
Are my dreams real???

after a long night of gaming. Bari goes towards his bed to sleep and when you open eyes Bari see yourself in a world of magic??

Nirio · ファンタジー
2 Chs

wizards and beasts(1)

"walk dirt I don't have all the time in the world!"

without even waiting for an answer he had already run out of the room.

Bari looking around realized that he was in a room where the walls were made of stone and the ceiling and floor were made of black wood and a small window made of the same wood as the floor. and in the room there was only a desk and the bed he was sitting on.

Bari started walking towards the window to see where he is.

'a forest, a tower, on a mountain, inside a tree or are we in a cave system?'

but as soon as he opened the wooden window he saw a red sky.

'where the fuck am I?"

"at the school of red wizards duuhhh."

turning around to see who answered his question was a 15 year old boy in a red cloak with a small brooch of flames on the cloak.

"who are you?"

"runo but it doesn't matter now, in 10 minutes you'll have to accompany me for your mana test."

"mana test?"

"well I'm here to answer your questions so the mana test tells you which element you have an affinity for and if you have the potential to become a mage."

"a mage?"

"...you know the guys who are treated with respect even by the king even when they were apprentices."

"... I was a person who lived on the streets since I was little."was that the only excuse that lined up with the character info? Bari didn't know if they had investigated this character's background.

"that explains a few things but lets get on with the questions you have 5 minutes left." he said as he snapped his fingers.

"...what is that brooch on your robe?" said Bari after thinking a bit.

"it shows that I'm a beginner flame mage." although the tone was as if it were nothing, you could see it in the pride's face.

"What do I have to do on the magic test?"

"that I cannot say."

"...where are we?" Bari said while pointing her finger at the red sky.

"in the best environment for fire element mages and also the red fortress where our school is located along with the dragon clan."

"you guys... like the color red a lot."

"....haha." A forced laugh came out of Runo's mouth.

"Well it's time for the magic test good luck!" he said as a black wooden staff with a red stone on top appeared in front of him.

"Wait, weren't you going to take me to the audition?" Bari said confused.

"no I'll just teleport you to the test."said runo as the staff started to glow with a scarlet color.

"Goodbye and good luck!" The last thing he saw was a rune waved with his hand.

as soon as I could see what was around, Bari found himself on a circular floating platform. around other boys and girls aged 14 to 15. suddenly one of the boys on the other side disappeared and a second later came back with a sick and pale face.

and sometimes there were students who did not return and others who, as soon as they returned, were pulled by a wave of green, yellow and sometimes blue.

Bari, with no chance of coming up with a plan in this short space of time, disappeared to reappear elsewhere. so he felt himself floating. when something he didn't even know he had started pulsing through his body.


then the pulse stopped and a sick feeling took over. then Bari felt everything around him heat up at the same time as he felt a faint invigorating sensation.


so he was brought back into the circle again and was in the same state as the other participants.

after everyone who came back managed to no longer feel nauseous. a voice had invaded the hall.

"we have a genius and some good seedlings in this generation of wizards." a mage in a red robe with two flame brooches was floating above them.

a wave of red swept past the students and caught Bari.

"come on genius."

•a while later•

"so I'm going to be your clan's successor?"

"yes" said the leader of the fire mage clan. he wears a black robe with black flames sewn into the robe. he has 3 red flame brooches and a black flame brooch on his mantle.I didn't want to see the leader's face because of the cloak.

"why?" in Bari's mind this made no sense.

"because you are a genius and I don't want to have a child and even if I did I wouldn't pass the job on to him. I want a genie who will lead our clan to a higher point. you have a chance to become an advanced mage. which is enough for me to focus all resources on you. everyone in the clan will agree since when you grow up and become a mage of my level. at least they'll still have the same level of strength as now."

'I know almost nothing about the world so having a force pointing the way is better than following the path blindly. well it doesn't matter if I die right here it's not my body.'

"ok I agree to become the leader's successor." said Bari while making a reference.

"great, take this book here." said the leader while pulling the book from inside the mantle, it was a small book with not even 10 pages the cover was ugly black wood and had a logo of a black flame.

"this book is the heritage of our clan the method of forming your fire and wood element mana core, it is perfect for you." said the leader as he stretched out his arm with the book to hand it to Bari.

"...why do you trust me so much?" said Bari without taking the book.

"you are my successor if I don't trust you who can I trust?" said the leader.

"I want the truth." said Bari with a confident face.

"you want the truth? ok the moment you agreed to be my successor we established a mana contract which basically says that you will become the leader of the clan and take care of the clan when I die. And all the promises I made are also valid otherwise the contract would fail."said the leader without even showing a hint of shame.

"...how strange I can't be mad at you."

"and the acting mana contract you will listen to me without getting irritated and I will teach you everything I can."

without saying anything else a black mana teleported him to a room where the floor was the same black wood on the ceiling made of stones there was a modern lamp. on the left side there was a door and on the right side there was another door. the two doors were made of red stones. the left door led to a corridor with a red and gold carpet and pictures of people unknown to Bari except one that was closest to his room was the leader's picture.

'who makes a painting with the face covered by a cloak??'

decided to ignore the clan leader's craziness. Bari turned to the other door in the room. as soon as he opened it he realized that it was a room with a bed, desk and a simple wardrobe. there was another door in this room but it led to a more or less modern bathroom like there was a toilet and even a bathroom with a glass door. plus the floors, ceilings and walls in this bathroom were made of blue wood.

'well I think I better start studying this book as soon as possible."