
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 12

The next day…

Pakura woke up and looked around. She realized that she was in an unfamiliar room. Suddenly, she remembered what happened yesterday.

Pakura mumbled: So that was not a dream.

Pakura walked out of the room and went towards courtyard. Soon, she reached the courtyard and saw Kazuma sitting and meditating. Kazuma sensed someone enter, so he opened his eyes and looked at Pakura.

Kazuma: How are you feeling now?

Pakura: I am feeling well. Thank you. Can you tell me where are we?

Kazuma smiled.

Kazuma: This is Fenix, my small world. Welcome to your new home.

Pakura: New World?

Kazuma nodded and started explaining Pakura that Fenix worked as an independent dimension. He gave her details who was living with them – Uchiha Clan, Chinoike Clan and Uzumaki Clan from the Naruto anime world. Pakura was shocked and asked.

Pakura: So you are saying, all these powerful clans are living in this dimension.

Kazuma nodded and explained her how all these clans were betrayed like her except for Uzumaki Clan. Well, but the Hidden Leaf Village didn't do anything, so it counted as betrayal. Pakura was shocked that a powerful clan like Uchiha Clan would be betrayed by the village they made from scratch.

Kazuma: I will introduce to them later. First eat something.

Kazuma and Pakura ate breakfast together. Kazuma separated from Pakura and told her to rest.

In the past few days, Kazuma learned how to unleash the full potential of Dresden Slate. When the Gold King had the Slate, he restricted its potential till only Japan. When the Gold King died and Slate came in control of the Green King, he unleashed its potential on a Global scale. Now falling under the hands of Kazuma, Dresden Slate showed its true might. The power of Dresden Slate was now unleashed in every anime world.

Kazuma went towards his room and opened a portal towards his home anime world – High School DxD. Kazuma came out of the portal and moved towards the hall room to spend some quality time with his family.

After few hours…

Kazuma went back to his room and started planning how to expand his faction. Kazuma wanted strong and loyal people. Kazuma started thinking of possible people who could join him in his quest. Kazuma decided to rest and complete his plan tomorrow.

The next day…

Kazuma woke up and had decided who will be candidates that he will have by his side. Kazuma couldn't go to any other anime world for more 5 days. Kazuma decided to enjoy a world tour around Fenix. He opened the portal and started flying and enjoyed the surroundings. He saw many wonders like Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, The Pyramids and many more.

Soon 5 days went by…

Kazuma opened the portal and decided to go to One-Punch Man anime world. He went to meet someone, he liked but was not given any credit – Satoru commonly known by his hero name – Mumen Rider.

Kazuma was flying and soon saw him riding his bicycle. Kazuma stopped in his path. Mumen Rider stopped his bicycle and looked at Kazuma and asked

Mumen Rider: Hello, can I be a help to you?

Kazuma: No, I wanted to ask you something. You are not strong as other heroes are you?

Mumen Rider felt a stinging sensation in his heart but still replied with a kind smile.

Mumen Rider: No, I am C-class hero. There are many heroes which are better than me.

Kazuma smiled.

Kazuma: Would you like to become strong?

Mumen Rider: Of course, I want to save more people and always strive to improve.

Kazuma: You have a good personality. Would you be able to accompany me somewhere? I promise you it will help you.

Mumen Rider: Where do you want me to go with you, sir?

Kazuma: I need your help and would like to ask for your help. Would you help me?

Mumen Rider: Of course, sir.

Kazuma: Can you give me your communication details, so that I can reach you.

Mumen Rider: Of course.

Kazuma and Mumen Rider exchanged their numbers and separated. Kazuma also had one more candidate for his faction. Kazuma went and met Fubuki aka Blizzard of hell.

Kazuma: Hello, Miss Fubuki. How are you doing today?

Fubuki: I am fine. Who are you?

Kazuma: I am Kazuma and I am here to give you a chance to become strong.

Kazuma threw a piece of paper towards her and said.

Kazuma: If you want to become strong, come tomorrow on the address written in the paper. Come alone. If you came, remember that you will not be able to meet anyone for one week.

Kazuma disappeared and went back to Fenix.