

Logan look towards the truck coming towards him so reacted on instinct! He drove his feet into the ground and used Tekkai while covering himself in aura bolstered with his semblance. The truck impacted him and stopped in it's track with a *boom*. The driver who was not prepared for that level of impact flew through the windshield over Logan's head.

As Logan removed himself from the destroyed van he turned to look for the man only to find him floating away as golden particles with only a lotus to mark where his body had landed. "No way! Did I isekai truck-kun. INANNA THAT HAS TO BE SOME BROWNIE POINTS, YOU HAVE A TRUCK GOD NOW!" He shouted.

In god realm Inanna watched as Nathan apothos was kicked away to become a half appoplexian, she turned towards the prayer and giggled silently agreeing with him. She flicked a finger and brought up a system which she began editing. "Don't worry, I always reward my lovers~" then proceed to lick her lips seductively.

Back in the mission world Logan shivered for an unknown reason but decided it was due to the cold. He looked towards the truck and looted it for info about this world as well as some cash. He found the poor guys phone unlocked so scrolled through news sites.

The information was mesmerising, the father and son fight of Baki just occurred two weeks ago and after some dark web searching he discovered purgatory on the rise, kengan matches, a youth tournament happening in kōrakuren tonight. He smiled and thought about crashing it after all he has the power of youth! But not that much to wear green spandex.

He gathered his bag tossed on the side and dawned his tiger coat before taking off into a sprint towards the city. After entering Tokyo he wandered around trying to familiarise himself with the area seeing as it resembled where he entered previously. He was torn between heading towards Togo and giving her an invite or..... exploring the city.

He waltzed around the city aimlessly while bing basked in the stairs of the population. People have been on edge since Baki and his father went all out in a fight so people have begun to spot the big shot fighters. Logan may not realise it but normal humans might shiver in his presence by this worlds standards. He entered Shinjuku cause the likes looked inviting all the while ignoring the people who began making calls when they spotted him.

Members of the Shinshinkai karate dojo are scattered throughout the world with a concentration of them being in Tokyo so when they see a strong guy who will cause some trouble they send the word to the higher ups. The local yakuza hanging around their businesses did the same when they spotted Logan along with a few others.

After a twenty minute walk and buying some onigiri to snack on Logan was greeted by an old friend who spotted him from across the street. Kuroki gensai, the devil lance who Logan defeated when he entered and won the kengan annihilation tournament. Logan locked onto him and noticed the difference between his current self and his past self.

"Hoh~ you have your aura unlocked kuroki~ come for a rematch." The man humphed "hardly, people have been looking for you since you dropped of the map. Come let's get a drink!" Logan not arguing followed the man side by side leaking their aura. Logan recognised the bar he was led to from the Baki manga as the place musashi and yujiro drank whiskey, retsu vs Doyle and hanayamas drinking spot.

He sat at the counter and asked for a pint of what's on tap. "So what kinda trouble did I cause after the tournament." "Sigh~ after you disappeared several fighters from other circles wanted to challenge you. You openly stated you were from Seoul so the place became a bloodbath as all those fighters crossed paths. There was a brat called taejin jin who appeared showing promise but he was crushed against the strong ones easily. Things got out of hand when the ogre showed up and where he goes the US military follows. He wanted you but no one could find you so he took it as a challenge to hunt you. Others with similar mentalities are still searching and now you've popped up in Tokyo the night of the youth quarter finals of korakuren."

Logan whistled "whose fighting?" "My son!" A man promptly interrupted their conversation as he entered the bar. Logan turned and noticed a bald man with an eye patch, he was muscles and carved up with numerous scars. His fists leaking a blood thirsty aura. "Doppo orochi, the tiger killer~ I've heard of you" the new guy chuckled "well I came cause I was worried you might start something again. What drew you out?" Logan grinned " a fight!" Was all he stated before Doppo threw a Sei ken which Logan grabbed by the wrist.

He swung his arm resulting in Doppo flipping in the air, he tried to deliver a kick to Logan but was smacked away hitting the fire extinguisher in the corner. He groaned and got to his feet "yare yare~ youth these days. That's a strong ki you have!"

"Ki?" Logan asked so kuroki explained "you've unlocked your Ki and have amazing control as well as a huge amount. You've even unlocked a manifestation which means your above mine. I see~ you were training weren't you?" Logan smiled "like your one to talk, I noticed you have your aura unlocked as soon as i saw you".

Logan turned back to Doppo "I heard that strong guys would be here that were around my age. I came to fight so whose opening tonight?"

Doppo stood up and wiped the dust of his jacket while listing off who is fighting.

" ikki takeda vs Katsumi orochi, Riku azami vs Muhammad Ali jr, sakura Kasugano vs Miu furinji and lastly shirahama kenichi vs Baki hanma"

Oh my those are some big names Logan thought to himself. "Give me a ride, I'm making a change to the roster" Doppo laughed "Tokugawa is gonna love that~" kuroki just sighed "your going to piss of a lot of people, Shinshinkai, ryozonpaku, the ansatsuken dojo, the boxing community not to mention ogre whose been hunting you. I imagine the kengan association will be pissed too. Togo tomari will wanna know your around."

Logan chuckled "can I borrow a phone?" To which the bartender who was quaking behind the counter politely gave him.

Later that night in the kōrakuren the audience was filled to the brim, the upper compartments were filled with skilled fighters who came to watch. James shiba, a boxing grandmaster was excited to watch his student face the son of Doppo orochi and finally prove boxing beats karate. All of his students close friends were here to watch him fight. At the other end of the stadium retsu kaioh and his friends of shinshinkai were here to watch Katsumi fight.

Retsu was deeply interested in how boxing would fair against some of his friends. Not to mention three very different boxers were fighting tonight. Katsumi entered the arena thus was greeted with cheers as he waited for takeda to enter. Other fighters were gathered in other booths such as Ken master and ryu who came to watch sakura fight, Ryozonpaku arrived as well which meant that this tournament held great away.

"Takeda" entered the arena fully garbed in a long cloak so that no one could see his face. His limbs were tapered with sports tape not exposing his usual caramel skin and his fists were covered in the iconic red boxing gloves. He bumped his fists together showing his willingness to fight so Tokugawa gave the go ahead. The drum sounded signifying the round started.

Katsumi rushed towards "takeda" to deliver a flying kick. At the time one of Tokugawa advisors arrived "sir someone attacked ikki takeda, he was found beaten in the dressing room" goroko began to sweat and thought "then whose that about to fight?!?!"

At Katsumi executed his move takeda side stepped and used his illusionary left straight! Followed by his Ki technique warp punch! They both connected making Katsumi spit his saliva out from the force as he rolled back. He wasted no time jumping to his feet and looked at his opponent who just moved faster and hit harder than shown in the tournament thus far.

In the stands James shiba crushed the metal bar "Who the hell is that?!?? That's not Takeda!!!" The other masters also recognised this but those are takeda'S techniques! only James and his other students could use them or another grand master of boxing.

"Takeda" then began bouncing on his feet and throwing a few jabs. "Yeah this just doesn't feel right" he said before releasing his aura or "Ki" in this world. His aura blasted the cloak off him, ripped the bandages to shreds and popped the gloves like a balloon. Logan Lee stood infront of katsumi who was shocked at his aura and how violent it was.

He pointed at katsumi and said "show me your moves!" Like a captain falcon ripoff. Everyone was dumbfounded at his appearance but were snapped out of it by the laughter of the two karate practitioners who entered the upper area. "Ready for the show?" Doppo orochi asked as Logan blurred towards katsumi.
