
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · ファンタジー
85 Chs

Saint of Life and the Son of Thunder.

Patrick went straight home after the events took place?

The Duke mentioned what Patrick did after confirming Theo's safety weeks ago.

Theo believed that Patrick probably go depressed after the events that took place almost a month ago and was now striving and working hard on getting stronger

Theo guessed that Patrick felt powerless when he evacuated with the children

The feelings mutual Patrick

I'll go train with you when I get back home

Theo's thoughts got distributed because of the Duke's voice.

"We've arrived." The Duke said as the door of their carriage opened.

The Duke went out first and Theo followed, revealing a vast green land with dozens of white tents pitched up all over the place, that were sizes of shacks that could easily fit a few people, perfect for a temporary settlement.

Children were rolling down the hills, playing and doing other stuff that would entertain them. Some kids were even sleeping in the middle of the prairie

Theo found it absolutely adorable.

The person that greeted and knelt before them was Peter.

The Duke asked Peter to rise and requested to gather the children in one spot for some introduction as a pretense to finding the saint.

Peter took action quickly and ordered the other caretakers to call in all the children to the center of the settlement where a large area was designated for gatherings.

It actually took a while for all the children to gather, because their numbers almost reached hundreds and the number of teachers and caretakers was only ten percent of the number of the children.

They all curiously looked at Theo and Duke as well as the escorts in interest.

Some even recognized Theo and wanted to approach them but were reprimanded by the caretakers to sit still for an announcement by the Duke and Prince, which they nonchalantly had to abide after hearing that they had to do extra chores if they didn't behave, making Theo chuckle after hearing the caretaker scolding a troublesome child earlier, who was trying their best to not jump up from his position and start bombarding questions at Theo and the Duke.

The Duke took a small step forward and whipped out a clear glass looking orb that was familiar to the orbs that Theo had seen.

This one, however, was not a tool used for assassinations or giving rewards, it was an artifact that appraises the strength and identity of once attribute. 

The brighter the orb, the stronger the compatibility with their attribute, a very familiar item used in many fantasy-esque tropes.

The color and the aura it emits also indicate what kind of attribute one has.

There was also one for appraising classes which ten year olds take yearly at the end of the year.

The Duke took a small step in front of the children and spoke.

"I will set this attribute appraisal orb here on this pedestal" Duke explained as he laid the orb on a pedestal that he whipped out of his spacial ring.

The eyes of the children lit up with interest hearing this, though some older children frowned, because they had already done this so it was useless for them to attempt this for a second time-

"The children are required to touch them one by one, no exceptions" The Duke said gently with a smile

-But, for the sake of finding the Saint, it was essential. A saint is a pillar of a nation, finding them is a great task for anyone who finds a whiff or hint of their whereabouts.

"Alright line up, one by one please, no pushing, everyone gets a turn, no matter what." 

The caretakers started to organize the children, lining them up for the appraisal orb. Most were excited but some grumbled, knowing what was coming for them.

"Oh and if you want to talk or thank prince Theo, you are welcome to after checking your attributes" The Duke added as he pointed at Theo standing beside him.

Theo, who only heard of this plan, tilted his head and pointed at himself in confusion.


"Hey! Hey! Big brother Theo! I heard that you were the one that protected us! Thank you so much!

"Yeah! Yeah! And we heard you beat an evil demon as well!"

"Big Bro Theo, can I see the move you used to kill the demon!?"

A dozen kids swarmed Theo in roves, inducing him with extreme indecisiveness because of all the questions and requests the children were making.

hundreds of kids were a lot and getting them to touch a single orb one by one took a lot of time.

Kids were also adept at wasting precious time so the appraising is taking longer than it should be, so the amount of time Theo had to accommodate the kids increased.

He didn't mind mingling with children but waves and waves at a time?

One's attention can only go so far.

Theo glanced at the ongoing appraisal. Some kids left happy with the result with the Duke's compliment and some kids left depressed but was encouraged by the Duke that Magic power isn't the only thing they can contribute to society.

Theo glanced once more at the appraisal pedestal and saw that Sky was up next

Here it comes. Another child favored by the skies.

As soon as Sky touched the orb, it flashed everyone in the area blue.

The skies darkened and thunder roared down from the heavens, dying it all blue.

The Duke stared in awe at the child in front of him.

Unlike the terrified children behind Sky, he was admiring the power that the orb was emitting and the thunderous sky that was roaring.

All of that lasted a mere few seconds.

The Duke, himself, knelt down to level his face with Sky. 

"Child, what's your name?" The Duke said with his typical smile and gentle tone, but underneath it all was heart pumping in excitement.

"Sky, Lord Duke!" Sky replied with a carefree smile and a bow.

"What's your dream child?" The duke said as he placed his hand on Sky's shoulder

The question made the child's eyes sparkle in delight.

"I want to be a holy knight, Lord Duke!"

The Duke then smiled at the innocent reply Sky gave.

"Then do you want to become my disciple? I promise to make you one of the greatest Holy knights of Virtus" The Duke said as he lowered his hand from sky's shoulder to make a handshake.

Sky, however, hesitated and glanced at Theo, after all he was already given an offer from the prince so he didn't know what choice he had to make.

But Theo simply nodded, encouraging him to accept the offer of the Duke.

The Duke also glanced back at Theo, interested in what Sky was looking at with distress, but before he could ask, Sky grabbed Duke Windsor's hand and shook it with a big smile on his face.

"I would gladly become your disciple! Lord Duke!"

I was going to introduce you to the Duke anyways Sky.

The Duke told Sky to pack up his bags while he continued appraising the rest of the children to find the Saint, but before Sky could even leave, a golden haired child touched the orb.


Thousands of flowers suddenly popped out of the ground and bloomed in a colorful explosion. The sky parting and light beaming upon a single child who was touching the orb that gleamed golden.

Holy sh*t

White doves fluttered above the child and crowned her a flower wreath, making the child giggle in delight. 

A tiny bird flew and rested on the finger of the girl, chirping joyfully at the aura the child was radiating.

The whole area became warm and comforting, making all the people in the surroundings feel refreshed and compelled by the radiating warmth.

So this is the Saint of Life, the same girl that gave me the flower wreath. I'm sorry Selene, I think I won the bet this time.

All the Holy knights and The duke himself knelt down onto the ground.

"""" We, graciously greet The Saint of Life!!!""""

Theo, didn't need to because a saint held the same status of royalty, but still approached and knelt down in front of the golden child.

"What's your name?" Theo as he gestured his hand forward, requesting for the hand of the young girl.

The child who was confused and nervous at the sight of the kneeling adults in front of her stuttered in response.

"I-I'm Helena, Big brother Theodore"

"What a beautiful name, thanks again for the wreath, look I still have it with me, though it's a little wilted now" 

Theo took out a flower wreath from his spatial ring. His spatial ring prevents spoilage but not permanently, it was already close to a month since he received the wreath, so there was a little browning on the edges of the flower.

"I can help with that Big Brother Theo" Helena smiled like the sun as she carefully took the wreath from Theo's hands

I can easily guess what she's planning to do.

Helena placed the wreath closed to her bosom and closed her eyes, focusing all her thoughts on the wreath on her tiny hands.

One second later, it glowed in golden light.

After the light faded, it showed a newly and fully bloomed wreath, a bright contrast to the wreath Theo whipped out earlier

The authority of life. She literally restored the flowers to their former glory. 

It actually looks more beautiful thatn before.

An undeniable broken power.

"Here you go Big Brother Theo" Helena placed the wreath on top of Theo's head as she smiled brighter than the sun.

As soon as it crowned on his head, Theo felt a wave of warmth washing over him, rejuvenating his body and spirit.

Holy crap this is a literal buff spell.

It wasn't sufficient for combat but it was still surprising by the fact that a child that looked to be around the age of ten, conjured such a spell by instinct alone was a testament to her title as a Saint.

Selene had also made her first undead at the same age as well

A relatively large skeleton wolf popped up in Theo's mind.


Hey, guys! Author here.

I just wanted to apologize if you ever feel that the story is a bit rushed around this part.

I did this because the main focus of the story is Theo and Selene and their time together. Not time away from each other.

That's basically my main reason, but if you're still enjoying it, thank you so much.

I hope that everyone who reads this enjoys it as much as I keep creating this story about two destined people.

Peace out and have a great day!