
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Asher's Reasoning

Samael was stunned when he saw Asher being this worried, and he can't help but force out a smile as Norman and the others are already used to him screaming in his sleep. It's a normal occurrence for them but this is the first time for Asher.

"It's nothing, I had a nightmare" Samael replied assuringly.

Although it was not a nightmare this time because of the Ruin of the Underworld instead, he was not in the mood of explaining it to Asher as he was easily beaten by the Demons on the second floor.

Not wanting to make Asher worry, he decided to keep this Ruin of the Underworld a secret.

Judging from how concerned Asher becomes from his scream alone indicates that he would probably be against Samael getting inside the Ruin of the Underworld without immense certainty, and he doesn't want that.

Gauging his strength against the Demons at the cost of feeling the pain of death is worth it.

Because of that Samael decided to keep this one to himself, "Are you going to roast that? I'm starving, I've not eaten for as long as I remember" he said, trying to change the topic to a lighter one.

Upon hearing this, Asher nodded his head before he started roasting the deer he caught.

After eating the roasted deer to their fill and also washing their faces in a nearby water source, the two finally departed to the place Asher said can make him stronger. Samael doesn't know where it is, but Asher told him that the place is near their home.

Due to the distance to get there, it would take them quite some time before they arrive.

Samael and Asher went for a quick stop at the city that has been destroyed by the Demon Serve, they saw a couple of people inside the city, lamenting and crying about their destroyed homes.

It's a lie if Samael doesn't feel bad, but he decided to not think about it.

"Why are we back in this city?" Samael asked from the side.

Asher smiled knowing that Samael is definitely troubled by the scenery of the destroyed city, "If we want to reach the place faster, then we'll need money. I left my stuff in an inn where I stayed, let's hope that we can still find my bag"

Traversing through the city, the two find themselves in front of a destroyed building.

Looking at the collapsed signboard on the ground, Samael finds that this should be the inn Asher is talking about. But the condition of the inn is in a mess, people left hurriedly due to the Demon Serve and left the inn in ruin.

Nobody was willing to stay in the city with a possessed killer on the loose.

Keeping a close distance with Asher on the back, the two head to the second floor and arrived in front of a room. Clutching the handle, Asher finds that the lock is broken which causes the door to be locked.

Stepping back a little, he then kicks the door strongly and swung it open.


Despite haven't reached the Wizard realm and gaining the Elemental Aura ability, Asher was an experienced mage and knew how to use his mastery of fire elements to enhance his kick enough to break down the door.

Honed through years of practice, his control over his element is definitely above the normal.

Asher quickly gains inside the door and sighs in relief finding that his stuff is still intact, he then quickly started to put the things he needs into the big leather bag while Samael stepped into the room.

Upon stepping inside the room, Samael was surprised to find alcohol bottles everywhere.

Counting mentally, there should be around twenty of them scattered inside the room. If he was not careful, he would've stepped on one because of how many bottles were inside this small cramped room.

"I'm sorry to let you see this kind of mess" Asher said with a wry smile.

Samael watch Asher from the back as he hastily tidied up and placed his belongings into the leather bag. Ignoring his apology, a deep frown crossed his face as he asked himself, 'Why does he drown himself in alcohol? Is it to avoid thinking about the possibility of me and the others dying?'

Out of the plausible explanations, that is the most likely explanation for the alcohol.

Asher confessed that he was trying to catch up to Samael, Norman, and the others with the intention to help. Despite his attempt, he's always a step too late, yet that clearly shows where his loyalty lies.

But knowing how close Norman and Asher are to Fedele, it's expected for Asher to do that.

His father alongside Norman and Fedele has gone quiet back which solidifies their bonds and makes their loyalty solid. Just thinking that the others have already died would definitely strike Asher hard, which resulted in this alcohol.

With the bounty that has been taken down a year ago, that kind of thinking is natural.

Samael pauses for a second while Asher is doing his thing before he unconsciously blurted out the thought inside his mind, "I'm glad that you can find me, Asher..." he said whisperingly, knowing that Asher was drowning in sorrow before meeting him.

It was also probably one of the reasons that he was really accepting of Samael.

Even though Samael confessed that he has met with the Devil itself, gained the Anti-System, and even can summon Demons which many would find unbelievable, Asher accepts all of it without many questions.

Now his action makes sense, he was dealing with immense grief before all of this.

Upon hearing this, Asher's body stiffens for a brief second.

But soon he wipes something on his face with his arm before he stands up with his bag packed and ready to depart, he gazes at Samael with a smile before he said, "Let's go, we have a long way in front of us"

Samael and Asher started their journey to get back to their home that has been destroyed.

At first, the two start their journey on foot as the city they were in before was quite desolate from other cities, and the nearest city is miles and miles away. Even though that is the case, the two don't seem to mind and keep on going.

Little by little, they traverse through the thick forest with a map in hand.

With the help of the map, Samael and Asher were able to avoid dangerous parts of the forest lest they would encounter strong magical beasts that can pose a threat to the two of them. It also makes their journey way faster.

During their journey, Samael also sparred with Asher a couple of times.

From the spar the two of them had, they find that Samael has stronger raw physical attributes compared to Asher. But if Asher used his magic, Samael would fall out and eventually loses.

Samael learned from this that he should be as strong as a mage with a year of experience.

It's good that he now knows how strong he really is now.

In addition, Asher was astonished to discover that Samael could increase the potency of his neutral spells with his demonic energy. Something like this is unheard of, and this greatly interests Asher.

Knowing Samael's journey, he was quite happy for him that he now makes progress.

Occasionally, Fedele told him and Norman about Samael's concerning future as he was not able to cast a single elemental spell. Asher knows how much Samael train, and feel pity for him for not being able to cast a single elemental spell despite having an affinity to the light elements.

Being completely talentless is better than Samael's situation which can't achieve progress.

Since he still lacked the ability to cast elemental spells, Asher recommended that Samael broaden his knowledge in neutral spells. The spell Detect Energy was what they settled on, it would allow him to be more attuned to the energy in his surroundings, causing him to be more aware of any sudden attacks.

If the demonic energy can enhance that neutral spell, then it would be a valuable spell.

Aside from training under Asher's mentorship to learn Detect Energy neutral spell, Samael also didn't forget to try and hunt magical beasts. It's going to be a long journey, but he still should start taking advantage of the Anti-System.

Samael is completely in tune with his determination to become stronger.

At the very least, he should be nearing to be able to clear the second floor of the Ruin of the Underworld when he reached their destination. Little by little, day by day, he accumulates experiences by killing weak magical beasts as they progress in their journey.

But one day, Asher suddenly got an idea in his mind.

Knowing how Samael can get stronger, he decided to try out something he left Samael for a moment and came back with a Delta-rank magical beast which is a magical beast Samael still finds hard to kill.

Instead of a dead magical beast, Asher only crippled it and threw it in front of Samael.

"Why don't you try killing it? See if the Anti-System would acknowledge this as your kill" Asher suggested, if this is counted then Samael could be stronger quickly. And it wouldn't take long before he would probably surpass him.

Nothing would delight Asher more than Samael becoming stronger than him.

Upon hearing this, Samael's eyes widened as he finds this idea plausible. 'If this is counted by the Anti-System as my kill, then this will be my ticket to gaining experience faster! With Asher's help, leveling up will be easier for me'

Looking at the injured Red-fanged Burning Snake in front of him, Samael gulps harshly.

Asher handed over his sword before Samael held the handle tightly in his hands, his breathing slightly quicken as he fixed the sword above the injured Red-fanged Burning Snake that can't defend itself.

"Go on, Lord Samael. See if it's counted" Asher said from the side.

Nodding his head firmly, Samael raises the sword before he swung it down in an arc, aiming for the Red-fanged Burning Snake's neck. Soon enough, a notification from the Anti-System appears which makes him unconsciously hold his breath.