
Chapter 14: Outpost town of Horaud (2)


A calm, deep voice rang out through the clearing as a large stone gradually morphed itself into the shape of a small key, its grooves and edges all exquisitely carved. Given its ornate design, one could even mistake it as an item of high importance.



Aziel crushed it within his palm, scattering the powdered dust that remained. A silent breeze carried it away, dispersing it in the wind.

'It's not enough…'

He wasn't satisfied with just that. Fully aware of the skill's true capabilities, he sought to push its limits even while having yet to acquire the skill; 'Mana Manipulation'.

In spite of that, his rate of growth proved to be nothing short of inordinate. At present, he strived to unlock the remaining derivatives for the skill, making unseen progress in his endeavors.


Suddenly, the ground beneath him became restless, two thick tendrils of earth sprouted upwards from approximately 3 meters away, molding itself into resplendent arches. Despite the fact that dirt made up its core structure, their sheer magnificence seemed as though they belonged in a ballroom or some other formal setting.

As the maximum distance for transmutation was exactly 3 meters, it also required the user to be in contact with the object they wanted to transform.

While an individual would normally be required to either inscribe magic circles onto their gloves or footwear in order to transmute an object, the 'Image Composition' skill allowed him to form imaginary magic circles in place of physical ones.

Because of that, lowering himself and touching the ground with his hands wasn't necessary in order to activate the skill.

With the insight he 'replicated', he had acquired the proficiency of a top synergist back at the Heiligh Kingdom. Although ordinary people would rarely have the chance to meet such personage, the privileges Eleanor possessed as high-ranking nobility directly negated those formalities.

At that time, it was also where he acquired his first personal weapon in this world.

The majority of his time was spent on perfecting his already formidable physical prowess, alongside different magic theories and applications. Upon grasping the fundamentals, the utilization of magic came naturally, most likely due to his 'Perfect Magic Affinity' which surpassed even the apostles.

Though he found himself employing elements such as Ice, Wind, and Earth more often than others, granting him a high degree of versatility within those aspects. That wasn't to say his capacity for other elements were limited, it was just that the three previously mentioned had seen further use.

Skills such as 'Expedited Growth' and its derivative; 'Ability Transcendence' had assisted greatly in his development, giving rise to rapid advancement over short periods of time.

Had the rest of the world known someone like him currently existed, they'd likely be downright terrified.

Thinking about it this way, his 'Job' seemed quite apt.

Just as he was about to continue his training, his ears picked up on the sound of adventurers gathering back at the resting ground, indicating that it was nearly time to leave.

Thus, Aziel headed back toward the stationary carriage and wagons, resuming his journey to Horaud. Given how long they'd been traveling, it would only take no more than a couple hours to reach the town.

Sitting within a prairie wagon, Aziel watched the scenery slowly pass by, the squeaking sound of wheels turning disrupted the still silence. He looked over at the adventurer who sat opposite him, prompting the man to flinch and gaze back nervously.

Ignoring his reaction, Aziel activated another one of his skills.


An ability that allowed him to scan anything and analyze the information gathered, functioning as a far more advanced version of Appraisal Magic.

The following information entered his mind.


Name: • Jack Bennett •

Age: • 26 •

Gender: • Male •

Race: • Human •

Estimated Alignment: • Lawful Good •

Level: 32

Job: N/A

Strength: 75

Vitality: 80

Defense: 70

Agility: 70

Magic: 55

Magic Defense: 50


Skills: N/A


Current Condition: Healthy


Threat Level: Very Weak


Potential: Very Limited


Overall: Insignificant


This was the general result of most scans on other humans, identifying them as 'Insignificant' with poor potential. That being said, while it may have sounded critical, the facts were most certainly true.

If one wasn't born with extraordinary abilities and prospects, their presence wouldn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. Then again, wasn't that how most worlds were? It was similar to earth in that regard.

Back to the main topic at hand, there was only one occurrence where the results differed, and that was when he scanned Eleanor, displaying her potential as: 'Above Average'.

Given her rare combat job, that outcome wasn't particularly surprising.

As Aziel turned away and closed his eyes, Jack released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, meekly lowering his posture in the hopes of going unnoticed.

Fortunately for him, the journey came to an end shortly after.

It was already late into the afternoon by the time they arrived, the reasonably sized town walls came into view in conjunction with the trademark large cliff surrounding it. Surprisingly, several buildings such as the Adventurers Guild and an Inn were actually made out of the cliff walls that surrounded the town.

After being permitted entry, everyone disbanded, signaling the mission's conclusion. Most of them were undoubtedly visiting the diverse restaurants Horaud offered, yearning to eat something that wasn't jerky or other dried foods.

The town of Horaud, though not as lively as the Capital, was still thronging with residents, tourists, merchants, and adventurers. The numerous stalls set up by the roadside were hectic, buzzing with activity.

The streets were all astir.

A vibrant atmosphere filled the square, seeming as though it were a festive occasion. The crowds of people walking by every second spoke volumes of this town's reputation.

Aziel, instead of immediately heading to the Adventurers Guild, went around to the various vendors that could be sighted throughout the town, purchasing any resources he might need.

Although he didn't require much food or rest to stay in peak condition, caution was still a factor he always took into consideration. Even if he knew a great deal about this world and its history, this was now reality, where unknown variables could arise.

He refused to be made a fool of by completely relaxing his guard.

Strolling past the various shops in his surroundings, he suddenly took a right turn, emerging within a dark alleyway between two tall buildings. Leaving behind the enthusiastic swarm of voices, a dreary silence persisted.

The damp smell of putrid garbage permeated the gloomy alley, as the occasional sound of dripping water echoed.

Aziel gazed at one of the walls at his side, observing weathered stains spreading across it as he finally spoke.

"I had a good idea once…"

His voice rang out, talking to no one in particular.

"I thought it was great..."

Once again, only silence reigned.

"But…after telling someone about it…"

No one responded.

"I realized it was quite shitty…"


"If all it took was one person to point out that grave error…."

Looking back toward where he'd just come from—

"…Then I guess it's my job to let you know how fucked you are."

Suddenly, the sound of multiple footsteps echoed throughout the alleyway, no doubt heading straight toward him.

"This bastard's tellin' stories or somethin'…?

"It's always like the pretty boy's to get sentimental."

"I guess he's not all looks, huh; he could actually tell we were following him."

Three men of differing heights appeared from within the darkness, dressed in all black that implied they were up to something shady.

Aziel watched as they approached, their demeanor oozed with confidence. He had long sensed them from the moment they began stalking him, rendering their stealthy undertaking futile.

Regardless, since they decided to meet with him, they'd already forfeited any chance of living.

"Cut the bullshit. I don't give a damn about what you came for, but you're gonna tell me anyway because I said so."
