
Apocalypse: Virus Symbiosis

In a nuclear apocalypse, mass detonation of stealth missiles the survivors liked to call Angel Fire rained down and exploded on planet Earth. There had been no warnings, no prophecies, no deductions either. A deadly virus spread, enveloping the world as evolution radiation mixed with oxygen A retired X Soldier who had previously being a failed result of a military experiment tries to navigate his way back to his daughter... An entire city apart. [You have eliminated an Armoured Zombie, 2 Evolution points have been extracted from radiation gathered.] [Warning! Evolution points contains Memory fragments, do you wish to perceive, delete or start skill extrapolation of memory fragment?] "Start Skill Extrapolation." [Scanning Memory Fragments...] [Scan completed. Skill found] [Skill: Godly Devourer(Divine Skill)!] [Godly Devour: Devour Evo points to strengthen the user!] [Learning Godly Devour will occupy you entire skill slot, do you wish to learn the technique?] "Yes!" [Skill successfully learned!]

Typhlix · ファンタジー
23 Chs

The Impressed

As expected, there was barely any zombie within the garage but Ryver didn't recklessly charge into the garage.

There were about fifty-some cars packed within the garage, and  there might be a few zombies hiding around the packed vehicles.

But the state of the garage wasn't looking too good. Almost half of the entire garage, had collapsed to the ground, destroying almost 60 percent of the vehicles parked within the garage.

Clicking the unlock button of the car key, a black new vehicle at the far end sounded out with its headlight flashing. This immediately attracted four zombies from where they had been aimlessly roaming, they moved to the location of the sound but they couldn't find anything to satisfy their cravings, so they resumed wandering aimlessly.

Seeing that there were truly only four zombies around the garage. Without bothering about being stealth, Ryver started to move towards the vehicle. The sound of his footstep attracted the four zombies. They immediately growled, rushing forwards as their lust for flesh and blood increased.

In just a few seconds, Ryver took care of the four zombies, whilst cleaning his axe with their clothes.

He resumed walking towards the vehicle when he discovered more than. They either have holes in their heads or their heads had been cleanly cut clean.

Ryver paused when he saw this. He couldn't help but frown. Someone who could take on twenty zombies  even though the area was spacious wouldn't be a simple individual.

Ignoring it, Ryver opened the door  to the black vehicle. The car was covered in dust ans a few stone debris. There was even a crack in its windshield.

Not minding this, he took out the finger from his pockets and places it on the ignition button. The vehicle roared loudly, vibrating visibly to life.

Fixing the gear on reverse with his finger, he stomped down on the acceleration button and finally, he started to move.

Not bothering to avoid the corpses on the ground, he drove right on top of them, pushing part of the garage debris out of the way, the tyre screeching as the vehicle headed out of the garage.

The long iron rod by the garage revenue system had been smashed through by something else, letting Ryver easy access outside the garage.

He was finally out of the company. He could finally get to see his girl, just a few hours. As he drove by, a few zombies emerged from the corner, trying to catch up to the car, but they were simply to slow.

As he got to the road, om the asphalt, his face gradually darkened. The tar road was emitting extremely hot hear to the atmosphere. Moreover, the road ahead had been blocked by numerous vehicles, both large, medium and small, overturned, and exploded.

Even if he managed to squeeze through the vehicles blocking this particular road, who is to say the same situation isn't occurring on the road ahead of him.

"Looks like I will have to move on foot." Ryver uttered throuvh his nose mask, he was about to turn off the vehicle's engine when he sensed something from the corner of his eyes.


The glass to the passenger seat exploded into multiple pieces as a large hand stretched out to grab Ryver from within 

Although slightly shocked, he opened the door to the driver's seat and leaned that way, avoiding the grab also he simultaneously pushed  the gear backwards, the car was immediately places on reverse as it, screeching loudly against the hit asphalt, moving backwards with increased acceleration

A loud screech echoed as one of the tire from the vehicle couldn't the extreme heat from the ground as it popped like a balloon.

The vehicle swivelled left and right, but Ryver was able to keep the vehicle under control. The monster was been carried by the vehicle, roaring as it tried to grab Ryver.

Ryver kept his foot tightly pressed on the acceleration pedal, moving the vehicle back to the garage. The loud noise immediately attracted all the savage zombies within a 100-meter radius. They came swarming in like a flood. It was as though they couldn't feel the heat emitted from the ground.

Ryver's expression remained impassive. Controlling the vehicle until they were once again in the garage. He suddenly swivelled, driving the vehicle extremely close to the wall, slamming the monster into the wall as the vehicle reversed, scraping the monsters back against the wall.


The monster cried out in pain as its body was been squeezed in between the vehicle and the wall.


The car slammed into another vehicle from behind, jolting the vehicle to a stop.

Ryver's head collided with the plastic airbag that automatically deployed.

He quickly got off the vehicle and fully got a good look at the monster. It was a zombie, but this one had extremely thick hands and upper body.

What shocked Ryver was that he recognised who this person was. "Benjamin?"

He was one of the guards stationed outside the large company to ward off people who wanted to cause trouble. The man was extremely huge and bulky to a scary level, it was no wonder why he would turn into this when he transformed into a zombie.

Ryver grabbed his blade but then, he saw the vehicle he had used to trap Benjamin was starting to shift as the zombie pushed.

Ryver was impressed by this. "Scan Target."

[Name: Unknown]

[Type: Infected (Zombie)<Variant>]

[Sex: male]

[Age: 41]

[Strength: 4]

[Agility: 1.1]

[Vitality: ∞ ]

[Poisonous Teeth :1]

[Poisonous Nails :1]

[Overall Power level: 7 units]

[Warning: Lifeform is extremely dangerous!]

His strength had increased even after transforming into a zombie. Wasting no time, Ryver climbed the hood of the vehicle, and slammed his axe across its head, dividing it into two halves, it couldn't be any more dead.

But he couldn't stay at this place any longer. The commotion the vehicle had caused had attracted more and more zombies than he could deal with.

He withdrew his axe and started walking towards the door headed for the second floor. His expression was dark as the thoughts sunk in. it would take more time than expected before he would be able to reunite with his daughter.

Furthermore, his daughter who was with his ex-wife weren't staying in this particular city. He would have to cross this city; Grand Metro City before heading towards Old Bryxton City where his ex-wife resides.

The difficulty in reaching there by foot is extremely high therefore he would need a vehicle to head there but the road is most likely been blocked by other vehicles, making it difficult to pass through.

Therefore, he needed to rethink his options and how he would go about it.

A zombie's head was squashed to death by his axe but there were more than a few hundred zombies that had been attracted by the noise, running towards him with blood lust in their white lifeless eyes.

Ryver continued to kill the more faster zombies. His kill was very efficient and quick, but they consumed more of his stamina.

[You eliminated a zombie, 0.02 Evo points have been  extracted]

[You eliminated a zombie, 0.02 Evo points have been extracted]

As he  took care of two zombie, three more would take its place. Ryver continuously killed the zombies as he retreated towards the iron door.