
Loushang City

Hearing Wang Yingqiu's praise, Noah raised an eyebrow.

How could this woman tarnish someone's reputation out of thin air?

He clearly wasn't happy at all...

"Alright, let's hurry up and leave before we're discovered by the wolf pack."

After a brief rest, the group set off again, heading into the desert.

Along the way, they occasionally encountered monsters, mostly below level 10. The team coordinated well together, so these encounters didn't pose much of an issue.

Noah was responsible for extracting Civilization Seeds. For monsters without seeds, he would remove edible parts and valuable portions, discarding the rest.

Noah's quick knife skills earned him endless praise from the girls, and his daily salary was raised to ten sand coins.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and the sun had set on the horizon, casting a red glow over the sea of sand.
