

He is spoken of as the prince of evil spirits. The inveterate enemy of God and Christ, who takes the guise of an angel of light.  He is as deadly as his father Lucifer, who can enter people and act through them; It is mainly believed that through his subordinate demons, Lucifer, can take possession of human bodies, afflicting them or making them diseased. Yes, it is true, but he is far more deadlier than that. Not only can he possess the body of humans and afflict them, but he controls their mind and hypnotised them to their death. He never shows mercy, as mercy is not a word to him. Through his subordinate demons, he could carry out his devious plans and control the earth from hell. His subordinates are sinister and mainly evil, with no heart and conscience for the humans. Asebia, the God of Sin....the Last Prince of hell. He is the only son of Lucifer who causes the other six deadly sins. He is their Master and they are his followers. He is dangerous....a force which cannot be held. He is a ferocious beast who neither had compassion or love for anyone. He causes sin....he kills.....and he conquers. No one has ever seen him, no one even knows what he looks like. But if you wanna meet him, you would never remain the same. He is Asebia, the God Of Sin, the Crown Prince of Hell.

Tehillah20 · ファンタジー
18 Chs


"On the night, I've learned of your return My bones began to shiver, as they too shudder, remembering every black tinge feeling left behind"


From the land of dreams to the land that needs them. From asleep to awake in one heartbeat. Philicia arisen impetuously, every notion in high interpretation. Phelicia's eyes took in the gloominess which emcompassed her, not cognizant if she had finally reached heaven or thrown into hell.

Regardless of her eyes being open, she couldn't think of why her heart is hammering, mind empty. Yes, it could be faesible of her mind being void due to her death and being sent to a new world.

It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline had been emptied into her carotid. Phelicia strained into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady.

She is dead and taken to another new world. No more agony, anguish and depression.

No more chancing to detox and reassess what is helping and what is hurting. No chancing to make new choices and inform others that she had boundaries, needs and vulnerabilities.

No more draining of sadness through her skating over her skin. No more sadness travellin through every cell of her body to reach the ground. No more filtering it yet strangely enough, keeping what was pure and it was the dirt that left.

Even if it was hell she finds herself in, she would prefer scorching in unending imprecation than going back to earth to suffer all she had suffered since the day she was born.

She will finally never clean her soul, a rebonding with the vulnerable self, no more chancing to realise what suffering and pain are for her...

Philicia closed her eyes as she felt a wave of relaxation and peace. She felt her eyes watering, not of tears of sorrow for the first time but tears of sorrow. She is finally free.

Her heart seemed to be overflowing with emotion, finally helping her feel connected to the joyful and happy experiences in life which she had to die before experiencing.

"The female awoken yet?"

Phelicia's eyes opened instantly as she heard footsteps approaching. She wondered why she did not hear the footsteps at first, but it seemed she was too into her thoughts to hear someone coming.

She gulped, her heart pounding in fear and anticipation. Who is approaching? Where is she initially?

"I do not know Master, for no one has checked on her since last night"


Did that dude just call the guy with the insanely gutteral yet deep baritone voice Master?

This made her more curious on where she could be. Does angels call God Master or does demons call the Devil Master?

"Alas she must have awoken for morning has dawned. I might as well greet the Witch before my daily bread" The deep baritone voice echoed as she could hear the footsteps closing in.

Witch? They don't mean her right?

Because she does not ever remember being a witch. How could she be a witch in her poor state?

And morning?

Could they tell if is morning or evening. How could they tell if they weren't on earth?

It's not predictable anger or pain that's the worst, it's the "randoms," stuff you know is coming, just never when. The randoms work on the mind as a torture, elevating primal fear, decreasing logic and self-control. Phelicia did not know who she was expecting or what she was anticipating. All she could do was shudder in fear as she felt the aura that suddenly encompassed her as the footsteps got nearer.

And then the footsteps halted.

She closed her eyes as she felt the bag being isolated from her body. The blindfold was removed from her eyes. Phelicia tried to open her eyes but were suddenly shut due to the brightness it had to take in. She opened her eyes again, her vision blurry but starting to see where she was.

The first thing her eyes laid on were a certain pair of designer shoes. Mere looking at it, she knew it would cost more than she has ever gotten while she was alive.

If she was dead, that is.

Her eyes travelled up to a pair of thick thighs, a broad waist ant the thickest yet broad chest she had ever set her eyes on. Her eyes seemed to linger there as she tried to fathom what this man hid behind the designer suit he was wearing. He seemed huge.

"My eyes are up here female" Phelicia jolted in surprise at the sound of his voice. Her eyes slowly moved to his face. He was handsome.

Too handsome to be true.

So dangerously handsome.

He was, well, different from all others. He had the kind of face that stopped a sane person in her tracks.

He was unholy ravishing, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that demonic appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that amused yet sinister look in it, which cannot be described in words. His devilish grin, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his gloat and pride.

Above all was his frame and his stature. He was extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or maybe18cm biceps by guess.

However, this man could stand out in a crowd. He does not even look like a human being to start with which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. Perhaps he was not the kind who had girls swooning over him.

This man was out of this world. There are clearly no words to describe this man. Phelicia was in daze, his ravishing self keeping her in a trance.

But it was cut short when she felt a rough hand rashly hold her neck, barely giving her a chance to breathe. Philicia's hands unconsciously held the giant man's hand, noticing his hand around her neck. Oh how his hand is massive.


"Who art thou?" An emotionless sepulchral voice was heard. As funereally and astutely as it was brusque.

Her eyes started to water as breathing became tormenting. She could marginally inhale as she attempted to breathe the best she could.

"How dare ye recompense me with placidity and ingratitude. Thou art an ungrateful female. Speak now or be damned for all eternity" He said, his voice making her shudder in fear.

She tries to speak but a word could not come out of her mouth as he kept choking her. She clawed his hand, attempting to expel his hand from her neck.

But the more she tried, the more tighter his hand became. Philicia did not even find out if she was dead, but if she was indeed dead, then she will die for a second time.

Her eyes finally closed, embracing the darkness as it surrounded her.