
Path to Mystic Sword Sect

"Please great sir, don't kill me. I am too young to die, I haven't even have a woman yet!" Kneeling on the ground trembling with teary eyes as Wen Feng beg. Upon hearing the words spoken by Wen Feng, Fong Shui immediately notice he had made an novice mistake, but how can he, an flowing ocean stage expert admit to it. If Fong Shui were to acknowledge his slip-up, not only his junior sister Xia and the villagers will doubt his abilities, but if words were to be spread back to the Mystic Sword Sect. He would go from number 1 most admired, handsome elder to a laughing stock in one night.

"Relax everyone! Even though this vile creature can speak our tongue, it is only because it has devoured the flesh of many innocence, but I, Fong Shui have imprisoned it in my sword formation. It will never harm anyone again." After quickly assuring the villagers that they are safe. Turning to leave, Xia Mu was about to tugged on Fong Shui's robe trying to say something to him but Fong Shui just silently said to Xia Mu "We're leaving".

The sword formation start to rotate around Wen Feng quickly lifting him up into the air, two swords pierce through his sleeves as it carry Wen Feng off following a short distance behind Fong Shui and Xia Mu. Seeing the sight of the two elders leaving with Wen Feng. The skinny man cultivator release a sigh of relief, recounting the beautiful sight of Xia Mu in the sky. "I really have been away from the Sect too long. The women here are really nothing when compare to the sisters at the sect. Hehe he....heheee....." drools could be seen flowing out of his mouth as he continue to fantasize about Xia Mu . Some of the Village girl that was near the skinny man cultivator only gave him a look of disgust before leaving.

Flying for almost 20 minutes. Wen Feng muster up the courage to ask Fong Shui " Great sir, I know you are a man of immeasurable strength, but how long are you going to carry me like this for? If you don't have any further need of me, how about you drop me in the nearest town or city". Stopping, Fong Shui turn his body around facing Wen Feng, waving his hand, making the swords carrying Wen Feng to fly closer to him. As Fong Shui was about to say something, swiftly Xia Mu and Fong Shui hold their sleeves up cover their nose. Pushing Wen Feng back at the same time away from the two with a gentle breeze.

"Boy, even if you aren't a zombie, you still smell worse then one". Wen Feng can't help but was left speechless for moment. "I was only a victim being mistaken for a zombie, almost got kill today by this idiot, even being insulted by him and to make things worse, he skewer me, dragging me in the air like a ragdoll. If I had struggle, I bet he would surely have me drop to my death" Wen Feng thought to himself while the anger was slowly building up within him.

Noticing Wen Feng, Xia Mu interjected "Even though it was a mishap is on our part, the deed has been done. It is also pointless for you to hold a grudge against Senior brother Fong.....Perhaps, it could be fated that we met. Although we cannot return you to the village, we can allow you to be a servant disciple of our Mystic Sword Sect. Maybe you will have a more suitable life there compare to where you were." looking at Wen Feng trying to see if her word able to comfort him.

Thinking on his situation and the events that have transpired, Wen Feng could only swallow his anger and nod to Xia Mu. Flying over the mountains, Wen Feng can't help but admire the view below "one day, I too will fly" muttering to himself. Hearing this, Fong Shui look down to see a river, he quickly fly closer to it. A smirk form on his face as he wave his hand, recalling his swords that's carrying Wen Feng. Letting him fall down from the sky and down into the water.

Wen Feng thought today would be the day he die. "Heavens! in what way have I offended you. Fong!!! even if I die! I will pay you back one day!" as he scream out. Pummeling into the water. Slowly, Wen Feng swim up with all his might, as he reached land. Two beams of light shot at him, landing on the ground nearby. Fong Shui's voice echos from the distance. "If you can traverse these mountains and find your way to the Mystic Sword Sect, then perhaps I'll take you in as a servant. Ha ha ha... ha..... Oh! that is one of my favorite sword and incredibly powerful too, do remember to return it to me!"

Irritated by the words, Wen Feng look at the two object in front of him. One is a grey color jade exactly like the one the skinny man cultivator used before, the other is a silver sword encase in a scabbard with a dragon and cloud pattern. Seeing that they did not completely leave him stranded, Wen Feng quickly grab the two object and started running in the direction of the two.

"Senior brother Fong, Why did you leave behind the dragon chaser sword for him to use?" Xia Mu questioning him, but Fong Shui only shake his head. Puzzled by that response.

Xia Mu ask again.

"Pheonix Dancer Sword?"

"Mountain King sword?....."

No matter what Xia Mu only got the same head shake from Fong Shui. It was only after Xia Mu stop guessing that Fong Shui finally gave her an answer. "That sword is one which can split the heavens, processing unparalleled sharpness, in the hands of a mortal, they will be able to battle even soul birthing stage expert and make them beg for mercy!..."

A grin appear on his face before laughing out to the sky.

"The Legendary Nine Heavens Sword!.... crafted by a gifted genius, unrivaled even in the Heavens........Me!"

Xia Mu was completely awe , lights gleaming from her eyes in admiration. It was until she heard that it was made by Senior brother Fong. The image of the imposing sword that she had instantly shatter, only smiling awkwardly towards Fong Shui.

Unable to keep up with the two, Wen Feng have no choice but to give up. Noticing his cloths are still wet and he had not eaten since yesterday, Wen Feng use the sword as an axe to start chopping down the tree branches as he walk. After traveling for 20 minutes, Wen Feng spotted giant boar type beast, he immediately drop to the ground, hiding in the surrounding foliage. The boar's teeth were sunken in the corpse laying on the ground, ripping the flesh off of it bit by bit. It is clear to see that a person fell victim to the fierce boar becoming its meal. Rising it's snot, the giant boar sniffed the air around it. Releasing a loud squeal, turning it's head toward the direction of Wen Feng. A cold chill run up his spine as Wen Feng feels the giant boar has discover him. Startled by the turn of events, Wen Feng immediately make a break for it running at his fastest speed.

Wen Feng wave his sword around cutting the plants and tree near him as he run. Hoping it would slow down the giant boar. Unfortunately for Wen Feng, the boar is adapted to traversing in the forest and the obstacles that Wen Feng created were nothing in front of it as it slowly close in. Looking back and seeing that the giant boar isn't slowing down, Wen Feng gave up on cutting the surrounding and focus entirely on running away.

It wasn't until that he was half way up the hill and glancing back did he notice the gap between him and the boar starts to widen. Feeling the hope of being able to get away with his life. Wen Feng continue to use the every bits of his strength to run until he reach the end of the cliff. Breathing heavily, Wen Feng realize that hes completely corner.

"Jump off the cliff and die or Run back and die by the boar....either way I will die.....but...." counting the options in his head, gritting his teeth. When the giant boar caught up to him, Wen Feng firmly grip his sword and pointing the tip of his sword to the boar.

"Fight!..." as he yell out with all his might scaring away the nearby birds.

"Today, it's either you die or I die. One of us will be food.....

it won't be me!"

Wen Feng dash towards the Giant boar. When the distance between the two start to close. Wen Feng leap up high into the air, holding tightly onto the sword with both hand, he swing down on the giant boar making a cut on the boar. *Cracking* sound could be heard as he made that cut, taking the opportunity of the boar being stunned by the pain. Wen Feng quickly circle back to the top of the cliff, as he was making his way back, the boar ramp its head at Wen Feng, causing him to tumble backward, just stopping inches away from falling off the cliff.

Tasting the the blood in his mouth, Wen Feng try to suppress his reflex to cough out blood, holding his sword with both hands, Wen Feng run and jump up again towards the boar. It's do or die at this moment. Swinging down once more with his sword, but this time, he edge is targeted at the boar's neck. The moment the sword come in contact with the neck of the boar.
