
Are they stupid?


That must have hurt… Especially in his pride.

Right now I find myself sitting on the edge of the lookout, my legs dangling off the edge.

And while I spend my time quietly, poor Vegeta is taking a good beating… Again.

Poor Vegeta already received a beating from the androids a couple of days ago... Although now that I think about it, for him it has already been a year since that, so I hope by now he has already overcome it.

You had to see the face of satisfaction and arrogance that Vegeta put on, when he came to the androids after his day / year of training and began to give them the beating of his life.

And since unlike Trunks' androids of the future, these two don't have much battle experience yet and their teamwork was a bit shaky, so by relying solely on their overwhelming power to take down their opponents, they are now facing them. Taking bill.

Luckily for the androids, in the middle of the battle a wild Cell appeared and interrupted their battle.

During Vegeta's battle against the two androids, while Vegeta gloated over his superiority, Cell performed a sneak attack that sent Vegeta flying quite far.

Trunks, who until now was watching his father's battle, rushed over to Vegeta to check if he was okay. A stupid action if you ask me, but the boy cannot be blamed for worrying about his father…

Also, Trunks also thought that he is stronger than Vegeta and the power that Cell demonstrated during the attack was more or less equal to that of the androids. , so from Trunks' perspective he still has everything under control...

A big mistake... Since while Vegeta was still flying through the air due to Cell's surprise attack, Cell took the opportunity to 'absorb' the weakened C-17, thus unleashing the second form of Cell.

Needless to say, when Vegeta recovered from his forced flight through the air, he was very pissed off and immediately rushed in for revenge… Needless to say, he didn't make it.

And so Cell, in a display of arrogance and contempt that would make Vegeta proud, if it weren't for Vegeta himself taking a beating from Cell himself... Cell proceeded to destroy (again) Vegeta's newly regained pride... And a little of your self-esteem too.

Trunks in an attempt to save his father, transformed into his muscular monster form and tried to fight Cell... The keyword is 'tried'.

With a look of contempt, which is much more noticeable on his new face, Cell played with Trunks as if he were a small child. Since even though Trunks' power increased explosively, all those muscles have slowed down to a pitiful state.

I think I remember that in my previous life, I read somewhere that the physical power of a super saiyan phase 3 or whatever it is called, is the same as that of a super saiyan 3... I do not know if it is true, since I myself have not managed to keep me in super saiyan 3 for a couple of seconds… Besides that physical power is difficult to measure, since it is not as easy to perceive as power based on energy.

In the end, Cell ended up teaching father and son a lesson about the importance of balance and how excess ends up being counterproductive… Although of course he made his lesson as humbling as possible.

Before Cell 'finished' with Trunks and Vegeta, Cell 'realized' that C-18 had disappeared and refusing to waste any more of his precious time reaching perfection with weaklings, Cell left after doing an evil monologue. About how perfect he would be once he found C-18.

At first, I had planned to teleport those two and bring them, but apparently it will not be necessary, since after a succulent breakfast, Goku decided to go pick them up himself...

Why didn't Goku teleport to them directly? I have no idea.

Why didn't Goku teleport here after picking them up? I have no idea.

And that brings us to where we are now, with me sitting here as I watch Goku fly in our direction, while uncomfortably carrying two muscular men groaning in pain as he flies.

I estimate that with their speed it will take around three or four hours to arrive...

Could I teleport to them and bring them right away? Yes.

Will I? No.

Maybe that way they will learn to think a little... Since one thing is for Goku to forget, since we all know that he is not the smartest of all. But Vegeta and Trunks, like those who are suffering, should remember Goku's convenient ability to teleport, if only to save himself the pain of being carried like sacks of potatoes on Goku's back.


Suddenly I felt great frustration…


Not knowing why this sudden frustration is due, I decided to meditate a bit to see if I could find the source of this sudden frustration.

After a few minutes of meditation, I have found the source of the frustration.

It's my clone…

Apparently during his stay in my grimoire world, my clone has been concentrating his efforts on increasing my crafting levels. But after analyzing my level three longspear, and studying several books that refer to blacksmithing and level three weapons, my clone has concluded that any weapon and armor below level four is useless to me.

That's where the frustration comes from... Since it has taken me about thirty years to reach the level two limit in several of my different crafts... And I still have a few years to reach level three in any of them...

And everything That is necessary to have finds that all my learning until now, has been supported by an educational system, from teachers to teaching books... Things that I will not have when I want to access level four in any master's degree.

And although it is true that I could compare both weapons and armor from the grimoire shop as well as any knowledge that I need to make them myself, but... Of course, there are obstacles in that option too.

Whether to buy any item that is considered level 4, the world itself would reject it, since the plane where the tower of Babel is located and all its adjoining planes are level three or lower. So any weapon, armor or even book that is level four, would be destroyed by the will of the world or plane in which it is located... Or the plane could be destroyed if said plane fails to destroy the object or entity that exceeds its limit.

That's why the old folks who are at the top of the sky rank don't try to break through… Whatever comes after the sky rank.

Normally when someone reaches the level of existence limit of the plane they are in and tries to move on, the plane first tries to destroy it (Celestial Tribulation). If in the end the plane fails to destroy the being that tries to overcome its own level, then the plane opens a rift to a higher plane to expel the entity that it could not destroy.

That is what usually happens, but in our case, that is impossible, since the plane superior to ours seals our access to said superior plane. So even if our plane tried to break through, it would be impossible to ascend. What the great patriarch has told me, what they have tried… Either they have died in the process of crashing into the barrier, or they have been lost in the void in an attempt to uselessly surround the barrier.

This is one of the reasons why the great patriarch has so much faith in me, since our plane is not able to measure my strength exactly, so I would be able to strengthen myself enough to be able to destroy said barrier. Before our plane feels the need to expel me.


Going back to the original topic, actually I am not very surprised by the conclusion my clone has reached, since I remember that the great patriarch did not carry any defensive equipment or weapons.

Although it is true that his clothes themselves were level three, but they were designed to prevent them from being torn than to defend themselves.


The truth is that during the test of the barrier that the great patriarch made me, I had to spend more energy than I would like on my long spear to prevent it from breaking...


I guess I'll have to put aside the weapons until I get a decent one…

Deciding to stop worrying about things I have no control over right now, I decide to lie on the floor and take a nap while my legs still dangle over the edge of my lookout.
