
I'm Getting What?! -Chapter One


Monday- 12:30 PM


The sound of a summer's breeze went all through-out the Kingdom of The Owl Lands. Townsfolk speaking, some laughing at a joke they had just heard, babies crying and dogs barking. The town has always been known to be very sociable as it had much to do. There were parks, stores, libraries, schools, outdoor shops; that sold mostly foods and crafts, etc. They all had a good trade, so it was easy to get supplies from other kingdoms and the town wasn't poor, so that also helped a bunch.

Some of the noise had suddenly gone quiet as a voice broke through, "How far away is it again?" asked a young adult with a groan. That right there is the Princess, named Amaya Dash. She has curly red hair that falls to her mid-back, green eyes, a fit build, walks with a cane and is tall. She stood at least about 5'9". Beside her, an older man walked, "Ama, calm down. We have only just left; we have a good amount of time to get there." The gruff sounding man said. That man had black hair that was slicked back, he was rather thin, one leg missing and replaced with wood, glasses covering his black eyes, face marked with age yet was still very attractive. His name was Lacey Dash, the King.

"Yeah, I get that. Where are we going though? You have been dodgy about this since this morning." She spoke, clearly not amused by being kept in the dark by her father. The man let out a hum in response, "and I also told you it was a surprise. You don't just give out surprises. It ruins the whole point of them." A huff sounded from the girl, showing her displeasure. "Calm down, we don't have far anyways. I'm sure you can handle going a little further."

The red-headed girl only nodded, mumbling under her breath.


Monday- 12:55 PM


The two have walked upon the healthy green grass, the sun shining upon them. A new scenery came into view as they neared the top of the hill. It only took the two a few more seconds to be able to reach it, seeing as the blue sky stretched far beyond the horizon as the clouds seemed closer yet, still far. You could see the town of The Owl Lands from the hill, the people could be seen if one squinted close enough. A breath left the young adult, bemused by the scenery before her.

"Beautiful, right? I myself would say so." Spoke the man, walking up to where she stood, sitting down steadily. "Yeah… how do you know this place?" She responded, her eyes leaving the view as she quickly sat down next to him. He let out a soft laugh, "I was just about to tell you that. This was where I first met your mother. Well- officially, I met her before that though, never was fully introduced. I remember getting a good look at her and feeling as my breath was taken away. My heart felt as if it was being squeezed by some invisible source.

She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and couldn't take my eyes off of her." He informed, putting his hand on his chest, over to where his heart was located. Amaya was taken aback, not knowing completely how to respond. She took a bit before realizing what was happening and turned to look at Lacey. "And what else? Why did you two come here?"

Lacey let out a laugh, amused by his daughter's need to hear what else he had to say. "Well, we were supposed to meet up for a playdate, but I got nervous as soon as I saw her and her father, I just got up and ran out. My parents sent almost all of the guards to search for me and no one was successful besides her. We took time to chat and that was when I realized I fell in love with her." He continued on, his voice starting to sound strained. His heart in pain at the memory of his first and only love. There was silence once more before Amaya spoke once more, "When did you two confess, elope and when did… she die?" She asked, cautious as if that her father was going to break at any second if she asked the wrong question or said the wrong thing.

Lacey couldn't help but to smile some, "it was when we were in our school's library. Small thing it was, not having had the funding it has now. We were sitting at one of the tables, she was helping me study for my astronomy class. We had looked toward each other and couldn't help but to be caught in that position. Before we knew it, we kissed. We were both obviously embarrassed and shared some apologies until she decided to confess. I of course did as well and we told our parents. They were over the moon at the idea. A few years after we graduated, she found out she was pregnant. We had told our parents after a few weeks of fearful conversations and had to get married.

We loved the idea of getting married, of course, but we didn't want to get married because we had to, we wanted to marry because we wanted to. Our love for each other was strong. Nine months later, you came out. We were happy to know you came out to be a healthy baby girl. We couldn't ask for anything else. After you and your mother were cleared, we went home to rest. Everything was perfect the first two years… until it all went to hell. A group of crusaders came and started to wreak havoc. One of the maids tried to show us a way out but… that maid was paid to backstab us and we were shown a way directly to them. I tried to defend us, but I wasn't strong enough and couldn't protect the both of you.

The strong, independent, lovely woman your mother was… decided to sacrifice herself. She was taken by the crusaders, never to be seen again. We can only assume she had been killed. I tried my best to gather an army strong enough to fight against them and get your mother back, but…" before the King could finish, tears were already streaming down his face. "We couldn't save her, she was taken with them wherever they went. Never to be seen again…" He informed, trying his best to stay strong and not break down completely, wiping the tears from his cheeks. Amaya stared at her father with such sympathy. She had scooted closer to him and wrapped him in her arms. She chose to stay silent, listening as he cried, shaking as he let it all out.

Once Lacey was finished, he had squeezed his daughter before letting her go, smiling at her. "Thank you, you are such a caring girl. Your mother would be so proud of you…" He spoke, upon hearing that, Amaya felt as her frown turned into a shy smile. "Really?" She asked, overjoyed to hear something like that. "Of course, you have grown to be so much like her. You even inherited her stubbornness and sassiness." He said teasingly, squeezing her cheeks gently.

Amaya gasped as she laughed out, "ah! Dad, come on! Don't do stuff like that!" She whined out, as much as she fought against it, she secretly enjoyed having the small little moments with her father. "Okay, okay. Whatever you say, Ms. Bossy." He teased, not leaving room for the girl to interject before continuing what he was saying. "Though… this isn't entirely what I brought you here to speak about."

That caught her attention, causing her eyes to be trained on him, showing that she was listening. "You know how the two kingdoms one the east and west of us have been going to war?" He asked, the girl nodding. It was a well-known fact around the kingdom, everyone knew about it. "Well, the east one, The Vuinish Kingdom made a proposition. That, they will protect us from the Junston Kingdom's wrath though, I must allow my only child to elope with their only child." He explained, watching as Amaya stared blankly before he seen her expression turn angry. "Wait, so… what you are saying is that you want me to marry some man I don't know in order to be protected?" She asked, annoyed. She seen as her father was about to speak before lifting a finger to cut him off. "No. Don't say anything. How could you think I would be okay with that?!" She spoke, her voice laced with anger.

"Ama, dear. Please listen to me-" he was cut off by Amaya. "No, I will not listen to you! I will not allow you to force me to marry someone I do not know. I will not allow you to force me to do anything. Just because you are my father does not mean you can do this type of thing to me!" She shouted, stomping off, right back down the hill, retracing her steps.

She ignored the shouts from her father, telling her to 'come back' and the constant apologies. She was not going to hear him out on anything.

She ran to the only place she ever felt proper safety at, Karla's.


Monday- 1:50 PM


A young woman is seen in a library, standing by a desk as she hummed to herself. She flipped through the pages, only to sigh out and slam the book shut. "I've already read this one. I'm most definitely going to need another shipment of books." She spoke to herself, irritated. She went to put her book back where she found it, saving putting it up for later. She looked around for anyone, seeing no one was there to see, she looked into a reflective surface, and began to fix her Hijab upon her head. The Hijab was green as she had worn a brown sweater that was matched with a black skirt that hung to her ankles and brown boots. She sported a black jacket upon that to make sure she was warm while working away.

She only assumed that the day would be peaceful with the occasional customers who came in, asking for a specific book and either checking it out or even buying it. Not many people read in the kingdom and so, she never really received many people. The only reason the library was even open was from the funding the royal family gave her, all thanks to Princess Amaya. That was the same case with the majority of the stores around The Owl Lands, the King was very generous with his money unlike the previous one before him.

She sighed out softly as she shook her head to clear her thoughts, grabbing her cup of water. She brought it to her mouth, as soon as it touched her lips… The door slammed open. She spat out her water, going into a coughing fit. "Karla! I need your help- oh my Merlin. Are you okay?" Asked the red head who was Amaya. Her curly hair was all over the place, her face shaped into worry. Her white shirt all wrinkled as her tan pants were held up by a halfway buckled belt.

Karla tensed as she looked over to the Princess, clearing her throat. "Erm- yes. I am fine, thank you. What do you need help with though?" She asked, placing the glass down as her blue eyes were trained on the girl. The worry turned to relief as Amaya closed the door and walked up to the counter. "I need you to hide me in here. Don't ask questions please, I just need to get away from my dad."

Karla stared at her with shock, her eyes wide open. "I… huh? I… suppose?" She spoke, shaking her head some. Amaya squealed happily as she wrapped the girl into a hug from over the counter. The Librarian laughed out gently, shaking her head. "Of course, though... I do need a favor from you. Only because of the fact you are here anyway." She stated, causing the red head to perk up. "Okay! Give me your favor, I'll help you!"

Karla smiled softly, "Alright then. Well, I need your help with carrying something into my storage closet." She informed the other, grabbing said girl's hand, bringing her along to a box that looked pretty dusty yet… new. They both picked it up and walked into a dim, small room. It was lit by a small window, about seven feet up the wall so it didn't do much to help light the room at all, but there really wasn't much anyone could do until there was enough money to expand the window.

They dropped the box down on the floor, Karla looked up at Amaya with a soft smile. "Thank you so much for helping me." She spoke as she had stretched her back some, yawning before her hands went to her sides. She tensed as she saw the hand reaching out toward her. "What are you doing?" Amaya shushed her, "There is a spider right next to your head. Stay still." Once those words were spoken, Karla felt a sense of dread go through her. Her blue eyes wide with fear. "C…Come on! You can't joke like that… if you are truly joking…" Her voice shook, terrified.

Amaya finally grabbed upon the spider and walked out to put it outside. Karla stood there, still frozen with fear due to the fact she could have randomly found a spider crawling around on her if it weren't for her friend. She felt relieved to know she didn't have to worry about being bitten though of course worried for the Princess as well. She fully processed everything before sighing out and turned to begin to unpack everything from the box, humming out to herself. She was so focused on putting things up, going on her tippy toes to try and put something on the tallest shelf. Her heart skipped a beat as the object was taken from her hand and put up for her. She had panicked, turning around to face the mysterious person only to be relieved to see it was just Amaya.

"You need to stop scaring me." Spoke the librarian, crossing her arms as she glared up at Amaya playfully. The red-headed princess laughed out in response as she shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't be scaring you if you didn't scare so easily." She retorted, the friendly banter between the two had them barely noticing how close they were to each other. They could feel each other's breaths upon their lips. Karla and Amaya felt themselves leaning in until the sound of a door slamming open was heard, which was what pulled them from their little time together. The two women ran out of the closet to see what the commotion was only to see that there were two royal guards.

Amaya cursed under her breath while Karla remained very confused. One of the Guards spoke, "Your majesty. Please come with us, your father wishes for us to see you back to the quarters." Amaya scoffed as she rolled eyes, "Sure…" she started, giving the Guards a moment of hope before it crumbled to dust with what she finished with. "Only if you are able to catch me, later!" She exclaimed before making a break for the back door… only to be caught by one of the Guards and thrown over their shoulders. Very much like a toddler, Amaya was kicking and screaming. "Put me down this instant! I am not going back there! You will not have me put in those atrocious outfits!" She screamed as she was carried off back to the Castle.

Karla stood there, her eyes wide. She then sighed out, shaking her head and going back to doing her work. Today was full of many things that brought her shock.