
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · ファンタジー
13 Chs

~ Metatron Blade of Sable

(Pov Jhonatan)

Quietly, I sneak up the stairs. It's fortunate that it's very quiet because it's already evening. I hear some students talking here and there, but it doesn't seem to be close to the stairs. Most students are meditating in their rooms at this time. This allows me to silently reach the 4th floor.

There is currently no one in the teachers' room. I now have all the time to look for the books. Before me, a section with very beautifull large bookshelves shines. I quickly realize that the books are sorted by year, which makes searching much easier.

Just as I reach out to grab the books, I hear a sound on the stairs behind me. I quickly duck behind the couch. Shortly afterward, I hear the door open and two people talking.


(Pov Lester)

I knock on the door of the teachers' room, but there is no response. Behind me, Mavi says that there is never anyone here at this moment. All the teachers have already gone to their rooms. I open the door and walk towards the bookshelves. Here, I study the titles so that I can find the book with the right information.

Mavi has already sat on the table. There's no use in asking her for help; she's never willing to help, that's been the case since we were little. And this is supposed to be the future queen, but I really can't see it happening.

After some time searching, I give up. The teachers probably took the books with them. Mavi starts to laugh and says she expected this. I sigh and respond to Mavi's comment, "We're already here, why don't we look for books on demons?"

'Lester, we haven't seen any demons through our mana orb. Even though our orb went to the ground quickly, we would have seen something if there were any.'

"But Mavi, in class, they talked about the portal. We haven't seen that either, and the demons probably came out of there. To prepare ourselves as best as possible, we need to look for books that can help us."

Mavi nods and walks to the bookshelves. She grabs a book and walks back to the table. I sit next to her and look into the book. Mavi starts to tell me about the 7 Sins. Apparently, her father has told her more about this subject.


(Pov Jhonatan)

Relieved, I come out from behind the couch. After waiting for a long time, I can finally let everything sink in. It's already known that a portal has been opened. Fortunately, they think the demons came out of it. The teachers' room is not a good place to linger any longer. I quickly walk to the bookshelves and pick up the book on 2nd-year mana usage. I choose not to take the books from the other four years. 

I crack the door open and listen to see if the other two people are gone. With long strides, I walk down the stairs towards my room. To my great shock, Mike is in the room. He looks at me in surprise as I open the door. I put the book under my arm so as not to raise any suspicion. Before I can say anything, Mike introduces himself. He tells me he slept at his girlfriend's place.

"Oh, that's nice. My name is Jhonatan." Mike nods and grabs his jacket to go out. 'I'm going to have a drink with some friends now. Do you want to come, Jhonatan?' I smile and say that I'll join them next time. Mike leaves the room and says he won't be sleeping here.

I think it might be a good idea to try some alcohol. Since I expect Jace and Flinn are not averse to a drink. It will be a completely new experience, because I've never had the chance to drink. I have heard that it can taste good. I decide to open the cooler where there is some food and drink. While I put the bottle on the table, I wipe off the ice that came with it.

I almost spit out the first sip. This is so bitter. It's going to take time to acquire a taste for this. Is there nothing sweet I can drink? But Flinn and Jace might find that strange. I'll just have to drink the rest.

After the drinking fiasco, I leave the school gate. I look up and see three moons in the sky. A familiar feeling comes over me. I still remember looking outside every evening and dreaming about what I would experience. It was all so easy before I was abducted. My biggest worry was whether I could keep playing with my friends and my goal was to work on the land with my father.

Hahaha, now survival is the most important thing. Getting stronger is the main goal. I can't just stand still. I can't abandon those who sacrificed themselves for me. I will defeat the demons!!!!

After walking for a few minutes, I come back to reality. I'll leave these thoughts for now. I need to find a safe place to plant the Curative Goji. The demonic mana is still inside me, so it's essential to keep eating enough berries. I take the pouch from my waist and look at the last few berries. The last moment I remember with Logan is him giving me this pouch before I entered the portal. He should be here with me, but I don't know where he is now.

I look around and deviate from the path. I notice that it's getting darker as I go deeper into the forest. After walking for a while, I almost stumble over a fallen tree. The tree is completely hollow inside and there's plenty of soil in it. This could be a great place to hide the Curative Goji. They don't need daylight since there was never any sun in the portal of Greed.

On the way back, I make small marks on the trees. This way, I can clearly see where the hiding spot is. I don't want to lose my last supply of berries; otherwise, I'll lose control over my mana again. The Metatron Blade of Sable where able to save me from it. Unfortunately, Logan was the last survivor of that group, but I don't know if that's still the case. I hope to see Logan again soon.

Greed will regret that I escaped...