
Another Cliche Op Mc with a System (Hiatus)

lSpacel · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

The Fallen

Azazel then walked back to the Inn fell alseep in the room. Altough he didn't need it, he still enjoyed sleeping as it was something enjoyed by even the simplest of men.

~The next week~

Azazel woke up around 3 P.M or 1500 hours and went directly into an empty I.D. and he looked at his inventory as he sleot for an entire week


Bone: 54

Broken Bow: 12

Broken Sword: 4

Magic Core: 30

Ash: 100

Random Magic Tome: 3

Random Physical Skill: 2

'System use all Random Tomes and Skills' Azazel thought

[Processing. . . . Done]


- Spatial Magic (Epic)

[The ability to tear and move the very space of the multiverse; Longer range =Higher mana cost]

- Akashic Library (Legendary)

[Gives access to knowledge pertaining to all magic ever created withing the vast multiverse]

- Speed Boost 1/100 (Common)

[5% passive boost in speed per level of this skill]

- Extinction Ray (Uncommon)

[Turn everything back to the beginning, returning them to nothingness]

- Powerful Slash 1/100 (Rare)

[Slash with an object 15% extra power per level]

[Skills maxed due to instant mastery]

Azazel looked at the new skills dumbfounded as even max level common skills were quite powerful. Azazel then asked 'Hey System is there any new quests'

[Yes host there is an army of Fallen. . . You've seen the anime, anyway stop the army of fallen from getting into the city]

[Time left 7 hours]

'Oh' Azazel said as he tested out his new abilities

Azazel expirimented with speed boost first as 500% Speed is quite fast for him to handle and crashed face-first into the ground. Azazel messed around with this for 3 hours eventually contolling it completely.

Next is Powerful Slash as he wondered if a pistol whip counted as a slash. The Marksmanship skill was worded with a Ranged weapon as well as well so it works as long as the damage is with a ranged weapon not a projectile.

Azazel flipped the gun around holding it by the barrel and swung it downward and a huge slash appeared in the ground. The mirror space floor was cracked in half as he exited the mirror space outside of the Inn and walked to the Adventurers Guild.

"Hey Where is the place the fallen are aproaching from?" Azazel yelled "I need to meet a friemd there"

Then out of nowhere Sylvie popped out with a map and another document. "Are you Azazel?" Sylvie asked

"Yes, The one and only" He replied

"Here is where they are at" Sylvie said "Can you go help them?"

"That was the plan" Azazel said as he ripped apart space and teleported there.

"Hey Diablo" Azazel said

"What are you doing here?" Diablo responded

"Well I see you're running out of mana dealing with the whole . . . situation thats at hand" Azazel said sarcastically "Like seriously you are low on mana"

"What you want to deal with them?" Diablo said

"Sure" Azazel said as he lifted the eyepatch over one of his eyes and put it on the other uncovering the

[Eye of Chaos] "Well been a nice run" Azazel said as Edelgard walked onto the bridge.

"Edelgard well. . well. . well" Azazel said

"Who are you" Edelgard said as she was sure that she never met this stramger in front of her.

"Thats neither here nor there, but I was requested to take put the fallen here so if you don't want to die . . . better kill me or run" Azazel said as he released hus mana to the point the stone bridge was turning to pure mana crystals.

"Dangerous" Edelgard said after feeling the aura "Fight" She did not want to die a coward

Azazel used the Akashic Library to use the spell 125 layered barrier a spell that causes the user to be covered in 125 barriers that could stop attacks as long as it didn't overwhelm the user but required alot of mana.

"Well I warned you" Azazel said as he started casting a destructive spell that wasn't even nessacary "HEY all of you up there get inside or you'll be burnt to a crisp.

Azazel started the chant the system gave him "Crimson-Black blaze, King of myriad worlds, I promulgate the laws of nature, I am the alias of destruction incarnation accordance with the principals of all creation"

Thus entire time Edelgard was wailing on the barrier trying to stop this. realising that it was too late she started to turn as she turned around she saw a giant magic circle covering most of the bridge and all of the fallen she vrought with her.

"Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me . . . EXPLOSION!" Azazel screamed explosion and used chaos to shield the explosion from reaching the gate but the heat still did raising the temperture to around 200 degrees Farenheit / 90ish degrees Centigrade due to an explosion equal to 9,000,000 Megatons if TNT. Everything in front of Azazel vanished in a cloud of smoke and explosion.

The people on the gate were shocked as they no longer saw the bridge nor the ground it once connected to as the water returned to the lowest elevation and across the new trench Azazel saw Edelgard . . . alive due to plot armor and him shielding her as she is essential to the plot.

"Hey Diablo there was a fallen in Faltra just thought I'd let you kniw just cast return" Azazel said dissapearing from sight

"Hey Emille how are you today" Azazel said appearing behind everyone as Diablo followed close behind

Diablo gave Emilke the potion and I watched from a distance as he beat up Gregore the fallen that was in the town as he was about to suck the soul out of the man Azazel fired a bullet filled with Hellfire burning his soul for eternity causing Diablo to be confused on how Azazel had an actual gun.

"Well no debts left unpaid" Azazel said as he strolled out of the alleyway to go claim his reward from the guuld to go and buy some sweets as he had a huge sweet tooth and was craving something good.



Name: Azazel (Aaron)

Elemental Abyss Walker

Level: 60

Titles: Abyssal Wanderer, Adventurer, Mass Destruction

Strength: 163

Intelligence: 183

Dexterity: 153

Agility: 193

Awareness: 143

Luck : 268

Charm: 50

Akashic Library (All Magic)

Anti Magic MAX Lvl

Abyss Walker Max Lvl

Eyes of Chaos and Order Max Lvl (Chaos is purple with overlapping pink hexagons and Order is gold with a bunch of overlapping white squares)

I.D Create

Gamers Mind

Gamers Body

Anti Magic Body [On/Off] [On]

Speed boost


Powerful Slash

Finally got around to posting a chapter and I will think of changing the title soon so give suggestions in comments of this chapter

lSpacelcreators' thoughts