
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 13

The next day…

Kazuma was standing on a building with Mumen Rider, waiting for Fubuki.

Mumen Rider: Huh…sir, who are we waiting for?

Kazuma: You will meet her soon. If she doesn't comes under 5 minutes, we are leaving.

Mumen Rider nods.

Soon, Fubuki also joins both of them. She came alone as instructed. She could feel Kazuma was strong and her other underlings will be of no help. She was hesitating due to the suspicious invitation but when she remembered that she could become strong, she decided to come. She wanted to become A-class hero and even surpass her sister.

Kazuma: Good now that both of you have come, I will explain everything to you but before that…

Kazuma opened the portal and threw both of them inside. Before they could react, they were in the portal. Both of them came outside the portal and were shocked looking around them.

Kazuma also came outside and smirked looking at both of theirs reaction. After some time, when both of them calmed down, he explained everything to them.

After explaining, both were again feeling multitudes of complex emotions.

Fubuki decided to speak: Like others, I can't stay here with you.

Mumen Rider also nodded, agreeing with Fubuki.

Kazuma: You don't need to live here, you can also live in your world. I only need you to be present when it is very important.

Fubuki and Mumen Rider went into thinking mode. They looked at each other and nodded.

Both: We are ready…

Kazuma: Let's get this over with.

Kazuma called for everyone present in Fenix and told everyone it was very important. Soon, the courtyard of the palace of Versailles was packed by all the members in the faction.

Kazuma without wasting any time started speaking.

Kazuma: Whoever's name is called out will step forward. First, Fugaku Uchiha. Second, Mumen Rider or Satoru. Third, Mikoto Suoh. Fourth, Munakata Reisi. Fifth, Fubuki. Sixth, Pakura.

All six people stood in front of Kazuma. They were confused, why were their name called out.

Kazuma: From this moment on, I declare Fugaku Uchiha as the Silver King, Mumen Rider as the Gold King, Mikoto Suoh will stay as the Red King, Munakata Reisi will stay as the Blue King, Fubuki will be the Green Queen and Pakura will become the Grey Queen.

After hearing the words, all six were shocked. All six knew what becoming King/Queen meant. Fuguka had thought only for the survival of his clan when he joined. He thought that he and his clan will have to prove their worth, but this was totally unexpected. Mumen Rider after hearing explanation on what each King represented thought that he would become a clansmen under a King but never thought he would become a king himself. Mikoto Suoh and Munakata Reisi were not surprised. They were already king, so there was no surprise. Fubuki was in turmoil, she thought that she would become second in charge of some clan assisting the King when required but never thought that she would become queen. She had heard from Kazuma that these position were extremely rare and nobody could get that position who wasn't worth. She was thinking that she had to prove herself. Pakura was thinking along the same lines. She hadn't proved her loyalty still she became a queen.

Kazuma: Always remember your position is given to benefit the faction. If any mistakes are made, the King or Queen could be dethroned as well.

Kazuma said these words solemnly.

Kazuma: The merits need to be earned. If any candidate is deemed unable to carry out their duty, they will be punished. In this faction, all evil doers will be treated according to the law, even a King or Queen. The people of faction can only choose one clan. The Silver king is the King of the Silver Clan, the Gold King is the King of the Gold Clan and hence forth. A member of the faction can only join one clan and get the powers of that clan. There are in total seven clan but only six King because I am not going to make a seventh King. I will keep its powers. The power of the Seventh King is very dangerous. I can also control the powers of other clan as I control the selection of King. The Uzumaki Clan will only be an exemption and will directly come under me. Everyone has a time of one week to select their clans. The members can also change clans but will be needing a good reason to do so.

Everyone was hearing clearly to every word Kazuma was saying. Kazuma looked around and gave another important news.

Kazuma: Now, I will giving the offices to the Kings. The Silver Clan is given the Forbidden City as their headquarters. The Gold Clan is given the White House as their headquarters. The Red Clan is given Alhambra as their headquarters. The Blue Clan is given Buckingham Palace as their headquarters. The Green Clan is given Schonbrunn Palace as their headquarters. The Grey Clan is given Louvre Palace as their headquarters. I congratulate you six and may you reign your clan magnificently. This faction now rests in your hands. You are the protectors of this faction. Everyone can go now and celebrate. The Kings can take office from tomorrow onwards.

While everyone started moving, Kazuma remembered something and said.

Kazuma: Wait a moment, I forgot to give you the power of the Kings.

Kazuma waved his powers and soon in the sky, six swords of Damocles appeared. Each sword hanging above a King or Queen. Everyone was starting at the swords.

Kazuma: The appearance of these swords represent you being a king or queen. There is no need for badge or crown. Any one should could give you those. These swords represent your crown. These represent your power and last they represent a protector of this faction.

Kazuma unleashed his power and the sword of Damocles of the Colourless King appeared.

Kazuma: I hope this will make you work harder.

The ceremony ended and all went back.