
Apex vs Apocalypse

A world where superheroes are the norm faces its gravest challenge yet: a sudden, devastating zombie outbreak. As these protectors confront hordes of the undead and unravel the sinister truth behind the apocalypse, they must redefine heroism in a city on the brink of collapse. Amidst chaos and despair, it's a race against time for survival, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance in this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope

Daoist_Piousfire · ファンタジー
45 Chs

To the North Wing

Leo and Ava carefully climbed down the makeshift rope, their movements silent and deliberate. The night air was cool against their skin, a stark contrast to the tension and fear that gripped them. As they reached the ground, they crouched low, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

"Alright," Leo whispered, his voice barely audible. "We need to decide our next move. I think the north wing is our safest bet for now."

Ava nodded, her eyes darting around the darkened campus. "I agree. The physical students are there. They might have more resources for defending themselves."

Leo glanced toward the distant silhouette of the north wing. "The gymnasium has sports facilities. It could serve as a temporary home for surviving students. It's big, and we can barricade the entrances."

Ava considered his words, her mind racing. "Plus, the physical students might have already set up defenses. It could be safer for the younger students if we can secure it."

Leo's eyes met hers, determination evident in his gaze. "Let's move quickly and quietly. The sooner we get there, the better."

They moved with cautious speed, sticking close to the shadows and avoiding open spaces. The eerie silence of the campus was broken only by the distant groans of turned students and the soft rustle of leaves in the wind.

As they approached the north wing, the building loomed large and foreboding in the darkness. Its tall windows reflected the faint glow of the barrier, casting ghostly reflections on the ground.

Leo motioned for Ava to follow him closely as they reached the gymnasium entrance. However, as they approached, they saw a horde of turned students milling around the entrance. Their eyes were vacant, and their movements slow and erratic, but their sheer numbers made a direct approach impossible.

"There's no way we can get in through the main entrance," Leo whispered, his voice tense.

Ava nodded, her eyes scanning the building for another way in. "Let's try going around to the workout facilities. There might be another entrance we can use."

They retreated from the gymnasium entrance, moving quietly to avoid drawing the attention of the horde. Sticking to the shadows, they made their way around the side of the building, their footsteps barely audible on the grass.

As they reached the back of the gymnasium, they spotted a smaller entrance leading to the workout facilities. The door was slightly ajar, a faint light spilling out from inside.

Leo glanced at Ava, his expression cautious. "Stay alert. There might be turned students inside."

Leo and Ava pushed the door open slowly, the hinges creaking softly. The workout facilities were dimly lit, the fluorescent lights flickering intermittently. As they entered, the scene before them was grim and unsettling.

The air was thick with the scent of sweat, disinfectant, and the faint metallic tang of blood. Scattered weights and exercise equipment were strewn across the floor, some of it overturned and broken. The remnants of a fierce struggle were evident, with blood splattered on the walls and floor.

Ava's eyes widened as she took in the sight. "Looks like there was a fight here. A bad one," she whispered, her voice tinged with both fear and determination.

Leo nodded, his flashlight beam sweeping across the room. "Yeah, and it looks like some of the students tried to fight back." His light fell on a few bodies of turned students, their forms twisted and broken, with crushed skulls and shattered limbs. "They managed to take down a few of them."

The physical students must have been taught differently, Leo thought to himself. Every other student so far has panicked when seeing their peers turn on them. These guys seem to have realized survival was more important. 

The workout facility was a large, open space filled with various exercise machines and free weights. The walls were lined with mirrors, now cracked and smeared with blood. A few broken benches and overturned weight racks added to the chaos of the scene.

"Over here," Ava whispered, pointing to a corner where a makeshift barricade had been set up using benches and weight racks. "It looks like some students tried to fortify themselves here."

Leo approached the barricade, inspecting it closely. "It's pretty solid, but it didn't hold. The turned students must have overwhelmed them."

As they moved deeper into the facility, they came across more bodies. Some were clearly turned students, their vacant eyes staring up at the ceiling. Others were the bodies of students who had fought bravely but had fallen to the overwhelming numbers.

Ava knelt beside one of the bodies, her expression somber. "This was my friend." She was in my biology class." She gently closed the girl's eyes, her own eyes filled with sadness. 

Leo placed a hand on Ava's shoulder, offering silent support. "It looks like she went down fighting. I'm sorry for your loss. Let's clear the rest of the area and secure it."

They came across one final barricade holding back the double door entrance to the hallway.

"Someone put one of the weight bars into the handles, effectively locking it from inside," Leo's voice contained a certain weight to it.

"Wouldn't that mean that someone would have to do that from here?" Ava asked, realization slowly coming on her face.


They both stood there in silence realizing that someone sacrificed themselves to lock these doors from inside. Ava slowly lifted her hand and urged the bar to leave the double doors.

"So many sacrifices…" she whispered. Leo wasn't sure if she was talking to him or herself, so he stayed silent in response. Once the bar was gone, they made their way.

With the workout facilities cleared and their path to the gymnasium now accessible, Leo and Ava carefully exited through the main entrance of the north wing. The building loomed ominously around them, its dark corridors and flickering lights casting eerie shadows.

They paused in the main hallway, listening for any sounds that might indicate danger. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the faint hum of the barrier outside and their own cautious footsteps.

"We need to decide where to go next," Leo whispered, his eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway. "Should we head upstairs to the dorms or keep following the main hallway towards the gymnasium?"

Ava considered their options, her brow furrowed in thought. "The dorms might have more students hiding. If we can find them, we could gather more survivors. But the gymnasium could be a better defensive position if we need to hold out for a while."

Leo nodded. "True. And the gymnasium might have supplies and equipment we can use. Plus, it's a larger space, which might make it easier to manage any attacks."

Ava glanced up the stairwell leading to the dorms. "But if there are students trapped up there, they might be in immediate danger. We can't just leave them if there's a chance to save them."

Leo sighed, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. "We need to think strategically. If we secure the gym first, we could use it as a base to launch a search and rescue for the dorms. That way, we have a safe place to bring any survivors we find."

Ava and Leo both stood in thought for a moment. Almost in unison, they looked at each other and decided, "We should split up."

Leo continued, "I'll head to the gymnasium and secure it. If we can use it as a stronghold, it will make things a lot easier."

Ava nodded, resolute. "And I'll go upstairs to the dorms. If there are any students hiding up there, they need our help now."

Leo gave her a determined look. "Be careful, Ava. If you run into trouble, get back here as quickly as you can."

Ava smiled faintly, appreciating his concern. "You too, Leo. Let's get this done and meet back here."

With their plan set, they split up. Leo continued down the main hallway toward the gymnasium, his steps cautious and deliberate. The dim light from the overhead fixtures cast long, distorted shadows, making every corner and alcove seem more menacing.

Ava turned and headed up the stairwell, her footsteps echoing softly in the silence. The sense of urgency and the weight of responsibility fueled her determination as she ascended, ready to face whatever awaited her on the next floor.

Leo passed by classrooms and training rooms, each door closed and silent. The signs of hurried evacuation were everywhere – scattered books, overturned chairs, and personal items left behind in the chaos.

As he approached the entrance to the gymnasium, he slowed his pace, listening intently for any sounds that might indicate danger. The large double doors to the gym were closed, but faint sounds could be heard from within.

Leo glanced back down the hallway, hoping Ava was safe. He then turned his focus to the task at hand. "Ready or not," he whispered to himself, "let's do this."

He pushed the doors open slowly, the hinges creaking softly in the silence. He stepped inside, his senses alert for any movement. The gymnasium was vast and dark, the moonlight filtering in through high windows casting eerie patterns on the floor.