2 ch-2

We landed in the men's bathroom of Seattle City Museum. We quickly got out of there and headed towards the main desk of the museum. The museum was vast and had various things in it. Its exterior was made of glass. We reached the main desk and borrowed a map of the museum. We found the time room on the map and got excited. We followed the route and ran towards the time room. Suddenly, we stopped in front of the time room as we saw a green light coming from one of the adjoining room. We sneaked in but couldn't see anything from the outside so we tiptoed to the room...unexpectedly the light vanished and we were left alone in the room in dilemma.


"Oh no, he escaped. ", Pan Rollins said.

"He ran away before we entered into the room. May be we have to be more careful next time..." I answered with hesitation.

"No, it is not your mistake. He is very clever and vigilant as he know that I am trying to stop him. Now I have to relocate his location." Pan Rollins said.

"How much time will it take to relocate him? " I asked.

"Approximately two hours. " Pan Rollins answered.

After what seemed like eternity, Pan Rollins came running towards us with excitement and said,

"Johnny is in the time of the first world war. We need to hurry up....I am opening a portal, which will lead you all to that place. Be ready for another exciting journey...look out for dangers."

After saying so, the portal opened and we were sucked in. It looked like darkness had fallen upon the world, it got darker and darker and...

I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on hard and dusty ground. I slowly sat up. Reynolds and Angelica were also beside me, sitting up. I scanned the horizon. Nothing much was left of the place. Just a few tumbledown huts and wrecks of the war. We got up and headed towards the closest hut. The hut was empty and It was soon going to be dark so we decided to stay there for the night. But, sometimes, nights can become nightmares. And it turned out the same for us. A NIGHTMARE.

The night had fallen upon the town and everything became silent. Not a single sound of insects or crickets...Only, the wind was blowing, making eerie sounds. Suddenly, we woke up due to the noise of footsteps outside. We walked over to the window to peek outside and saw a group of German soldiers coming towards the hut. We hurriedly crawled under a table to hide....but with a sound of cracking, the floor divided into two parts, a trapdoor opened and we fell down....before we could understand anything we found ourselves in a dark, lonely cold area... I reached for my pen torch which I always carry with me... we found that the room is surrounded by huge thick walls and there was no window or door. "It looks like a cell", we all whispered at once .... suddenly, we heard someone laughing and a person appeared from the darkness in front of us and said, you are correct, this is a cell. Now it is going to be your new home.., Ha.. Ha....Haha!

" Hi spies. What did you think I will not know who sent you? But unfortunately I do know that Pan Rollins sent you to stop me. "

" Who are you? " I asked.

" Don't you recognise me? I am Johnny . The best person in the world. "

"Actually, you are the worst. We will not let you succeed in your evil plan. " I said.

"Ok then. Try to stop me if you can. He chuckled! You will be in the cell all of the time and I will be snatching the happiness from the world. You all just wait and watch what I do. "

And saying so, Johnny departed. I now started thinking how to get out of the cell . Suddenly, an idea just popped into my head....If there is a trapdoor in the cottage which could get us here then there should be some hidden trapdoor to go out of this cell and to the cottage. Eagerly, we all started looking for the switch or a loose brick or a hidden passage. We searched every nook and corner, every groove and ridge but couldn't find anything. We were disappointed...I banged my head against the wall and suddenly, a trapdoor opened in front of us. I almost screamed with joy...there was a hidden switch in the wall I whispered.... We hurried towards the trapdoor..as soon as we entered the passage, the wall closed behind us with a heavy screech. We continued followed the darkness and cold tunnels with the help of my pen torch...After about five minutes we saw a ray of light coming from the left side. It was a trapdoor...we opened the trapdoor and found ourselves at the back of the same cottage. We closed the trapdoor behind us and took our supplies from the cottage and headed towards the castle of Kaiser Wilhelm II. This is a place where we can find the first key for a chest. As per Pan Rollins there are four chests that contains some papers. We need to find keys for all the chests before Johhny canget them as they contain valuable information.

Now we had to find the first key and we have to get it back to Pan Rollins before bumping into Johnny on the way. Sometimes, plans don't work the way we want them to . And that's how it worked for us.
