
Apex vs Apocalypse

A world where superheroes are the norm faces its gravest challenge yet: a sudden, devastating zombie outbreak. As these protectors confront hordes of the undead and unravel the sinister truth behind the apocalypse, they must redefine heroism in a city on the brink of collapse. Amidst chaos and despair, it's a race against time for survival, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance in this gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the unyielding power of hope

Daoist_Piousfire · ファンタジー
45 Chs


Leo floated in a vast, endless expanse of darkness. It was a realm without form or substance, where the very concept of time seemed meaningless. He could feel nothing beneath his feet, no air around him, just an overwhelming void that pressed in from all sides. It was as if the world had ceased to exist, leaving him alone in a sea of black.

He tried to move, to find something, anything, to anchor himself, but his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive. Panic flickered in his mind as he realized he was trapped in this empty space, a prisoner of the void. Where am I? His thoughts echoed around him, the only sound in the oppressive silence.

As he drifted through the darkness, he became aware of faint sensations deep within his body. It was subtle at first, a whisper of warmth in his chest, a tingle in his fingertips. The elemental energies he had wielded for so long, the fire, water, earth, and air, still pulsed within him, though they felt distant, as if muted by the suffocating blackness.

Leo's mind raced as he tried to piece together what had happened. The memories were hazy, fragmented, but he could recall flashes of intense heat, the roar of a fierce battle, and the searing pain as he pushed his abilities to their limits. There was something about Brantley, the gym, the fire, and then... nothing. It was as if the world had collapsed around him, leaving him stranded in this strange, lifeless place.

Leo strained to recall the events leading up to this moment, his thoughts clouded by the disorienting void. He remembered fighting in the gymnasium, the relentless attacks of the turned professor, and the overwhelming pressure as he tried to protect his friends. The memories came in waves, each one more vivid than the last.

He had fought with everything he had, pushing his control over the elements to new heights, combining them in ways he had never thought possible. The fire and earth, merging to create molten rock that had slowed the relentless advance of the turned students. The ice, forged with the power of the wind, had shattered with a force that had saved him from Brantley's monstrous grasp.

But the cost had been high. He remembered the exhaustion, the feeling of his energy draining away, as if his very life force was being sapped by the effort. He had fought until there was nothing left, until the darkness had closed in around him, dragging him into this endless void.

Is this... death? The thought crept into his mind, unbidden and terrifying. Was this what happened when a person pushed themselves too far, when they reached the limits of their abilities and beyond? Am I destined to float here forever, lost in the blackness?

But even as the fear took hold, something deep within Leo resisted. No, this can't be the end. There was too much left undone, too many people he still needed to protect. He couldn't let it end like this, not when his friends were still out there, fighting for their lives.

The elemental energies within him began to stir, reacting to his determination. The warmth of the fire flickered brighter, the cool touch of water swirled through his veins, the solidity of earth steadied his mind, and the lightness of air lifted his spirit. They were faint, but they were there, a reminder that he was still alive, still connected to the world beyond the darkness.

Leo focused on those sensations, drawing strength from them. He wasn't entirely alone in this void, his powers, his connection to the elements, were still with him. And if he could feel them, maybe he could find a way back.

He reached out with his mind, trying to tap into the elemental forces, to use them as a guide, a beacon to lead him out of the darkness. But the void was thick, oppressive, and his connection to the elements felt tenuous at best. He could barely summon a flicker of flame, a ripple of water, a gust of air.

As he struggled, memories of his friends flashed before him, Ava, Ethan, and even the young students. Their faces, their voices, urging him to fight, to not give up. He couldn't let them down. He couldn't leave them to face this nightmare alone.

But despite his efforts, the darkness remained, and Leo felt his resolve beginning to falter. The elemental energies within him were fading, growing weaker with each passing moment. He was slipping away, his consciousness drifting further into the void.

Just as he was about to lose hope, something changed. A new sensation, faint but unmistakable, began to spread through his body. It was different from the elemental energies, deeper, more primal. A warmth that seeped into his veins, pushing back the cold emptiness of the void.

It was subtle at first, but it grew stronger, more insistent, as if something was calling to him, urging him to hold on. Leo latched onto it, drawing it into himself, letting it fill the emptiness inside him. It was a lifeline, pulling him back from the edge of oblivion.

What is this? He wondered, feeling the warmth spread through his body, revitalizing him, strengthening his connection to the elements. It felt almost... alive, as if something or someone was reaching out to him, giving him the strength to keep fighting.

Leo's mind began to clear, the darkness receding as the warmth continued to flood his senses. He could feel the elemental energies returning, stronger than before, as if the warmth was amplifying them, bringing him back to life.

Wherever I am, I'm not done yet. I still have a chance.

And with that thought, the void began to crumble, the darkness giving way to light. Leo felt himself being pulled back, drawn towards consciousness, towards the world he had left behind.

Going back a few minutes~

As Daniel watched Leo, an unsettling feeling began to stir within him. It wasn't fear or panic, but something deeper, something instinctual. It was as if his body was trying to tell him something, a message buried deep within his very being. The sensation grew stronger, an urgent tug that pulled at him, urging him to act.

Daniel's hand unconsciously moved to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath his skin. His blood felt warm, almost hot, as it coursed through his veins, a comforting reminder of his incredible ability to heal. But this warmth was different, more intense, as if his blood was alive with its own energy, humming with a power he had never felt before.

He turned his gaze back to Leo, his brow furrowing as the strange sensation intensified. The sight of Leo lying there, trapped between life and death, stirred something primal in Daniel, a deep, unshakable conviction that he could help, that he had the power to save his friend.

But how? The question nagged at him, his mind racing to find an answer. My blood? It's always been different. It can heal anything in me, no matter how severe. Could it do the same for Leo?

Daniel hesitated, his hand trembling as he contemplated what he was about to do. The idea was absurd, reckless even. He had no idea if his blood would work on someone else, let alone someone as far gone as Leo. But the instinct within him, that deep, primal urge, told him he had to try. There was no other option.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small knife, one he had kept on him since before everything had gone wrong. His fingers shook as he gripped the handle, his mind awash with doubt. 

This is the only way.

With a determined breath, Daniel made a small incision in his palm. The blade bit into his skin, but the pain was fleeting, overshadowed by the urgency of the situation. Blood welled up from the cut, rich and dark, and Daniel watched as the wound closed almost instantly, leaving only the blood behind.

He leaned over Leo, his heart pounding as he brought his hand to Leo's lips. "Come on, Leo... just hold on," Daniel whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He let his blood drip into Leo's mouth, one drop at a time, hoping, praying that it would be enough.

As Daniel's blood entered Leo's system, he felt something change. It was subtle at first, a faint flicker of energy that pulsed through the air, but it quickly grew stronger, more insistent. Daniel's breath caught in his throat as he sensed the connection between them deepening, a bond forged by his blood.

Leo's body began to react almost immediately. The color returned to his cheeks, the pallor of death giving way to a healthier flush. His breathing, which had been shallow and erratic, steadied, each breath coming a little easier than the last. Daniel watched in awe as the change continued, his blood working its way through Leo's veins, revitalizing him, bringing him back from the brink.

He felt the elemental energies within Leo begin to stir, faint at first but growing stronger with each passing moment. It was as if his blood was rekindling the fire within Leo, reigniting the connection to the elements that had almost been extinguished. Daniel could sense the warmth of fire, the coolness of water, the solidity of earth, and the lightness of air—all returning to Leo's body.

Leo's eyelids fluttered, a faint groan escaping his lips as he began to wake. Daniel's heart leaped at the sound, a wave of relief crashing over him. It was working. Leo was coming back.

But even as hope surged within him, Daniel knew he had to be careful. He had given Leo enough blood to stabilize him, but too much could have unintended consequences. He didn't fully understand his own abilities, didn't know what his blood could do when introduced to someone else's system. All he could do was trust his instincts and hope he had done enough.

Leo's eyes slowly opened, his gaze unfocused and bleary. He blinked several times, his mind struggling to process where he was and what had happened. Daniel watched anxiously, his breath held as he waited for some sign of recognition.

Leo's eyes finally focused on Daniel, a look of confusion crossing his face. "Who...?" His voice was weak, but it was there, alive and real.

Daniel let out a shaky breath, a grin breaking across his face. "Welcome back, Leo. My name is Daniel."

Leo tried to sit up, but his body was still weak, his muscles trembling with the effort. Daniel reached out, steadying him, helping him ease back onto the floor. "Take it easy. You're not out of the woods yet."

Leo nodded, his mind still trying to piece together what had happened. He could feel the warmth coursing through his body, the elemental energies that had been so distant now buzzing just beneath the surface. It felt... different, more potent somehow, as if something had been added to his power.

"What... what did you do?" Leo asked, his voice hoarse.

Daniel hesitated, unsure of how to explain. "I... I gave you some of my blood. I don't know why, but I just had this feeling... this instinct that it could help you."

Leo stared at him, a mix of emotions flashing across his face, gratitude, confusion, and something else, something deeper that he couldn't quite place. "Your blood... it saved me?"

Daniel nodded, feeling a profound sense of relief. "Yeah... I guess it did."

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, the weight of what had just happened settling over them. Daniel's thoughts raced, the realization of what he had done beginning to sink in. His blood had saved Leo, had brought him back from the brink of death. But what did that mean? What kind of power did he truly possess?

For now, though, those questions could wait. All that mattered was that Leo was alive, that his friend had been saved. Daniel had followed his instincts, and it had worked. That was enough.

Leo's voice broke the silence, a quiet, almost reverent tone. "Thank you, Daniel. You saved my life."

Daniel smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through him. "I saw what you did in the gym. Technically, guess we're even now."

Leo chuckled weakly, a sound that was music to Daniel's ears. "Yeah... I guess we are."