

12:34 in the afternoon. No more birds chirping, no more blinding lights from the sun. It was noon, too quite to say that the day was in its peak. No movements, at least in my vicinity. The ceiling was white, as always. Not clean nor dirty. It was in a state that anyone could see it but no one would focus on it. But I was staring , it was as clear as the day sky. But blunt. No more than a piece of wood painted with white. Too real.

I tried to look at my side, I couldn't. The brace on my neck was too tight that even my veins were having trouble in the blood flow. I wanted to see anything than the ceiling. I wanted to feel anything than the choking sensation of the metal on my neck. I wanted to hear anything than the beeping sound of the "extender machine".

The extender machine. It was almost a year since it was plugged in my heart. The memory was faint but what I felt that day was still vivid. Those doctors covered in purity of their surgery gowns opened my chest, ripped muscles and cracked my ribs. Then electricity. High voltage to create a beat for my heart, to shocked my sleepy eyes, to take me away from my dying state. It was memorable. That every time when the beep sound entered my ears, I could feel a needle stitching on my skin. But I was "saved" thanks to those good doctors.

At least they didn't beaten me to death like how my Mom always does. Whenever she wanted. Wherever. However. I got wounds. Several. Severe. They were too deep to be healed in a month. I had lived in scars back then and my Dad used to "save" me. He would shed my dried wounds with tools I did not know. Those were sharp, sharper than Mom's nails. It would tear my skin, then flesh. I would cry and he would smile. Smirk. Laugh. I was their joy back then before the policemen barged in one day. Complete gear, as mighty as heroes. They "saved" me. Picked my frail body on the ground, I was covered with fresh and dried blood. I carried a foul smell but not an arm or a leg. I was mutilated. By my parents. They threw my arms to our dog and chopped and flushed my legs.

Also, it was memorable. The chilling feeling when the dull knife Mom used in bread was forcefully cutting through my flesh but it was also warm as the blood quickly oozed out from my veins. Then there was also a loud thud as they struggled on breaking some of my bones. 

And I was "saved". Again. Confined in a white room, kept a live by a machine, accompanied by a ceiling and barely living.

"The world has been updated. Every living organisms are encouraged to stay at their bases and wait for further announcement. Please be informed that during the three minutes loading for the new data and resources, everyone will feel some lags due to some minor bugs. Sorry for inconvenience. This is your Game Master, please enjoy the when the game begins."

Huh? It was a child voice, inside my head. Before I could react or say a word - though I couldn't - everything went black. Nothing than darkness filled the room. Rustling sounds echoed, earth shook. Faint creams and cries could be over heard around.Everything was out of place, in panic. Even the beeps, they were out of tune. My breathing and heart lost their rhythmic beats.

"Update Complete!"


I swallowed air as much as I could as if I run a mile. Though I wasn't tired. I was standing - on my feet - following a line in a room.

"Everyone! Don't panic! Just wait for your turn!"

A flying object was roaming, it was as small as a plate with a mouse maneuvering it and using a megaphone. He was enough to startle some but I stayed still. Feeling both my feet and hands. Breathing every air through my nose and lungs. I was saved.

Almost an hour in the line when I reached what was on the end. A door. It opened and closed automatically with overly exerted force. At first, the room was dark the faint blue lights started to glimmer.

"Keal. Abused by own parents. Lost both arms and legs. Do you want to have a revenge?" It was an static and electric voice, not the child-like who started this so-called game.

"No. I'm fine. Thanks for saving me."

A chuckle echoed and another long silence followed.

"You sure?"

Then a blinding light, I felt heat engraving something on my skin. It was painful yet soothing and sensational.

"What does your heart really wants?"

Memories flashed in a rush and disrupted my mind, I remembered everything. From the day I started to move a hand till the moment I lost them. Feelings, experiences and thoughts. It overwhelmed my body, filled my stomach that I was about to puke.

Then, nothing. Another silence.

I was on my knees, sweating. Tears were flowing down my cheeks.

"Ability Determined. Aschepius - The Pain Killer"

The blue lights for a circle on the ground. Slowly, particles by particles, I was transported. The moment I opened my eyes, a fire ball came rushing to me. It was not fast that I manage to dodge and only a strand of my hair got burned.

"The last player arrived! Let the Battle Royal begins!"

From that moment, everything had changed. Yet I was saved. Saved from my parents' loving knives, cops' towering authority, doctors' goody aura, that room's blunt ceiling. I was saved.

And in danger, again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

danieLcreators' thoughts