
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · ゲーム
68 Chs

Chapter 57

Aura's tests, not going well, were postponed until he could figure out a more effective method.

In the meantime, he had gathered all the highly poisonous corpses that he needed and then some.

The contamination spread barrier was already set up by his puppets, and the facilities he would need to poison the groundwater were mostly complete.

The next step was to get hired by the Firen Kingdom as war potential.

He didn't need to become a soldier, he just needed to be hired as a mercenary or assassin during a time of war.

Which would grant him immunity from the system's punishment for mass murder.

Such loopholes were only available when the game you were playing was designed by someone who has no vested interest in anything outside their own entertainment.

The reason such loopholes were so glaringly obvious and taken advantage of regularly, was because the developers of the game didn't really care what happened within the game.

This was the only logical conclusion given the fact that the only crime that is actually banned isn't really impossible.

If you look from a game perspective, Ascendance is more or less the greatest thing ever created, but from a critical perspective, it becomes strange.

Why would a game made this well, have so many glaringly obvious holes in the plot, lore and even the rules?

Aura's personal take is that the developers of the game didn't intend it as such.

This wasn't supposed to be something you 'played', it was supposed to be something you 'lived' and 'experienced'.

The cruelties and hardships of life, combined with the wild beauty in nature, all with elements of mystery and myth behind them.

This wasn't a game, but a world, and everyone was simply ignorant of this fact.

Even the so called 'rules' were only there to provide a basic guide, stating "We the gods, disapprove of these things".

Even with how harsh the world of Ascendance was, the people who lived here, the NPCs were happy, they had hope, because everyone can, with effort, become strong enough to experience true freedom.

Just the fact that they CAN become strong is enough so that those oppressed and thrown down by those greater than them can be content with that.

'I would have been a great adept, had I ever learned'

This expression was perfect to explain how people would avoid despair.

People could be content with being nobodies so long as they knew that they could have been somebody.

It wasn't logical, it didn't make sense, but that was true in the real world as well.

People who were hurt by others could satisfy themselves with what if's and continue to live.

But it was truly obvious in a world such as this.

Anyone could die at any moment, and death was certainly scary, but there were people who could protect the lowly farmers and the poor artisans, and should anyone wish, they could pick up a blade and defend themselves.

Because of the system's influence, there were few circumstances in which the people of this world would experience true despair.

And even slaves had hope, that one day their masters would die and they could find freedom.

Not to mention that even though NPCs didn't get guaranteed reincarnation when they died, there were many cases of people being reborn as different creatures.

Even in the darkest of times, there was always hope.

Aura thought it fitting, that in this world, everyone had at least a chance, however small, of becoming someone truly great.

Many people say this is true of reality as well, but they are simple fools.

Humanity is too equal.

A single bullet can kill anyone, regardless of how hard they work.

Who can be great in a world where the people who can stand at the top are the lucky, the wealthy, and the sleazy.

Birth decides a person's fate, as no matter how they try to escape the shackles of their birth, one is always their parent's child.

There is no chance, only choice.

But due to the lack of anything spiritual or magical, the combination of genetics and parenting, no individual is capable of truly being free of others.

Aura was a product of his circumstances, and he fully believed that he was not to blame for who he was.