
ASOIAF : The Freedom Empire.

Attention! : Even though this isn't the God gives 3 wishes Stark/North wank fanfic, it is pretty d*mn close. My Naruto fan fiction is me trying to not make the MC too overpowered, this is the total opposite. I'm using this fanfic to just express all the cringe, wish-fulfillment fantasy ideas that I'm suppressing in my other fiction. Actual Synopsis : Guess what ? Turns out that earth is the farming place for Otherworldly Gods ! Since our world is like a leaking faucet of souls, Gods can send in stray souls with ideas about other worlds that they can put into writing (I see you George R.R Martin, you outsider !), and any soul that leaks out who happens to also be a fan of those worlds gets to go to one of its iterations to "Spread the word of God !", or a god at least. And gets to be blessed with some outrageous powers. So follow me, Kaiser Jentys, into an adventure of magic, kingdoms, war, and politics, never forget the politics.

PrinceOfNilfheim · 書籍·文学
7 Chs

Earth bending is so OP.

Author's Note : I just want to give a warning before you read this chapter. Remember when I said this was a wish-fulfillement story ? Well, this is where the wish fullfillement comes in, If you're looking for the reasonably strong MC who actually has to struggle against his problems, stop reading. If you're looking for an MC who isn't lucky enough to just find whatever he wants the moment he needs it ? Stop reading, if you're looking for any sort of realistic plot ? Stop reading.


*8 B.L (Before Liberation)/ 282 A.C (After Conquest)*

"450 honors, that's how much I'm willing to pay for that cog." Says a hathay (ornate cart) riding Volantene merchants.

"No deal, I paid 150 Norvosi golden bells on that, look at it ! There are no barnacles, the wood is clean, and its sails are pristine ! I'm only selling it because it would cost me too much to pay for its upkeep while I'm away. 500."

"Hmm... How about we meet in the middle, 475 honors, that's my final price."


The free Volantene throws a pouch full of small gold coins at Kaiser, then orders some of his slave guards to secure the ship.

Kaiser weighs the pouch with his hand.

"It was a pleasure bartering with you. Until next time."

"Hmph !" The Volantene simply sneers.

Volantis is a beautiful place, the Long Bridge, a gigantic bridge connecting the two halves of the city over the Rhoyne is considered one of the Wonders Made by Man by one famous adventurer, Lomas Longstrider. The sight of the humongous Black Walls, a great oval of fused black dragon stone, harder than steel or diamond, built two hundred feet high by the Valyrian Freehold. is one of the most awe-inspiring sights that man can ever see. But for Kaiser, this city cannot get more revolting.

The Volantenes feel that people of quality should not travel afoot, but instead by palanquin or in a hathay. Travelling afoot can taint a person in the eyes of both the native-born Volantenes and the foreign captains in the city. But for every man riding a horse, or a chariot, or a hathay to travel through the city, five more walk barefoot in the worst conditions possible, branded with different symbols on their face. Volantis prides itself in being key to the slave market, trading heavily with the cities of Slaver's Bay to the east.

Understandably, Kaiser doesn't deign to spend even more time in Volantis, heading straight towards the deserted eastern gate leading into the Demon Road. A dangerous Valyrian Road through the Painted Mountains, leading to Mantarys, the city of monsters and fleshcrafters, a road that only the suicidal -or the Mantari'- dare to cross.

The guards at the gate only give passing pitying glances at Kaiser before losing complete interest. Which is fine by him.

The Demon Road is one of the reputable Valyrian Roads, made from dragon fire fused stone, it allows the swift passage of goods and armies, which makes the sight of a desolate one even stranger. Kaiser travels through the road until he loses sight of the city walls. Suddenly sporting a mischievous smile, Kaiser begins to just... float.

"God ! This is so satisfying ! Let's hope the covert training really helped."

Kaiser zooms upwards in a sudden burst of speed, after reaching an appropriate distance, he flies at unbelievable speeds towards the Painted Mountains, as he floats above countless mountains, Kaiser just laughs in glee.

"Wooo ! I knew that focusing on Wind bending is going to be useful ! This is great !"

Seeing the end of the endless mountain range after a couple of hours of fun, Kaiser lands in the barren peak of a mountain.

"Alright, this should be it. Now I can spend enough time training on my Earth bending for it to cat..ch up ?"

The Painted Mountains is a misleading name, you'd originally expect something similar to the painted Hills of Oregon or China, beautiful mountains the color of a rainbow. Instead, they're just a bunch of giant rocks whose most interesting features are being part of a very famous ancient painter's masterpiece. Or at least that's what people thought.

You see, prospecting in Oros is like what people used to do in medieval times. You find precious stones or gemstones in rivers or inside a rock, so you start digging around looking for more, they have no knowledge of indicator minerals, or magnetic locating. They also believe that if you don't find anything precious in the surface, then the whole area is barren.

But not Kaiser. After all, while he was in the Golden Company he didn't think that training his bending powers publicly was a good idea. So what he proceeded to do was train his Air bending by moving the distant winds above his head at increasingly large volumes, practicing flying in the privacy of his own room, manipulating enemy swords to ever so slightly miss their target, and molding golden coins into golden bells to braid his hair. But what concerns us now is his training into sensing the elements he had control of.

And his senses are telling him right now that these mountains aren't as barren as people thought. He couldn't say for sure, but he could feel mineral veins containing deposits of coal, iron and copper, along with what feels to be a significant amount of limestone, which explains the huge deposits of marble, and quartz that naturally formed big amounts of citrine, and amethyst.

While iron or copper are not as precious as gold, or that citrine, or amethyst not being comparable to the likes of diamonds, sapphires and rubies. The amount and diversity of the natural resources on these mountains makes them not lacking in value in front of the likes of Casterly rock, or the volcanic mines of ancient Valyria.

The presence of these natural resources can be explained by their proximity to the Valyrian peninsula and its countless volcanoes. You could even argue that while that whole region was underwater millions of years ago, the Volcanoes were once situated on the Painted mountains instead, and just went under the ocean after all those years.

"This... This is amazing ! I originally came here just to practice my earth bending, but this discovery is too lucky ! Is this plot armor ? Do I have plot armor ?! D*mn, I'm even sensing underground rivers !"

'These underground rivers could be the source of the ones above ground, leading to the Sea of Sighs next to Mantarys.' He thought.

Then an idea suddenly popped into Kaiser's head. The Painted Mountains are one of the most deserted locations in the continent, it only had a small amount of wildlife, no fertile grounds, and only steep hills and tall mountains. It was due to this reason that Kaiser chose it as his training spot. His plan was to originally get enough training at his earth bending for 2 to 4 months, then venture out into Valyria and prepare information/resources for his eventual conquest. But now he had something in mind that would allow him to both get his training done, and finish a significant step of his plan, one that he didn't know how to achieve, until now.

He takes his leather bag out of his shoulder and into the ground. He reaches into it, grabbing a very thin but huge book. He puts it onto the floor and opens it. Showing peculiar handmade drawings.

No, not drawings. Blueprints.


*7 B.L (Before Liberation)/ 283 A.C (After Conquest)*

*5 Months later*

Carnelian, a shiny yellow/red stone made from silica, it can be found next to quartz, which is also what makes up both Citrine and Amethyst, while not particularly rare, it is considered beautiful which makes it quite expensive.

That type of stone can be seen flowing in the air like sand, attaching itself to pure white, perfectly glistening white marble walls, into elegant, smooth flowing shapes that add an otherworldly feeling.

"Haha ! This is how Earth Bending should be actually used ! F*ck the fighting, I made a masterpiece ! The work of decades shortened to months ! And finally, I'm done."

Kaiser steps back, showing the result of his work.

It has been close to 10 years since Kaiser got here, and he didn't spend his time in vain. In fact, the brunt of his early childhood has been spent reading books, and observing peculiar things with his Knowledge blessing.

His Innovation blessing is a potent ability that doesn't show its benefits directly. In his years spending time reading, observing, and preparing, Kaiser learned a lot of things in a very short amount of time, things relating to politics, sociology, philosophy, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, blacksmithing, tailoring, and countless other fields. And one of them, was architecture.

In this world, each kingdom, each city, each powerful organization has its own base, a place that was created initially either from necessity, or made as a symbol to cement peoples rule. It's why Aegon the Conqueror built the Iron Throne and the Red Keep, why the people of Braavos did the same with the Titan, or the Volanti with their Black Walls, separating the Old Blood from their 'lessers', Norvos and their Bells, and on and on we go.

Symbolism is important here, and for someone who wants to create a new empire of freedom amidst a society thriving from slavery, using their symbols, their cities, and their resources for that is going to be hard. The easy way to do it is to make something new, something different. Out with Old, In with New.

And the New, is a massive, magnificent palace that could fit a town, made of glistening marble walls and decorated with flowing shapes of glistening yellow Carnelian. With large arches and big, strategically placed glass windows made from silica sand brought in by Kaiser in frequent 4-hour trips on the coastal beaches next to the ruined city of Borash. The palace features different floors, with space for bountiful gardens, stables, artificial lakes, the works. Along with high towers and pyramid shaped sillouhette.

It is a very impressive Palace, situated on the eastern end of the Painted mountains, it has the Dothraki sea's very fertile plains at it's north, Slaver's bay on its south-east, and Valyria on its south-west. It is also currently completely hidden by steep rocky hills with no way in or out, unless you can fly of course.

Like all the other ludicrous special landmarks of this world, this palace has unique, special characteristics. The first is the almost modern set of copper plumbing, used to send water to baths with water containers that allow for heating, fountains, and bathrooms with special toilet seats with a constant b-day stream. This system assures the total cleanliness of the palace, and its capabilities for expansion assures the same thing for any new structures that could be built next to it.

The second is currently a building sized Diamond attached to the top of the Palace, perfectly symmetrical, it was made through the reconstruction of the plentiful, plentiful, graphite that formed naturally next to the white marble, it took closer to a month to finish it, along with the third special characteristic.

The third, is the throne room, situated under the giant diamond, instead of the overused white marble, the floors are made of black limestone (commonly known as black marble), decorated with glistening yellow Carnelian in a way reminiscent to the appearance of the God of Freedom on their one and only meeting. with the huge throne being made from shining diamond, with golden veins of citrine.

Looking down upon his masterpiece from the sky, Kaiser can't help but smile. The power of his bending was way too dissimilar to the one we know and love, it is only through seeing this castle that he is reminded that he was sent here with enough divinity to match a god and none of the restrictions.

If this was one of those fanfictions, there is no doubt in his mind that this would be one of those sh*tty, wish fulfillement ones, where the MC gets to have the best luck, and do outrageous things that are completely unnecessary. But who cares ? He likes that he is overpowered, and he always dreamed of having a fantasy palace. And with what he knew about this world, this may not even be too outreageous.

After sitting down on his throne, summoning his crown and imagining what this place could look like once it's filled up with people and furniture. Kaiser finally deigns to leave the Painted Mountains until the time of revealing his palace comes, flying straight towards the Lands of the long summer.