
Anima: The Hollow Heart

Ziiro101 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

"Awakening Part 1"

It is the Raon Calendar Year 144, 1st of Leo.

It has been nine years since the birth of the 'Lion' Baron's youngest child, Leon Hearth. A festive celebration had taken place when he was born with many townspeople coming at the Spring Castle, the baron castle located just outside of Goodspring up north.

The boy in question has grown quite to be a charmer as he had the looks of Esteban and Elaine combine. A Golden hair that is shining with a smoothness like silk fabric, and shining blue eyes like a gem of sapphire like his mother, sharp brows that give manliness to his allover appearance.

Right now, the boy, Leon Hearth. is training in the ways of the sword in the spring castle courtyard. Smacking the training dummy with a wooden sword left and right to build strength. Even though he is not yet learning any proper techniques yet.

"Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!"

With every shout of his voice, he put his energy in every swing of his wooden sword striking the training dummy with a force of a nine-year-old boy. As he continues his training smacking the training dummy a maid interrupted his flow.

"Young Master, the Masters calls for you." said the maid politely

"Tell father I will be back shortly" Leon stop what he was doing and politely nod at the maid

The maid hurriedly brings a dry towel to Leon to wipe his sweat due to training hard.

"Thank you" Leon accepted the towel and clean his sweat.

The maid bows at Leon and goes away to inform the baron.


Leon standing in the courtyard can't still believe at was happening to him after all these years. Originally he thought he died and he will be stuck in that cold and dark place. But at some miracle, he reincarnated in this world they called 'Yatu' this is what his scribe teacher told to him. and he remembers that before he lost consciousness a cold mechanical voice was the last thing he remembers before he awaken into this world when he was three years old.

'Where am I?'

This is what he thought at that time and after He has spoken those words a sudden influx of memory that clearly he can't remember having, resurface into his mind, and with that, it accompanies an excruciating headache he never had before.


He screams at the top of his lung because of the excruciating pain in his head and the nearby maids at that time rush into the room, terrified of what has happened to him, immediately called for Elaine and Esteban.

'You! inform the lady and the lord hurry!' said the maid into another maid

And another maid called the doctor of the castle the same midwife who delivers the baron wife child. Leon at that time still experiencing the excruciating pain blacks out and he passes out in the arms of the maid.

'Young master!' 'Young master!' 'Young master!' The maid desperately called for her young master

That is all he can remember before he passes out and he awoke after the day of that incident lying in bed with a cold damp towel at his forehead. He awoke at that time still experiencing a slight headache and quickly be flabbergasted at the sight before him. His arms are short to be the body of the teenager he was before. The room is lightened by the candles beside his bed. The bed is wide and is designed are rather old and antique to be in the modern era he remembers.

Clearly, he reincarnated into another world. Why he came to that conclusion? because he can clearly see at his side that the doctor was using magic to heal him! with white dots of light emitting from her hands that travel to his body.

'Are you alright young master? You should rest I shall call the lady and the lord they are really worried about you.' Said the doctor/midwife to him

At that time Leon can only give a slight nod at the doctor because he is still about the situation his in. After the doctor left the room Leon explored the brand new memories he acquired that caused the sudden pain he had. He reincarnated as the 2nd and youngest child of the 'Lion' Baron Esteban Hearth and his wife Elaine Ragnar. Born at Raon Calendar Year 135, 8th of Leo. That is all the useful information he can recall the rest are the sweet time with his mother Elaine hugging him passionately and playing with his father Esteban from time to time telling him story about the sword and other things.

*Sniffs* *crying* *Sniffs*

Suddenly he cried with his pent-up emotion because in his whole life he never experiences the love and care of a mother and a father. he cried and cried until his tears dry that in his second chance he has finally had the family he wishes to have in his previous life. and at that moment in his peripheral vision, a blue rectangle projection of something suddenly pop up into thin air.

'What is this?'

He questions and looks curiously at the blue rectangle projection. He wipes his tears with his hands to see clearly and lean in closely.

[Status: Mild Headache

Name: Leon Hearth

Age: 3 years old

Race: Human/???

Anima: unawakened

Skills: Locked]

The Blue rectangle projection is the information of his biological data and Leon at that time hurriedly dismiss the projection as heard the voice of his mother outside of his room.

'My Child are you awake?' Said Elaine as she gently knocks at the door.

Leon stared at the door before answering the call with a broken tone and anticipation.

'Y-Yes mother' Leon replied with a stutter.

Elaine opens the door, she walks and sits gently beside Leon in the bed as she caress Leon in the head.

'I was worried, my child, you suddenly pass out the other day. Are you alright? You should rest for today and not play alright? Your Father will come in shortly after you have recovered.'

'Y-Yes mother'

Leon can only stare at the eyes of his mother as she caresses his head and kisses his forehead before leaving the room.

*Exhale* 'hoooooo'

Leon exhaled his breath and happily smile in with his circumstances at thought of finally having a Family.

Leon ends his reminiscence of the past as he gently knocks at the front of his father's study room.

"Father, It's me Leon"

"Come in"

With the voice of his father, he opens the door and sees his father holding papers probably about the governance of the town of Goodsprings and the Spring castle. Esteban gently put down the papers.

"Sit for a moment, son. I will tidy up this paper for a moment"

Leon nods and sits in the chair beside the window in the room. After some moment, Esteban Finally finishes tidying up the paper works as he sits right across Leon. Seeing this Leon asks his father the reason why he called him.

"Father, why have you called for me?"

"Hmmm. You have been working hard to build strength, my son. HAHAHA, just like me when I was younger. HAHAHA. Ehem!, as you can see my son your day of birth is near and you will turn ten years old and the time of awakening your 'Anima' is near too so you must prepare for the ritual. Stop your training for a moment and rest your body."

"Yes, Father" Leon nods at the words of his father.

"Hmmm. You should take a bath too, you reek of sweat your mother will not like it. You may go now. Oh! before I forget I will now teach you our Family Sword Technique after your awakening."

"Really Father?!" Leon jump at the joy of finally having to wield properly the sword and learning his family's techniques.

"Yes, Yes, now go before your mothers get mad at me keeping your time in here" Esteban smile at the joy of his child.

"Yes!, Father!"

Leon leaves the room happily and asks the nearby maids of the castle to prepare a bath for him and meet his mother.

[Status: Normal

Name: Leon Hearth

Age: 9 years old

Race: Human/???

Anima: unawakened

Skills: Locked]

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