
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

The belt of Graveyards

[Distance: 15000 miles from Dark Star]

[Location: The belt of Graveyards ]

Nefud was lying on the upper berth of his personal quarter, in a square room. The vases of artificial plants along with some real ones were placed along the shelf the plants they were genetically manufactured to survive with least resources. With them lies stack of books, with coloured leather covers and letters inscribed on the spine. He always liked the books, the way they reflect luxury, the luxury he never had as every piece of information that he ever read was on datapads , those digital devices contains books in various formation and features and with ability to translate but books they were different they were crafted for that specific emotion for that specific reader, that reader was welcomed to have it, graze over it's pages, make lines which will be there, handle it with finesse and above all the smell.

On one side of the shelf was a small window which show the view of the open space and on the other side stands small structure containing stoves on which there was a pot of coffee another delicacy he hardly ever had, it cost three days of wage for him to have it and even if he ever tried to have it usually it was out of stock.

His blaster lies on the table placed in between of the room where his suit lies which has been there for days and he didn't bother to pick it up. He was too tired of everything that was happening, he knew what he has pushed himself into. It was not the brimming confusion that made him think rather it was the thought of impact.

He held remote in his hand and played the music native to his lands the lore's of lost cities, the beauty which was once visible beyond black water and dark skies.

The thought of her mother who always wanted him to be a bureaucrat but he started a vicious cycle for his people, a syndicate today known as the The Silver Web which traded goods in black market everything that one can think of was sold there. He developed it in such a way that it was capable of running on it's own, a system so intricately developed that it's core was almost autonomous and was distributed to such level that it can't be closed until and unless he wishes but that truth was not known to anyone except him. It has been fifteen years since his imprisonment but it was still active and was far more strong than ever because the people in the empire started using it for the deeds that they wanted to hide.

They were almost three hours away from the first belt of dark star and it'll take many more days after that, at least that's what he know there's nothing much about that world.

He has hardly seen Tleilaxu in this voyage and same goes for Remy, they both were given their ships and their crew they were given autonomy in deciding how they will function but he hasn't change anything.

He knew he's just trying to have the illusion of peace until they have it.

[Beep Beep Beep]

"Entering the belt"




As the spacecraft ventured deeper, they found themselves approaching a treacherous region known as the asteroid belt. This belt was the aftermath of a catastrophic event that had unfolded in the star system many years ago.

The collapse of a nearby star triggered a chain reaction that devastated not only its own system but also six neighboring star systems that were intricately interconnected. The cataclysmic event unleashed an unimaginable force, obliterating everything in its path. The destructive power of the resulting supernova was so immense that it left no trace of life or civilization within the affected star systems.

The inner region of the collapsed star system transformed into a dense neutron star, a remnant of the once-mighty celestial body. This highly compressed and incredibly massive object emitted intense radiation and gravitational forces, making it a perilous obstacle for any spacecraft venturing too close.

As for the outer regions of the system, they became a haunting graveyard of shattered remnants. The devastating shockwaves and cosmic radiation unleashed by the supernova had ravaged these once-thriving worlds, reducing them to decaying husks of their former glory. The remnants of civilizations that once flourished there now lay scattered and fragmented, forever lost in the abyss of destruction.

The asteroid belt that now lay ahead of the spacecraft was a testament to the destructive power that had unfolded in this region. The remnants of shattered planets and celestial debris formed a dense and chaotic field of floating rocks, presenting a formidable challenge to navigation and survival. The asteroids, once part of thriving celestial bodies, now drifted aimlessly, forever trapped in an eternal dance of destruction.

The sensor's in the space ship alerted everyone of the high radiation zone, the gamma rays from the neutron star was creating pulsar for them to witness, but that pulsar was the core and the remnants were dark.




And this was the time.



The dim lights of the sleeping quarters slowly illuminated as Nefud rose from his berth. The rhythmic hum of the spacecraft's engines reverberated through the metal floor, filling the air with a subtle vibration. He glanced out the small viewport, observing the vast expanse of belt that stretched before him.

Nefud made his way through the corridors, passing by the bustling crew members engaged in their various tasks. The scent of metal and machinery permeated the air, mingling with a faint hint of recycled oxygen. Each step brought him closer to the deck of the ship he now commanded.

As he entered the deck, Nefud's gaze swept across the expansive space. Rows of control panels adorned with blinking lights and holographic displays lined the walls. The soft glow illuminated the room, casting a futuristic aura upon the surroundings.

The crew members on duty acknowledged Nefud's presence with a nod, their attention focused on their respective stations. The low hum of the ship's systems merged with the tapping of keys and the occasional beeping of consoles, creating a symphony of activity.

Nefud approached the central command station, where a holographic display projected a three-dimensional map of their current location.

Above screen was a high panel window through which they can see what was infront of him, small drones were lighting path infront of them, guiding through asteroids and scanning them for any sign of life.

Leaning against the console, Nefud surveyed the scene, his eyes fixed on the distant celestial objects.

With Nefud at the helm of his ship, Remy's vessel following closely behind, and the massive mother ship hovering above, the trio sailed through the abyss of space. The ships moved in perfect formation, their sleek hulls glinting under the distant starlight.

Now he knew why they call this place a graveyard, there's no way you can manuveur this place without technology and even if you are able to you won't be able to fathom the danger. Light escaping through drones was easily obstructed by near by asteroid, if it wasn't for the thousands of drones which display three dimensional representation of the belt. They would have hit by something and even with the shields, they wouldn't have been able to enter.

And then the red dots started appearing infront of them.

"Whats happening ?"

"Sir, drones have observed something."

"Sir, they are going down. Something is attacking them and they are not able to avoid them."

And then the dots started to increase.

"Send another fleet, we need a clear picture."