

作者: Monster1a
Anime & Comics
連載中 · 12.6K ビュー
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What is As ACE in the MULTIVERSE-MHA

WebNovel で公開されている、Monster1a の作者が書いた As ACE in the MULTIVERSE-MHA の小説を読んでください。A man selected by ROB.To be ACE in the multiverse.Said man does have some boons.CURRENT WORLD-MHA...


A man selected by ROB. To be ACE in the multiverse. Said man does have some boons. CURRENT WORLD-MHA

9 タグ


⚠️SHORT STORY⚠️ THE PROTECTIVE MAFIA SINOPSIS **KARYA PERTAMA** Action & Romance -ARYAN FARAAZ- Seorang lelaki yang baran, tidak berhati perut dan pakar dalam senjata tajam iaitu pisau dan pedang. Sesiapa sahaja yang mencabar dia pasti dia akan membunuhnya sehingga hilang semua bukti. Akan tetapi ada satu nama yang paling dia benci & ingin MEMBUNUHNYA iaitu Dylan Hareez. DYLAN HAREEZ!!! You can't hide from me wherever you are I will kill you! ~ Aryan Faraaz -DYLAN HAREEZ- Seorang ketua mafia yang sangat melindungi orang yang paling ia sayang dan pakar dalam senjata api seperti pistol dan senapang. Kecederaan yang menimpa Dylan di badannya itu akibat terkena pedang sewaktu berhadapan dengan mafia lain itu membuatkan Dylan kehilangan banyak darah sehingga badannya lemah, Dylan membuat keputusan untuk bersembunyi di sebuah kedai yang agak jauh sedikit dari bandar. Hey young lady! Can you help me? Aku tak tahu nak kemana lagi and I really2 need help, PLEASE! ~Dylan Hareez -HANNA ZEANNISA- Seorang yang sangat pemurah dan suka menolong orang lain. Hanna bekerja di sebuah kedai milik mendiang keluarganya. Pada malam itu, semasa Hanna ingin menutup kedainya Hanna terkejut apabila melihat Dylan yang tidak sedarkan diri itu terbaring di belakang kedainya dengan penuh kesan darah di badan Dylan. Hanna membantu Dylan membersihkan luka yang ada di badannya sehingga bersih dan Hanna setia menunggu Dylan sehingga sedar. Encik? Encik okey ke ni? Encik nak saya bawak encik pergi hospital ke? Badan encik lemah ni banyak darah keluar.. ataupun encik tak kisah kalau saya sendiri yang tolong bersihkan luka kat badan encik ni? ~Hanna Zeannisa

OrchidFarhana1210_ · その他
21 Chs

My Adorable Merchild

Olivia, mother of a 6 years old child Aaron, waved happily to her husband Johnathan and her chubby little baby boy who was set to sail to the deep ocean for adventure along with few other men. Two days later, news landed to Olivia's ears that her son tripped into the ocean due to a heavy storm in the night and to save him, Johnathan also jumped into the deep sea followed by him. After that, both of them gone missing and they could not be traced anywhere nearby. With depression on the peak, she set sail to the deep ocean all alone. She searched for two days with no sign of retreating. One fine night, she made up a decision and held her family photos to her heart and dived in the current. She very much hoped that the current would take her to the place where her lost family was. When she opened her eyes, she was laid in the rock and to her utter astonishment, she found a chubby and cute little boy examining her with so much passion. "Aaron! Aaron!! My baby" she started crying in all happiness. Sensing the woman shout at him, The cute little boy dived in and swam quite a distance far from her, out of fear. When Olivia noticed the boy's fish tails who swam in the water more elegantly. She looked petrified and unable to process what was happening around her. "Aaron!!!!" ------------------ Thanks to @NatsumeRikka for making the cover ------------------ One of my other work is "An Innocent Heart Longing For Love" A typical love story revolves around three youngster and eventually turns out to be a life saving heroes and fight for the well being of human survival in a war torn country. https://www.webnovel.com/book/12633271105244905/An-Innocent-Heart-Longing-For-Love.

Misiriya_ · ファンタジー
5 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating