
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Surprising News

[Experience is unable to be extracted!]

Samael looks at the notification from the Anti-System before he forced out a sigh, he glanced at Asher and quickly shakes his head. "It's not counted, I didn't get anything. But that's quite an idea though" he said dejectedly.

As he was already excited to try this idea out, he expected it to work.

But it seems there are certain rules made by the Anti-System that he must follow. If Asher's idea worked, that would've been very convenient for him, it would definitely quicken his growth exponentially.

"It's not counted, huh... worth a try though" Asher replied and shrugs his shoulders.

After trying out the idea to try and hasten Samael's growth, the two decided to sit and roast the Red-fanged Burning Snake that was just killed. It's a Delta-rank magical beast, very nutritious and good for the body.

If sold to a merchant, this carcass would've gone up to 10 silvers which is a lot.

"Let's quickly finish eating and continue our journey. If we can reach the next city before the night came, we could still get a wagon and that would save us a lot of time" Asher said as he started eating faster.

The two of them are already nearing their home, only a day more before they arrived.

Upon hearing this Samael nodded his head as he too started eating faster, he really wanted to quickly become stronger and find out more about his targets that has been living for an entire year in peace.

Knowing their sins, Samael is not willing to let them live in peace for a second longer.

As soon as he becomes stronger with the help of the Anti-System, the sooner he can start terrorizing those people that have done him wrong. It's unfair for them to live peacefully while he was struggling in that hellish plane for an entire year.

While eating, Samael decided to open his status window to check his progress.

[Status Window]

Name: Samael Varius Molantar

Race: Greater Being

Level: 8 (225/1600)

Anti-Level: 1 (0/100)

Insanity: 50% (36%)

Strength: 256 -> 266

Agility: 141 -> 170

Endurance: 356 -> 366

Intelligence: 300

Attributable Stats: 0

Skill Points: -

Since Samael and Asher are constantly moving, he doesn't have that much time to hunt magical beasts and he could only reach level 8 even though it's been more than a week since they started their journey.

Every single physical stats overall experiences solid growth, especially his Agility stat.

Samael has put every single attributable stat he gained into his Agility stat.

After accidentally exploring the Second Floor of the Ruin of the Underworld, he opted to focus on his agility stat which was the weakest among his physical stats. By focusing on this, he should be able to more easily spot and move away from the lightning-fast Demons, and also be faster himself.

It was the best course of action in Samael's opinion.

Clearing the Second Floor is the priority right now so he can evolve and become stronger.

No matter how strong his punch becomes, if he can't perceive those Demons when they are moving and also be able to hit him, then his strength would've amounted to nothing as he would not be able to beat the Second Floor.

But as he was inspecting his status window, he suddenly thought of something.

'Wait, the Demon Imp that I can summon has levels too. How can I increase its level?' Samael thought in realization, he was too busy comprehending his new strength that he forgot about that.

Samael has only been summoning the Demon Imp for watching for dangers at night.

Aside from that he hasn't really done anything or explored anything about the Demon Imp, and he wanted to change that right now. 'Anti-System, can you tell me how the Demon Imp's level that I can summon works?'

[The Gate of the Unholy Unique Skill allows the anti-host to summon defeated Demons from the Ruin of the Underworld, like the Demon Imp. But the Demons would lose their powers and revert back to their weakest form. Just like the anti-host, the Demon scan accumulates experience and grows stronger by killing other living creatures. When the anti-host reaches a certain level and has met all the requirements, the anti-host can also customize the Demon's evolution path]

Upon reading the Anti-System's explanation, Samael tries to grasp the knowledge.

'So that's how it is... I could've let the Demon Imp run around and accumulate exp to become stronger all this time. I should've asked about this sooner' Samael thought with a wry smile. If he had known, then the Demon Imp would've been stronger right now.

In addition, Samael also remembered that the Demon Imps in the hellish plane are stronger.

Back then when he was still clearing the first floor of the Ruin of the Underworld, he remembered some of the Demon Imps are able to use Fire Lance. It's quite a devastating spell, and yet the Demon Imp he summoned wasn't able to do that.

Moreover, the Demon Imp he summoned is smaller than the ones on the first floor.

Samael didn't quite notice that change but now that the Anti-System has told him this, the change has become evident. He can only curse himself for not asking more about his new powers.

Now that he knows about this, he quickly summons the Demon Imp.


Just like before, a portal that leads to the hellish plane appeared beside him before the Demon Imp crawls out and exposes its demonic appearance. "It's not night yet, why are you summoning the Demon Imp?" Asher asked when he saw this.

"I just realized that the Demon Imp has levels too and can get stronger" Samael replied.

Asher's eyes light up when he heard this, the Demon Imp might be very weak right now but if it can become stronger then it would be very useful in the future. "Does it taxing to summon the Demon Imp?" he asked.

"Nope, I don't feel anything from summoning it" Samael replied with a shrug.

Out of every single spell out there that can be used by mages, there's not one of them that doesn't use mana in casting it. For some reason, Samael doesn't feel like he was running out of energy from summoning the Demon Imp.

But he blamed it as a perk of a Unique Skill as it's the most plausible explanation.

Looking at the Demon Imp that seemed to be waiting for Samael's instruction, he then commanded, "Go around the area and try killing as many magical beasts as you can to increase your level"

Upon hearing this, the Demon Imp's eyes flickered before it flaps its wings away.

With the Demon Imp flying away in search of magical beasts, Samael went back to eating again. After a brief silence, he shifted his eyes toward Asher and curiously asked, "Do you have any lead why father was aimed by the Divine Sanctum of Divinity?"

"Hmm... no. But I know where to start looking" Asher replied with a serious expression.

For the first time, Samael saw a hint of killing intent emanation from Asher's eyes. It seems he too has some hatred inside of him just like Samael, "Do you remember during that night when we are fleeing your house and the back door was locked which forces Norman to blast it open?"

"Yes, what about it?" Samael asked with a frown, that night is still vivid in his mind.

Asher's face changed to a darker expression before he continued, "It was your new head maid who locked it. When I tried to escape the city, I caught her talking to the enemies' mages and I'm certain that she's involved"

The moment he received this news, Samael's eyes widened as he felt his throat turning dry.

"W-What...?" Samael stutters in utter disbelief.

Knowing that this would be surprising for Samael as the head maid that replaced Lily's mother has also been with the family for years, Asher nodded his head grimly, "I'm sorry to say this Lord Samael, but she's working for the other side"


Samael can hear his heartbeat thumping in his chest as his mind went back in time.


On a particular day, Samael woke up earlier than he usually was and walked out of his room. Because of that, he decided that he would ask his father that doesn't need to be in the church to accompany him to Lily's mother's grave.

It's only been a couple of weeks since she died, and he wanted to pray for her.

Just as he walked past the kitchen that has the door open, he saw the head maid is inside making tea. 'She's probably making father's morning tea. It's really good, maybe I'll ask her for some before she gave it to Father' Samael thought as he rubs his hands together.

Noticing that the head maid, Mara is unaware of him, Samael decided to surprise her.

"What are you doing?" Samael popped inside and suddenly asked.

Upon being caught off-guard by Samael's sudden appearance, Mara yelped in surprise before she grabs her chest, "L-Lord Samael! Don't do that to me, you almost gave me a hard attack!"

"Don't act like you're old, Sister Mara. You will not die from a heart attack" Samael mused.

Walking towards the teacup with expectation, Mara suddenly grabs it and pulls it away causing Samael's eyes to dim. "Sister! Let me try some before you gave it to Father!" he pleaded.

"No, it's for your father. Don't be naughty" Mara refused while shaking her head.

Seeing that Mara was holding the teacup away from him, Samael's shoulders slump dejectedly. But as he was about to plead some more, his eyes caught Mara is holding her other hand behind her back.

It seems she's hiding something behind her back.

But before he can ask what she was hiding, Mara already put the teacup on the tray and carried it, "Now step out of the way, your father is already waiting for his morning tea" she said before she hurriedly left the kitchen.

Looking at her back, Samael scratches the back of his head, "What's her problem...?"


Remembering that moment when Mara is acting weird alongside his father's severe coughing on the day of his breakdown, Samael's eyes shot open as he feared something that he didn't want to accept might be true.

'D-Did she put something in father's drink in anticipation for the day of slaughter...?'