
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 4

Kazuma had a good sleep. He woke up the next day and soon started working on his plan. He decided to first gather the powers which he could.

After working on his plan, he decided to have breakfast as he was feeling hungry. He went downstairs and greeted his parents and ate with them. His parents were relieved that Kazuma was completely fine. His father and mother were extremely busy and so they had to leave immediately after the breakfast for work. Kazuma was also feeling good that his parents were not home, it will make his work easy.

First, Kazuma went into his space to look around. When, he saw the space granted by God to him as one of his wishes, he was stunned. He was stunned because the space was exact copy like China. The space also had THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA as well. What he saw was that this space also had every famous monument of earth from Eiffel Tower to Taj Mahal. It felt like he was on a world tour. God had given him a great space in which no one was living for now. He understood that he wouldn't need to do anything in space like construction or maintenance. He decided to see what happens if he destroyed one of the buildings. The building after some time repaired itself.

Kazuma decided to name the space as 'FENIX'. Fenix means phoenix in Spanish.

After checking the space around, he came back and started to see his other powers. He tried to freeze time and it stopped. He tried to make time go fast and it happened. He wanted to try his other abilities but he decided to wait. He had to decide first to go to the anime world where he can get his abilities.

After lot of thinking, he decided to go to a particular anime – Project K. He thought that it was the ideal time for studying his power and also to put his comprehension ability to use.

Kazuma opened the portal to Project K anime world. He waited sometime for the path between the worlds to stabilize. The path stabilized and he jumped in the portal.

After coming out of the portal, Kazuma realizes that he is in an isolated place. He closes the portal and tries to find a path to get out of this place. Soon, he finds the path and comes out of the place.

He looks around and finds himself in a market. He has to find either HOMRA or SCEPTER 4. HOMRA is famously known as the Red Clan and SCEPTER 4 is known as the Blue Clan.

He wanted to know where he was and time period, he was. He went through the whole market place for finding a clue to the Red Clan or Blue Clan. The time went on and soon it was about to sunset. He choose to give up his search for now and rest and try the other day.

Kazuma went to his own space and selected a place worthy for the master of the space. He had selected Palace of Versailles as his residence.

The next day…

Kazuma woke up and continued his search. He soon found people of Red Clan and Blue Clan. He was just observing them when suddenly he saw in the sky two big swords. They were swords of Damocles. The colour of one sword was Red and other was Blue. He knew the meaning of this swords, the manifestation of these swords represented the appearance of a King. The king of both the clans were present and from the scene he could guess that they are about fight each other.

Kazuma found a good observation spot for the confrontation that was about to happen. Suddenly, he saw the Kings of both the clans: Mikoto Suoh, the King of the Red Clan, famously known as the Red King or the Third King. He shifted his side to the Blue Clan, there was present in their valiant uniform, Reisi Munakata, the King of Blue Clan, famously known as the Blue King or the Fourth King.

He saw that both the sides started chanting their mantra or the principle they believed in.

Red Clansmen: No Blood! No Bone! No Ash!!!

Blue Clansmen: We of Scepter 4 carry out duties of the sword. Forgiving of neither war in the sanctuary, nor chaos in the world. We will advance with sword in hand, for our cause is pure!

Then, he saw that the both the side were ready for battle and anytime, their Kings gave the permission they will start like soldiers representing a country.

Kazuma couldn't get his eyes from the Sword of Damocles and the fight which was about to occur.