
Another Tale: Osborn

The word or concept of transmigration is somewhat common to some and completely unknown to others. For some people it could be an opportunity they would not pass up. One not so common person has that opportunity and ended up in a completely unknown Marvel universe, however, when he woke up, he was not in the body of one of the heroes he knew or even a random person. He transmigrated into the body of one of Spider-Man’s enemies, Norman Osborn the Green Goblin. Will he become a hero who fights for good or will he be a villain who seeks to conquer everything in his path, or will he walk in a fine line between the two, not a villain but no a hero either? His story in Marvel is just about to begin. ---------------------------------------------------------- English is not my mother tongue, nor do I have a mastery of its grammatical and syntactical rules, so some people who place great importance on those aspects may not find the story entirely enjoyable to read. I warn from the beginning so that there is no misunderstanding with that fact.

TheXVoid · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs


Well, first of all I want to say that I am indeed alive, although I confess that sometimes I wish I wasn't, but in the end I just have to continue.

Anyway, I will try to be quick. It's been about 5 months since I stopped updating the story, and probably many people already think it's dead. The truth is that I would also think the same if I were in your shoes.

However, there are two main reasons why I haven't updated in all this time. The first one is that I have little time to write, you see in my country, they went back to classroom classes and to tell the truth it was from one day to another, so I had no time to prepare myself or anything.

Besides that, I spent almost two years taking classes virtually and retaking the rhythm of work that I had in the classroom took me a lot of time and energy.

The second reason has to do with the fact that even before I started attending in-person classes, I started to get tired of having to write chapters of the story.

I mean, I started this as a simple hobby that I enjoyed and frankly speaking, I never thought it would be so popular, but as time went by I think I stopped feeling it was fun and started to feel it as an obligation.

On top of that, as time went by, it became more and more difficult for me to write a chapter. There were many times when I would try to write a chapter for a whole day, but I just couldn't do it, my mind just wouldn't cooperate.

All these things together made me lose the will to write this story. Because of that I concentrated a bit on rewriting my other stories, I still didn't have much time; however, I had a lot of fun writing them.

Currently, I'm on a little vacation and thanks to that I have enough free time, I tried to write chapters of this story again and while I still feel some kind of blockage it's not as bad as it was before.

In itself, what I mean is that the story will be in Hiatus for a while until I feel I can write again as I did in the beginning.

I know that many of you already knew this to a lesser or greater extent, but I feel it's something I had to confirm.

With nothing more to say, take care of yourselves, guys, and try to be happy. X-Void Out.