

" what the hell are these papers doing in my house? " Nathan screamed. he was mad. yes, he did not spend time with her, didn't show any affection, never actually made a conversation with her. But it doesn't mean that he didn't love her. She was his first love. His heart belongs to Emily, until his last breathe.

The whole world is against their relation. Every one wants them to divorce. This was eating Nathan. He would be lost without her. even though he doesn't talk, spend time with her, seeing her once in a while and listening to her voice was enough for him. He hated that his past mistakes were stopping him from her. He regreted that he didn't bother explaining her when the time came. He regreted everything.

He was about to throw them away but, Emily came to their room.

Emily halted on her steps looking at Nathan with the divorce papers. She never had any intention to sign them and wanted to throw them away. But now seeing them. in Nathan's hands, she was scared.

" I was going to thr--" Emily spoke.

Nathan stopped her with her most feared question.

" Do you really want divorce? ".

Tears filled her eyes again.

" No"

she continues

" Haley sent them to me. she wants me to divorce you and go back to US. "

Emily didn't hide the fact. She in fact never lied to him. She knew no matter why Nathan is never with her , he understands her. She had trust in Him. And that's what he broke 3 years ago.

But she somehow found out that he was innocent. This is the only reason that she is still in Australia with him. FOR HIM.

Emily knew that Nathan was embrassed with himself that he distanced them but he at least didn't give her any chance to mend it.

she came back from her thoughts with Nathan' s voice. " so you were not going to sign them? "

" never ". Emily stated with a smile.

" I need to use the washroom. do you have to go? "

Nathan nodded no.

Emily took a shower first and came down followed by Nathan.

The lunch was peaceful. Nathan just nodded at his mum's words and rest was the chat between Emily and kate.

After lunch, Nathan was about to leave for their master bedroom, but kate wanted him to sit with them. which he obeyed to.

Kate was all prepped with this talk. she was just waiting for the opportunity.

she made them sit beside each other and held their hands with her's.

She first cleared her throat and started.

" Ok... so I want something from both of you. "

Nathan was about to interrupt her but she sushhhed him.

" listen, then speak.


I know that you are grown ups but neither of you have any intention of moving forward in your relationship. so I ahev to have this talk with you.

I am going straight to the point.


I want a grandkid. "

Kate yelled out the last sentence and closed her eyes.

The wide eyed ones were Emily and Nathan.

they looked at each other.

both of knew that there are in no position to have a kid. They involuntarily nodded a ' no ' at Kate.

Kate started Baulling at their expressions. she badly wanted a grandkid to play with. all the women at her place were seen playing, kissing their grandkids.

but she didn't have any. looking at them today, she decided if she won't force, their relationship will also be at stake along with her imaginary grandkids.

successfully, both of them melted. Nathan saw his mum in tears and tried to convince her

" mum, you that we both are busy with our companies. we can't have any -"

" Emily, why are doing this to me? I am asking you for a kid since 2 years. "

she sniffed and said

" And about your work, all you have to do is giver birth to a baby and give me. I will take care of the baby. you can visit us. I will take the baby and go to Sydney. "

This confession made them more surprised.

Baby and now taking the baby away!?!

No way.

looking at them, she lost her hope.

" Fine then. I will endure all the criticism from people. They question me at every gathering about my grandkid. There's no way that your brother will give me any. now even you both made me give up on my dream. "

Kate was still crying. Emily hugged her. she was trying to comfort her but every thing was in vain.

she cried even more.

Emily pulled back. Nathan and Emily sighed and

there it was...

" ok"

" ok "
