they started dating.

Wait a minute, I'm not forced to propose to her. I can just do that when I feel ready. I can just say it's a ring and say it's just a gift, no harm in that.

And besides, I have plenty of time till I propose to her.

Why the hell am I talking at proposal at such an age? I'm too young for this. Wait no, I'm an adult now. Wait- goddamn it!

I should just go and get present ready, then that's it. I'll just wait till the festival comes and I can gift it to her.

I got up and opened my closet. I took out the long, black trench coat which I had bought because it was warm and looked cool. I also took out some boots, a sweater, and of course my scarf. After I fully equipped everything, I walked out the door and exited the inn.

Immediately after I opened the door to leave the inn, I felt a massive gust of freezing wind and snow hit my face. My hair was instantly covered in snow and I felt my eyelids freeze.

I quickly cleaned myself up and walk out onto the streets.

It took me a while but I eventually got to the plaza. When I arrived, it was almost a ghost town but I eventually saw people near the center.

I wandered around the snow-covered streets, looking for a jewelry store.

I eventually found one called "Inno."

When I entered, there weren't many people inside. I spotted ten of them including the pretty lady at the counter. Since I'm not an expert on jewelry, I should ask someone who works here. So I walked up to the counter and the lady greeted me.

"Hello, welcome to Inno. How can I help you?

"Hi, is there anything that I can get for a girl?"

"Hmm, a girl… I think I know what you are looking for."

We shifted over to the ring display and all I saw was just sparkles. All of them just looked too good, and I just didn't know which one to choose.

"Pick anyone you like."

I closely inspected each and every one of them but I couldn't pick one. I'm not really an expert at choosing rings so looks like I'm just gonna have to pick one that looks better than the others.

"Uhh, how about this one?" I said, pointing to one of the rings.

"Oh? Are you going to propose to this girl?"


"Don't you know? Diamond rings are the classic engagement rings you can use to propose to someone." She said as she pointed to the column of diamond rings.


"Do you want to purchase one of them?"

My mind said no and just pick out a regular ring, but the words that came out of my mouth said otherwise.

And so, I was now sitting outside… with an engagement ring in my pocket.

Stupid Seiya, don't even have the balls to say one simple word, huh?

I dug my face into my palms and sighed. Well, there is no turning back now. It would be rude to return it after I just bought it. I hate myself for not being able to say no.


Suddenly a small kid tripped into the snow and she started crying. I looked at her for a few seconds and eventually decided to help her up.

"You ok?" I asked as I lifted her onto her feet. Her face was filled with snow and she wouldn't stop crying. I sighed and cleaned her up. After that, she looked at me with a teary expression and nodded lightly.

"C'mon, don't cry. May I ask where your parents are?"

The girl wiped his tears and looked around. Looks like she's lost.

"Let's find them."

We walked around and searched everywhere. However, hours passed and there was no trace of them. The sun was already setting and the storm seemed to have gotten stronger.

I looked over at the girl and she looked like she was already in the state where she looked like she had gotten hypothermia. We stopped at a bench and I decided to lend her my coat, leaving me with nothing but a sleeveless vest and a scarf.

"S-sir, aren't you cold?" The girl ask, looking at my current attire.

"A little. But don't worry, I've dealt with worse so rest assure." I replied as I did a quick spell that wraps my body around in heat. Brr, it sure is cold even when I've activated this spell.

I looked up at the dark sky. Seems I'll be getting back to the inn later than usual.

"Now tell me, how did you get lost?" I asked the girl as she huddled up in my coat.

"My parents… were having a fight. I ran away because they were thinking of getting divorced."

Ahh, this kind of situation.

"I just… want them to stop fighting. It's been going on for days and I just couldn't take it anymore, so I ran."

"…and tell me, did you think running away would solve that?"


I pocketed my hands and exhaled.

"You shouldn't run because of such things. It won't solve anything."

"But I want them to stop fighting. I don't want them to fight. I just want us to be happy-"

"And you think running away is going to make them happy? Ever though about that?"

The girl looked at me with a nervous look. Then she slowly looked down and eventually broke. Tears began to overflow from her eyes and the only thing I can hear besides the roaring winds were the cries of a child.

"Don't cry. You'll freeze your eyes off if you continue to do that."

"But… but-"

"I never felt the warmth of my parents before."

The girl looked up at me with a puzzled look, "What?"

"My parents died when I was young, around your age. I never heard their voices… or even seen their faces. It's just a blur to me. I never had any memories of them nor do I even know their names. They are but a distant recollection that's already been taken into the grave."

I then looked back at the girl.

"You should be lucky you even have parents. You should cherish any memories you have with them and embrace it. You running away has already started the process of losing those memories. They are probably out searching for you, worried sick."

I ruffled my hand through my hair as looked down the empty dark street.

"Never forget the love they've given you. Even in tough times, you should always return your love to them even if it hurts to give them that love."

I then point down the dark street.

"Now go, they are right there. I bet they are worried sick."

The girl looked down the street and eventually I could hear cries coming from both a man and a woman.

"Go." I said and the girl nodded.

She jumped off the bench but then stopped and offered my coat back.

"Keep it. You'll freeze as soon as you take that off. I'm strong enough to withstand this."

The girl looked at me with sparkling eyes and nodded. Then she ran off.

I watched as she reunited with his parents. They cried as they hugged her tightly and she cried as well.

Eventually, they began to walk down the street but before they vanished, the girl waved back at me and shouted thanks.

I smiled and turned. Well, that's that. I should return to the inn now. I'm hungry… and a bit cold. Just hope no one finds out I used magic in the city.

I took out the box in my pocket.

Welp, better get going. I should but myself another coat cause it's cold. Actually, why did I even try to look cool there? Oh well, whatever, that coat wasn't that expensive anyway...

Yeah... it was actually pretty expensive.



