
Chapter 5: All Revealed


A starry moonlit night, beyond the pine trees of the forest was a meadow. This meadow basked in the beauty of purple and white flowers. A huge willow tree was rooted firmly in the center, as its pink and white petals swayed in the wind. Light bulbs were skillfully placed in colored jars, as they hung from branches.

As to how Simion was able to do that, let's just say the only thing he excelled at in school, was electricity. There was a bed of grass under that willow and a plaid blanket, with a vase of red and white roses.

On top of that blanket were two bottles of Strong bow: Gold apple, his mother's famous potato salad, which he was able to create after two weeks of trying, strawberry cheesecake and chocolate rippled strawberry ice-cream.

Lacy stopped in her tracks, and gasped when Simion took the blindfold off. He wanted it to be a surprise, so he blindfolded her all the way here. She missed a couple of steps and blamed Simion for it, but after seeing this view, she couldn't stay mad at him forever. He was her sugar-pie, her honey bunch.

"Simion! Simion this is amazing!" she exclaimed as she ran ahead of him towards the tree, as her hair bounced off of her back. When she stopped in front of the blanket, she squealed and broke into her happy dance.

"Oh-my-gosh, you're officially the best boyfriend ever!" she turned to face him, as he snaked his hands around her waist. The touch of his calloused yet gentle hands, sent chills down her spine. Simion gave her a pained look and pouted.

"So wait! There were other boyfriends who were better than me?" he smiled at her mischievously and brought his mouth next her ear. "Don't worry babe, I'm gonna be better than they could ever be...n' I'll make you crave me every single day, as you shout my name in pleasure from the top of your lungs..."

Lacy quivered under his touch, as he brought his lips to her neck. He inhaled her strawberry scent and kissed her there. His fingers slowly brushed up her inner thigh. She moaned softly, as she leaned into him. He stopped immediately below her mini dress, and traced small circles, tempting her skin.


She gave out another moan, as she felt his lips smirk against her skin, satisfied. Yeah she was supposed to do her job, but with this boy in her way, 'damn' she thought she'd never get work done. She brought her hand near his, and slowly guided them beneath the fabric, signaling him to go further.

"Not now," he slowly pulled away and smiled at the pained expression on her face. He had to admit, that dress was truly tempting. He wanted to rip it off, and bruise her soft skin with his lips all over her body. The pleasure he imagined of hearing her sweet screams over and over again in ecstasy, as he pounded into her non-stop.

Her body was practically begging him to make love to her in the moonlight. But instead, he placed his hand under her chin, lifting it up so she could look into the pool of his silver eyes.

Her lips glistened, tempting him to drag his tongue over it, before claiming it with his. Slowly Simion leaned down, making his lips graze hers, as their breath mingled. He traced his index finger on the outline of her lips, before framing her face in his hands.

Her breath hitched in her throat, as she began to pant. She could feel the tingling sensations, coursing through her aching body. It was there. The sexual tension between them and the fact that he was trying to restrain himself from dominating her, added a bit of forbidden fruit scenario between them. Her eyes trailed down to his scrumptious lips after looking into his eyes, only to find his tongue dashing out and licking her lips.

Lacy's core clenched and her thoughts ran wild. She felt the liquid from her core slip slowly, before soaking her panties. Just the thought of him inside her was enough to make her unleash her beast.

After all she was very masochistic, sadistic and wouldn't hesitate to mark him as her sex slave. His blood on her lips would be so sweet and tantalizing; it literally made her stomach growl. He kissed her lips, lingering for only three seconds before pulling away.

"Come on, let's eat," he said after hearing her stomach. He couldn't help but chuckle as they sat down to stuff their faces, after all, "you cyah make love pon a hungry belly."

For a sixteen year old, Simion was never disappointing when it came to the ladies, especially romancing and turning them on. After they ate, Simion sat down and rested his back on the willow tree; Lacy sat next to him her head resting on his shoulder. In that moment of silence, Simion thought of what Ana said today.

~~Flashback ~~

"Who are you stinking wench and what the hell do you want with my brother?"

"Ana. I swear I have no idea what you're-"

"Oh shove a sock in it Sméagol. There's no point in denying that you're some demon spawn that crawled its way from the depths of hell."


"Simion? Simion!" he heard Lacy call his name to try and get his attention. As she waved her hands in front of his face.

"Huh? What?" he asked looking at her.

"Never mind," she said as she went back into her previous position.

This thing that Ana said was really beginning to trouble him, and he knew what that meant. Whenever Ana said certain things and he didn't believe it, he'd worry about it all day and later on. Find out that she was right.

"So this means," he did a quick glance at Lacy, "that...Ana, is right?"

'Whoa', something just lifted off of her.

"A- a veil…? What the," he murmured as he stared at her.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Ah, n-nothing, umm, I was just saying h-how b-beautiful... you... are," he replied in a daze as he drifted off in thought.

He saw what Ana was talking about. That veil that Lacy had over her prevented any normal person from seeing who she really was. It was like, some kind of aid in helping her brainwash people.

And how come only he and Ana were able to see through her and no one else was able to? How come Ana was able to see right through her before he could? Was there something Ana knew that he didn't?

Who was she? Why was she here? So many questions were blending through his brain with possible answers. But none of them he trusted.

I mean... come on. In truth she was a pretty girl, and what you saw on the outside was infinite beauty. But, as the veil disappeared... her inner self was shown for a split second. And that alone was enough to make him loose taste in her.

'Damn this bitch is ugly!' Simion thought as his face turned into a scowl, the thought of sitting next to her at the moment, was a one hundred percent turn off.

'Oh shit! My tongue went into her mouth!' His stomach churned, and he felt bile threatening to flood its way to his mouth. Immediately, his hand flew up to hold it in. He didn't want to throw up a perfectly good meal. One he spent hours crafting, only to have it regurgitated by some...demon.

"What, what is it?" Lacy asked worriedly, never missing the expressions on his face.

He flashed a smile, to ensure her that everything was okay. And damn could that smile make you wanna eat his lips. Oh how she would enjoy those luscious, pink lips against hers. Bloody after nibbling on them. How the metallic taste would send her into a climax, as she rode him like a wild bull. Sun up 'till sun down.

Her clit throbbed at the image she'd created and her fangs pulsed in her mouth. Begging to taste him and his hard-

Simion moved away awkwardly and pretended to look for something in the basket, but really, he was getting a weapon.

"What are you looking for babe?" Lacy asked, as she moved closer to him, running her hands up his back, and stopping on his shoulders.

"N-Nothing ugh," he kept fishing through the basket, until he felt something cut him. A small bead of blood emerged from his finger, and she smirked. As his eyes looked around the basket again, he saw the knife glimmering in the moonlight.


"What?" He jumped at the slightest touch of her breath on his ear. His chest rose and sunk, as he forced air into his lungs. If she'd found out what he was looking for... what would she do? The knife he used to cut the cheesecake should do the trick. It should be able to at least by him a few minutes.

'What are you saying? If she's a demon, you won't be able to stand a chance.'

Lacy flinched and withdrew from him. Her eyes searched his, as worry etched her goddess like features. "Why are you so jumpy? What's wrong? Was it something I did? Something I've said? If so I-I didn't mean to. It's just that sometimes I-"

"Whoa, Lace, calm down. You didn't do anything."

"Then why did you just-"

"Don't worry about it love. Just a bad memory," he re-assured her as his injured hand caressed her cheek. Her eyes shut involuntarily, savoring his touch against her heated skin.

"Hmm," she licked her lips and panted, "do you want to talk about it?" Her piercing blue eyes shot open.

"N-No," his hand retreated and she whimpered missing his touch. "Let's talk about you instead. I want to know, where this beauty came from," he said as he looked at her, forcing a smile. "I want to know where you lived before coming here, what your childhood was like- everything. Please Lace; I wanna know more about you."

The same hand inched slowly to hold her chin and tilted her head back. Now that he knew what she looked like on the inside, he wasn't too sure she deserved the title 'Beauty'.

Lacy laughed nervously and was about to answer him, but she smelt something sweet, succulent and scrumptious. A soft whimper escaped her parted rosy lips, as the wind blew gently. Dancing with her hair, as it covered part of her face.

"I know, love. Believe me...I know," her voice came out as a whisper, as she cocked her head to the left. He was bleeding and she had to try her best to stay in control. She had to tease her prey before she dove for the kill.

He looked into her eyes, afraid that if he'd look away, she'd do something terrible. He didn't know if he should be that worried, but he'd learned to trust his gut over the past ten years. It's what kept him alive, and what allowed him to gain his spot in popularity, like his fellow jock buddies.

In that moment as his eyes bore into hers, he could have sworn he saw something dark, hiding behind the windows to her soul. No doubt there was something primal and hungry crawling beneath her skin.

Slowly, she got up and placed her right leg at one of his sides like a vixen. The blue in her eyes trained on him like a predator. For a split second, they darted to his delicious, vein throbbing throat. The intense hunger in her eyes made him gulp, and a bead of sweat trickled down.

In slow movements, her lips curled into a smile, and before the sweat could disappear beneath his shirt, her tongue darted out and licked it off. His breaths came out as labored pants, as she enjoyed making him squirm beneath her fingertips.

Using her slender fingers, she placed them on his right leg and slowly slid them up. When her fingers came into contact with his crotch area, she lingered there and traced circles around it. Her reward from him was a heaving chest and a frightened look. But why was he frightened?

In a swift motion, she positioned her other on the other side, and was now straddling him. After a few seconds, she leaned in closer to his left ear and whispered in a velvet voice, laced in honey and a pinch of poison.

"Relax sweetheart. I promise I won't hurt you...yet," she sucked on his earlobe and earned a grunt from him, the sound that sent lava oozing down her volcano. The hand she had near his sweet spot, grabbed him suddenly and a gasp escaped his lips.

He was completely paralyzed with her eyes, caressing his in a lustful gaze. He was scared and screaming to his body to move, but it wouldn't. No matter how ugly she was on the inside, her outside parts were equally attractive, and the fact that she was teasing him, was throwing him off his game.

Her hand encased him and he felt the soldier wanting to stand.

'Thanks a lot Johnny for betraying my sanity. I appreciate it,' he mentally scolded his manhood for

giving into the enemy. And this is how you get killed for committing mutiny folks!

She stroked it, feeling it respond to her instantaneously and found out how big he was. Her boyfriends would feel offended because he compared to them? Ha! They were nothing but ants, while his was the Eiffel tower.

After teasing his member, she traveled upwards, unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom up. His rigid mind blowing, perfectly carved six packs were on display, and she nearly had a meltdown.

Simion was finally able to snap himself out of the trance, and used his hand stop her from going any further. That left his shirt unbuttoned halfway, a throbbing Johnny at the bottom of the sea, and a surprised sex goddess as its sun.

He smiled a wicked smile, "You're no human. Are you?" he teased her with the whisper of a breath, barely audible.

Lacy chuckled nervously, as her eyes darted to his sculpted abs and then to his wounded finger. Worry consumed her features, as she brought it to eye level and inspected it.

"You're hurt," she spoke softly. "Let me take care of that for you."

Lacy took his finger and looked into his eyes as her lips parted. Slowly, she wrapped her tongue around his finger and expertly pulled it into her mouth.

Warmth and wetness wrapped itself around his finger, as her tongue kept teasing him. His shaft twitched and he silently cussed. Lacy began sucking at a steady pace and he felt ta bolt shot all the way down to his toes. Johnny wanted to surface from the depths off the ocean, but as captain, saving their lives was his priority at the moment.

Not chasing after a treasure chest he can hunt down anytime he wanted to.

"You never answered my question," he said slowly yet firmly, as he retrieved his hand and placed it behind him.

Lacy looked at him, showcasing confusion in her eyes, until amusement showed up and stole the show.

"Haha, what are you talking about Simion, honey? Of course I'm human why-why would you think th-that I-I'm n-not?" her emotions stirred within her, unsettling her composure. That bitch of a sister wouldn't give her a chance to get laid would she? She needed to hump this hunk of a sex God, before he realized what she is? Unless...

'Fuck,' she mentally cussed. 'Play it cool Lace, play it cool. You took enough acting classes for this moment.'

"Don't play games with me Lace, I know the truth-"

"You know nothing about me, Simion," she whispered, as her eyes darted to the floor. "Everyone thinks they know me, just because they've spent a few months with me," she raised her head and added puppy dog eyes to go with the flow. "Just because you've spent a few months with me, means that you know me."

She stiffened and hugged herself tightly as the wind blew for effect. Her attempt to force a few tears out to make it look real, failed. At least her eyes began to pool with water as she thought of a dark memory.

Damn human beings and their fragility. She had to stoop to their level just to get things done! How pathetic. No wonder they were nearly extinct a few hundred years ago.

"You're right. I don't know anything about you. I don't know, because you won't tell me! How am I supposed to know about someone, if they don't tell me about them? Especially someone I thought I cared about! It's only natural that I begin to assume things."

Lacy flinched under his gaze, as he yelled at her. Of course, all part of the plan. She needed to reel him in to accomplish her plan. Yet the possibility of him actually caring for her, made her hesitate.

But Simion was way ahead of her there. He could read her and she wouldn't pull the same thing on him again, because right now? It was life or death. There's no better moment in life that you feel alive, unless you are staring death in the eyes.

"You're a demon, just like Ana said," Simion wasn't able to play with Lacy anymore.

"What are you talking about?" Lacy's eyes snapped up at him red, and her tear stained cheeks glistened in the night.
