

"i-i-i ummm...."

seeing him stuttering she replied "didn't i told you? that i will not interfere in your wishes and just do them, so your infinite wish is counted as the final wish so what is your next wish?(fufu~ seeing him stuttering is kinda cute)

he sighed and said "you know i am joking right, but since you give me this opportunity then it will be rude to reject it"

"wise decision" elliana said

"my next wish is give me sung jinwoo's powers and add ashborn's as well, also there shadow soldiers"

"hmm looks like you want the power of the shadow monarch huh well that was easy but you need to make a deal with him before you reincarnate and also he was also the servant of the goddess of death helian(and also one of your fiancee fufu~)"

(a/n: i am planning to have his fiancee not included his concubines in the range of over centillions and googolplex if you don't know what googolplex is it was the largest number recorded in the universe but worry not i will not mention all of them and only add in some parts of the story, at most i will include 10 of them that will follow him and the others is in god realm, for the plot and i will also explain why he became there fiancée, also his fiancee are all the goddess in god realm so they are all op waifuss (hell even his concubines),and some species in some realms like cat girls(yeah you heard your author CAT GIRLSSSSSSS FOR LIFEEEEEE!!!) and many more)

"ohh ok"( finally i will get one of the most dreamed power in the world and i will finally get to say the word "ARISEEEEEEE!!!!!") he said and think to himself and of course it was noticed by elliana and just giggled on how childish he was

"ok what is your next wish"

"i want to have a item enhancement skill and item forging skill and not just the one i will get in multiverse i want to create my own items that can aid me" he said with a smile on his face, because one of his past life skills is his enhance understanding of things and how to find it's weakness or what is the problem in it

"ok pretty rare for a wish that you want originality but it was also pretty easy to make"

"hmm next wish??" she replied

"my next wish is to have 10 credit cards that got infinite money in any five of them, well let's just say i want to make a business there and my memory is kind off not so good hehe i might lose one"

giggling at his remarks and clumsiness she added " you sure are a cute one and careless at that, now i can't imagine you killing somebody even though you had killed many in your hands that is.

after she said that he kind off blush but being reminded how he killed many people mercilessly due to the war that is happening he can't help but touch his ears that got piercings, it was a reminder on how many years he kill many people mindlessly due to how he grow up, 12 years he experience hell and being controlled and to remember it he pierced his ears by wearing earrings that is the same count as how many years he was killing.

elliana seeing it can't help but feel sorry for him "i-i- am sor--" cutting her off he said

"it's fine, it was just a bad memory good thing my humanity is still intact hehe" while smiling

"ok so what is for your next wish?" she said to eat the mood

"hmm for my next wish I want to have a travelling in the realms skill cause i want to go to some places or universe to get something i want"

"hmm pretty easy for a wish(huhu so smart of you to travel to some realms with out the restriction of shiena) but except for god realm you can travel to any realm you want" she said

"hmm why can't i travel in god realm" he replied

"because i sealed your god bloodline hell even if you have the god bloodline it was still not sure to that you can enter due to the restrictions made by the primodal origin, the primodal origin is where all beings is made so to travel to the god realm( and meet your fiancees) you need to be a primodal god the apex or peak of all things"

"ohh ok so when you are born as a mortal as well?" he asked

"that was a big no because when a thing is made in primodal origin it was sure that all being will be a primodal, be it a god, elf, dragon, demon and many more"

"so you are saying you are born being op huh and no hardships!!??" he replied with disbelief

"yup" she replied with a smile but for the eyes of Haruka it looks like she was teasing him

after he heard that he can't help but be dizzy on how unfair it was he replied " so elliana you are the most strongest being?"

she said " yep and no , i may be the strongest under god realm but there is still a being higher than me and that was the primodal origin where all strongest beings is made and her name is "fina" but she was dormant and asleep due to the attack of the second strongest being that is my rival the chaos origin "caion" but he was degraded as a god only and not a primodal god now because of the attack i dealt with him due to my rage" she said with killing intent that make Haruka a bit nervous but her killing intent is always the thing Haruka see in his past life during him working as a assasin in some missions of his

he replied " so where he was now? is he dead?"

she replied with a smile " he can never threaten the whole god realm being in that state that can make him a demi god in any second or maybe a celestial that is weaker than a demigod, the 4th to the last step into being a primodal god, but his goons is still roaming in some realms and he make his whole realm called chaos realm where every creatures roam it was govern by him and the others false gods he made, the false gods are the beings close to being a god and after being a god is the apex of all the primodal god" she continued " the false gods he made are the goddess of chaos, goddess of evil, false god of lust, false god of lie, false god of wraith , and the false god of greed"

Haruka nodded in understanding and he continued " so you are saying that he was injured and in dormant but why are you not destroying him now that he was weaken?"

she said with irritation " humph, if I can i can destroy all of them in a sneeze only hell even the goddess of lust can destroy them only in a clap despite being the weakest in all of us goddesses in god realm and the total population of the goddesses of god realm is in centillions to googolplex" when haruka heard that he was surprised due to its number that can destroy all of them in an instant but the next sentence kind off calm him down " but still we can't, due to the protection he make called "caios supremo" a magic he copied in shiena and the magic that shiena had is called "sorana supremo" a magic that is base in protection and even if all goddess attack it it can never break as long as she was alive, it was also the barrier she made to protect the other realms, but we didn't expect that before we attack the whole Chaos realm is that he started to copy shiena's spell and shielded the whole chaos realm thinking about it i can't help but grit my teeth seeing him smirking towards us"

Haruka nodded in understanding

"so enough about that what is your next wish?" elliana said

"hmm i don't know what to wish any more" he said, elliana replied " is that so? hmm I have an idea let's just convert the infinite wishes to a skill but worry not" saying so suddenly a notification appear in him

[ host has received a skill would host want to receive it?]

he replied "yes"

[ receiving skill in




[skill has been received]

[ infinite wishes of Haruka ]


due to haruka not having anything to wish anymore he wishes for infinite wishes in the goddess of creation elliana, and got converted to a skill called infinite wishes of Haruka


Host can wish anything he want from the goddess of creation even though the goddess

is in god realm with one thought he can get everything he want, host is limited in some wishes due to the goddess' warnings, host also can wish everything he want as long as it didn't cross the line

the warnings consist of:

1. host can't travel to god realm

2.host can't wish for anything evil like slaving women and controlling them like a mindless zombies or making them sex slaves

3.host can never back down to the favor of the goddess elliana if the host backdowns he will die

4. host is immune to all poison except for aphrodisiac and alcohol

5. host can't tell his past life or his conversation with the goddess to anyone

*elliana's thoughts*

"fufu looks like i am smart and i should also wait for the others to praise me"

when Haruka saw the warnings he is ok in the first one, and he will never do the second one due to his high respect for woman, and he also know the favor of elliana but in the fourth one he kind off frown and looked at elliana who is giggling and drooling at her imaginations that consist of a room and Haruka lying naked with sweat and chains in his wrists and begging to get raped( a/n: now that was a wild imagination, and also poor Haruka getting trapped by a yandere)

when he look at her he can't help but get dumbfounded by her reactions as if she was in her own world hell she was even drooling looking at her again he can't help but shiver in fear due to where her eyes is pointing

and he replied with a doubt that can be seen in his voice" i accept all the warnings"

the system replied [ very well host the skill will get activated after your 4th birthday ]

after elliana's wild "adventures" she immediately coughed

*cough* *cough*

to recompose herself but the aftertaste of her imaginations is still intact in her face" j-j-just as it was stated i can still grant all your wishes in the future even if i am faraway and also i will send one of my servant with you and now without further a do i will start to explain all of the realms" she said while stuttering in the start and having a deep red hue on her face

Haruka nodded dumbfoundingly

and cliffhanger kun has also nodded so see you next time after my quarantine peace out
