
Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · 映画
81 Chs

Not a chapter

Sorry guys, this isn't a chapter.

This is more like a future apology for all the seemingly nonsensical things that will happen around the MC. Like for example, chapter 11.

As mentioned in the synopsis, this is a wish-fulfillment story. Did I wish for this THAT to happen to me? No. Nobody deserves that. But if some of you or none of you have already noticed, these types of stories are more of a self-insert...

A lot of SI story authors' versions just put all the good things there, solid plot armor, the world loves them, they are just happily face-slapping everyone, and there's nothing wrong with that, it feels good to read it, that's their escape from reality, that's how they deal with their crap.

But there's also those who's SI stories are derived more from their own experiences... probably not every experience, because is magic real? Dragons? Being spiderman? Meeting God? It's more of like how they view the world, or how they we're treated, some of their traumas might be inserted there, we never know for sure... But it's therapeutic for them to just get it out there. Maybe, they can't deal with their shit IRL or don't have the money for therapy... so they just decided to write it all out... And hope that things will turn out better for the MC as it did not happen to them IRL.

For those who has had the world screw you over and over just as you just started to feel a tiny bit happy and felt safe, just to have life something  hit you with a hammer in the nuts, I feel you. You can deal with your trauma however you want,  no matter how long you want, do what feels right for you babe.

If you've had an experience like having been triggered like the MC, freezing up like that, not being able to move or think properly... Feeling helpless again, when you clearly can do something to save, you just have to move... I know how disappointed and angry one will feel with themselves, the shame ... But it's not your fault, none of it was your fault, it's a normal reaction, it's not just you. Forgive yourself. Regardless of age or how insignificant you think the experience was and how long ago it was, freezing up like that can happen to the best of us.

I'm not mad or anything, I accept all the comments, since there is some truth to it or it's their opinion, that's how they see it... And honestly? I'm glad that they don't get it, it means that there are people who are living a good enough life to have such a strong positive mentality you know. Everybody deserves to be happy and stay happy.

Bottom line, there will be a lot more seemingly forced shit in the future. 😂 I'm not a professional writer, this is all for fun, and my own kind of therapy... My own SI.

Thanks for all your support guys, I mean it. It has been a wonderful experience so far, that I'm afraid now that somethings gonna happen to screw this up for me again.😂 thats how good this all feels for me.

Sorry for all this mushy stuff. 😅