
Chapter 1



"Shit who would put so many deadly traps in his fucking food storage"

In a giant room filled with shelves and crates lay a man whose appearance was hard to define, the reason was quite simple, his whole body was mutilated, his right leg was at the other side of the room, left leg turned in some sort of mush, both of the arms and a torso were full of holes of different sizes while his head was quite lucky, it was just burnt to a crisp

"Fuck you, Aron!!!"

Mage Aron was a legendary figure three centuries ago until he disappeared mysteriously, leaving behind countless possessions, including this maze-like compound at Dawn Peeks.

"Damn, you even put soul-crushing effect to your traps, that's a little bit too ruthless for a couple of food crates"

Why would someone try to raid a mages lair for food and ingredients instead of magical scrolls and books? Well, Avalon, the guy dying over there is not that talented in magic….. well he is extremely untalented in magic….. if there would be one word to explain his affinity to magic it would be: minuscule, worthless, null, "that guy" in a neighbourhood who will always be a bad example when a parent tries to educate their children, a dialogue would go something like this:

"Son if you don't study well you will grow up to be like "that guy""

usually on the younger generation these manipulative phases would not work, but Avalon's magic talent was so bad that he could become an urban legend to children who would not study so the kid's answer would be:

"Yes father I will study 48 hours a day, 14 days a week to not become "that guy""

That's how bad Avalon's magical talent is.

So the reason why he is here is that he enjoys food and likes trying out new things, "so why not try to raid a possibly dead mage food storage to indulge myself in gluttonous sins" thought Avalon

"It can't be that dangerous" thought Avalon

"who would install traps in a food storage," thought Avalon

"It would be a little adventure," thought Avalon

"I am smart" thought Avalon

And that's how Avalon got to this point



"At least I should get some rest for what's about to come"

And that's how Avalon fall asleep while being at death's door, suffering horrible injuries.

That's right, there was no pain, fear, sadness or anger. Avalon did not blame Aron for his horrible demise nor did he blame the informer who gave him the wrong information nor did he blame his weakness, He just fell asleep in a calm and relaxed manner. Just like that Avalon died.

/// Name: Frederik Avalon Pascal ///

/// T#me of d*^th : 16:40 XX.#$.XX@X ///

/// Place of d!&*h : ^awn P)(k, &^on's R&D %ompo><d №#

/// %&(*%#&@ (@#& : S%ver& org_n fail+re ///

/// Death № : 3 ///
