
Angel With A Shotgun.

All my life, I thought I was normal, but a part of me knew I wasn't. Somethings about me, my life story, my entire existance just didn't make sense. ________________________________ Kira has lived her entire life thinking she was human. Supernatural beings only existed in movies. Everything changed when she got accepted into Stanford University, where she met him.... Christian Remoné.. Christian was unlike any other 19 year old guy she had ever met. Little did she know, he most definitely wasn't normal. "There's no way a guy that hot could be human" she said to her tour guide while staring at the fine man candy walking into school. "Nobody here is human darling", Rachel replied. Kira was certainly shook by that comment " what do you____". Rachel walked before Kira could even finish her sentence. Later that day, she was greeted by her headmaster, who introduced her to some very shocking things. Much to her surprise; Stanford wasn't just an ordinary school but a school for supernatural teenagers. Not only did she found out that she's a freaking vampire, but she also found out that all her life, she was living a big lie. It was hard to believe at first but a part of her knew she belonged there. Being the bad girl had always been her thing and being a vampire, well doesn't exactly make you an angel. As usual, everything in life comes with a price...

itzshanna · その他
20 Chs

Chapter 10: Predators

Kira POV

"We need to talk" I mumble to Christian. We're now on our way to a bar my friends and I used to sneak into when I used to lived around here.

There was a lot of sneaking around involved in my highschool days. Most of the places I wanted to go to are usually the places I weren't allowed to. Besides, it's normal for teenagers wanting to have fun, sneak out blah blah blah and use fake IDs to get into places like these. I obviously was one of those teenagers.

I still am one of those teenagers, except now I don't have to sneak in or use fake IDs, this time I have company and this company happens to be somebody that can get away with anything. Weeellll, I don't really need him as a pass to get inside, but apparently it's still his job to keep his eye on me so I'm stuck with him, whether I like it or not.

Well him, Alli, Rachel and I have been searching for Lisa for the past hour with no luck. So we're taking a break. Being back here is a little weird because I feel like I don't belong here and there's nothing here for me anymore. I don't know if it's because I've changed literally or because I was almost killed here by people I've never even seen before.

It's a good thing all my highschool friends are in colleges elsewhere because if they were here then there's a huge possibility that they'd end up like Spencer. Even if I did my best not to hurt them, Christian is a lot more.... complicated.

Luckily Lisa made a daylight bracelet for me before I came back to life because I'd be stuck in the basement all day, while the others search for her. According to Christian, I don't really need it, but it suits me so i'm wearing it.

He doesn't have one because he's so advance and doesn't need it. In other words, he's immune to sunlight.

Atleast I know Lisa has style because my bracelet looks amazing asf and I have no problem with never taking it off. Yup, I love it, therefore it's stuck with me.

Turns out most of the things that happens to vampires in 'The Vampire Diaries' are in fact very real. Like compulsion and healing people with your own blood etc.

Damn, I have a feeling I'm going to love this life. A lot.

Anyways back to Lisa.

My guess is that she's still somewhere in town but the witch that took her must have done some witchy shit because we can't seem to catch her scent anywhere.

Whatever that witch has against her must be really personal for her to be crazy enough to piss off the Remoné siblings. Which I should say, 'is not a good idea' because if you hurt Alli, you hurt Christian.. And believe me you do not want to fuck with him. He's crazy

Rachel and Alli are suppose to be searching for a witch to help us find Lisa. While Christian and I are supposed to be searching the places around town but that's boring. So I convince him to let us take a break and by taking a break, I mean we're looking for snacks.

It didn't take him much convincing, he loooooves taking 'breaks'. I already know, that's his favourite thing to do, it's obvious.

"We're not talking about what happened last night,"

he said avoiding eye contact. I'm convince he can read minds.

"I was in fact curious about that but... It's something else," I breathe out. He stops and raise his eyebrow. Ya know what! I'm just gonna blurt it out.

"That night when I died, you told me you love me.. What does that mean for us now?"

His face went completely blank, like he's searching for the right words to say. Whatever he has to say isn't going to change the way I feel about him, I just want him to be honest. I can't trust him if he's not honest with me.

"Kira.. In your room we had a moment and then one thing led to another, to be honest I've been wanting to kiss you since the very day you reached the age of consent... And yeah I probably shouldn't have allowed you to kissed me but I did,.." He says looking at me with an emotionless expression, "I've loved you since the day you were born but not like that." Wait what.

He never lied to me before and I don't see a reason why he'd lie now.

I don't need to look in his eyes to know he's telling the truth.

"I'm aware of what I said when you were dying and I do meant it all but not in the way that you might think. I love you like how a brother loves his sister."

To be honest. I expected to be more hurt.

That actually means a lot to me.

"I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but initially my job was to protect you and i've already overstepped my boundaries kissing you. I am most definately not the type of guy you want to get involve with in that way," he said with a faint smile.

Um ok.. He does have a point... a really big ass point.

"It's okay.. To be honest I did have a crush on you when I was human, but uh since the moon and shit, things change. I'm not the same person as I was before and I think I'm more comfortable with who I am now," I replied. My feelings for him died when I did.

I'm not feeling emotions like I used to when I was human. I'm better off this way... I hope

The only emotions I've been feeling a lot lately is anger and greed, which is very annoying because greed isn't even an emotion.

Christian doesn't have feelings for me, he barely have feelings in general.

As I've said before, my feelings for him died when I did and since I'm not human anymore they probably will never come back. He's still very fucking handsome and hella sexy and I'm still gonna admire the fuck out of him, without catching the slightest bit of feelings... romantically.

I can't help but wonder what would've happen if he actually had feelings for me though, Or if I still had feelings for him.

Woooow, that's like toxic in 100 different languages.

"Can I tell you something?"

"What?" I asked with a confuse face. Hearing him ask something instead of telling is really suspicious, I don't know if should be worried or not.

"You're really hot though," he whisper with one of his signature smirk.

"Boy I know," I flip my hair and walks off.

My hair might be shoulder length but it feels damn good when I flip it.

I'm glad we got to have that conversation. I'm cool with being just friends with him. It's for the best and now I feel even more comfortable around him and his sexy Spanish butt.

I can guarantee, I'm gonna risk my hands touching that butt one day.

I burst into the bar and as expected all eyes are on me. I bought this really sexy suit this morning, (by bought. I mean I compelled the manager of the store to give it to me). Skinny jeans and crop top looks really looks good on me. Especially if its all black. I looked great mirror when I looked in the mirror and ain't nobody can tell me I don't look great right now.

"You really know how to make an entrance don't you?" Christian remarks walking up behind me.

"It's not my fault I look good," I said flipping my hair and walking towards the bartender.

"What can I get for you today," the bartender said with a very obvious fake smile. Who peed in her whiskey?

I haven't been here in a while which is probably why I don't recognise her, she might be new here. Either way, one thing about me, I can spot a bitch when I see one.

"Yeah I'll take something red please," I reply with a smile as genuine as hers.

Her face brightens up at the sight of Christian. "What about you Sir?" She says leaning over to Christian "anything I can do for you?". Lol I see what you doing bitch..

I can see her nipples peeking through her pink spaghetti straps blouse. I'm familiar with bartenders and I'm pretty sure that they don't always dress like this, it's obvious how this one gets her tips.

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to make money but all that money she getting is invested in her chest. If yk yk

Completely ignoring my order, she licks her lips batting her fake eyelashes at the womanizer beside me. Well well well, this bartender is obviously trying to get herself some dick.

"Hunny, what you can do is get your stank ass breathe the fuck out of his face and get me a glass of whiskey right now before I slap that smile of your smugly little face!" I shout grabbing everybody else attention.

Stunned, She roll her eyes and proceed to my order. Yeah, that's what I thought. "Bitch" I mumble under my breath.

"Aww are you jealous, Love?" Christian said with his cheeky smile.

Ha. I burst out a laugh "Why the hell would I be jealous of a desperate skinny blonde with silicon boobs flirting with my friend?"

"Awww you think we're friends, how cute," he tease.

This boy is something else.

"Don't flatter yourself white boy,".

My eyes watch her keenly as she grabs the bottle and pours my drink. Hmm.. I don't trust this bitch. Ha. It's not like she can poison me, but I have a feeling she'd slip something in it if she had the chance.

She serve my drink, then leans over to Christian, again. "I was thinking..." she pull down her blouse a little so her boobs, her fake boobs to be exact, are showing, "maybe we could talk outside, if you know what I mean."

Why she gotta be so extra though? Like her obvious hard nipples are already poking on her thin blouse, if I noticed it then so does he and he's a guy. I doubt she even knows how she looks.

Christian reply is a smirk, which simply means 'sure why not'. Ofcourse

Looks like my bud here just got his first victim.

The girl smirks and call another dude over to replace her in bartending duty. She was beside Christian before the guy even reach around the counter. Look at you, in a hurry to die.

Christian winks at me stepping off his stool. I give him the finger and she quickly grab his hand and pulls him towards the door. She really acting like I was going to pull him back, no tf... go and die bitch.

"Are you going to drink that beautiful?" The new bartender asks me. I nod and tug the entire glass of whiskey down my throat in less than 2 seconds.. Damn, I forgot how good this tastes. "So is he your _____"

"I'll be right back," I smirk at him and speed out of the bar.

Christian made a sad mistake if he thinks I was just gonna let him have lunch without me. Ha

He wouldn't have came here if it wasn't for me, this was my idea so therefore I deserve my share of the profit.

In a couple of seconds I was standing behind the bar where Christian is, with his fangs in barbitchs' neck. Ugh, The smell of her blood is already driving me crazy. I don't like her but her blood is a completely different story.

Without further thinking I speed beside her and punch my fangs into the other side of her neck. I didn't know I was starving until now.

Alli was right, I am greedy.

I kinda expect him to freak out or stop me but he simply remove his fangs out her neck and smirk at me. He licks his lips and punch his fangs back in. With us feeding on her at the same time, she's most definitely not going to last long.

Yo I'm really enjoying this.

She's just standing here completely still. Yeah he compelled her. Her heartbeat is getting fainter and fainter by the second. Christian remove his fangs from her neck licking her blood stain off his lip. I'd say it's very generous of him to leave the rest for me but there's barely anything left and he've already gotten the best part. Meanie

"Are you done? I'm in the mood for dinner."

I slowly remove my fangs from her and snap her neck. Maybe if she was as nice as her blood, I'd actually feel guilty about it.

"Now I'm done," I smirk at him.

"Did you really had to kill her?" He said with a fake frown. He only said that because he wanted to be the one to do it.

"Nope. But it's much more fun" I reply walking off.

"Please tell me you didn't kiss her, " I said looking back at him with disgust. "Are you kidding? Of course not.. I could smell her mouth even when it was closed" he laughs. I couldn't help but laugh, he's right.

I don't know what she was sucking before, but it sure as fuck wasn't mint nor lollipop.

Boy, I manage to stop laughing before I snort and embarrass myself.

Wait... I laughed. Does that mean I'm not angry at him anymore? I'm not, but I wanna be. I like being mad at him but now I have no reason to be at him. Ugh, that sucks. As far as I can see, the only way I can be mad and stay mad at him is when I'm not around him.

I want a reason to punch him, a good reason though because I don't want him to punch me back and break my bones.

"So.. Are you ready to fuck this bar up?" I ask him walking in the bar

"Don't have to ask me twice," he smirks and sped off before me and attack the men at the pool table. I smirk and attack the first person my eyes catch. I'm gonna have soooooooo much fun.


5 minutes later

"This is the best day of my life," I breathe out standing on the countertop looking down at the 34 dead bodies below me. Man, I fucking love this life!

"You're a bad girl Choco," he replies gulping down a whole bottle of vodka.

This boy acting like he didn't kill more than half of em'.

The reason he even killed that much is because he's faster than me and does everything with ease and because my greedy ass have to sample a lil bit of everybody's blood before I kill them. Him on the other hand can easily feed on 3 people at once, WITHOUT even compelling them. He makes everything looks so simple.

He's a damn pro and the look in his eyes when he kills is just... damn, I'm just sayin... if he was supposed to lift me up by my neck I'd do any and everything to avoid eye contact because you know he ain't playing when those beautiful grey eyes turns black.

It suits him though, some people might say it's scary but I find it very attractive because that's just who he is. Him and I both know he doesn't have to hide himself from me anymore, because we're friends... buddies... even better, we're partners in muthafucking crime.

I hop off the counter after admiring the scene below me. He really did them bad and he enjoyed every bit of it. So did I.

"I'm not bad... I'm dangerous."

He smirk at me before tugging the last bottle of vodka down his throat. I hate how cute he is

If he was a human, he'd be dead already.

He's a fucking alcoholic.

Imagine a normal human being, being able drinking over 10 bottles of vodka in less than 10 minutes.

"I think we should____" he stops and starts looking around. ___We should make out as just friends? Yes absolutely. *coughs* tf, that's unacceptable.

"What?" I ask confusingly. "Do you hear that?" He whispers.

Then I hear it.. Heartbeats...

Somebody's alive.

Awww, who's the not so lucky fella?.

Before either of us could react.. Alli walks in the bar with a heart in her hand. "This one tastes good," she said licking his blood of her lip. That's Christian sister alright.

Then I thought she was the good one.

Well to be fair, she is, Christian would've walked in with more than just his heart.

"Wooow what the hell happened in here?" Rachel blurt out walking towards us.

"We were bored," Christian shrugs. That's pretty much the explanation for almost everything.

Not gonna lie, being bored and hungry can drive anyone crazy. Literally.

I lean on the counter watching Alli glares at Christian, pffft, as if glaring at him is going to make him less crazy.

She does that for a while until he grins innocently. I know for a fact he's going to get a big sisterly lecture later.

"I really don't have time for this, I came here to tell you guys we found Lisa," she sighs walking off.

"Yippee more people to kill!" I exclaim running towards the door.

"You two are really made for each other," Rachel mumbles heading towards the door. say what now?!

I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that.

"Wait! What are we gonna do about all these dead bodies?" I ask. "What dead bodies?" Christian shrugs.

"You know the 6 bodies around the pool table, 12 around the bar counter, 12 still sitting around their table, and the 4 in the male and female bathrooms." I reply rolling my eyes.

"You forgot to mention the blonde Alli and I passed around the back and the guy Alli fed from before ripping his heart out," Rachel said leaning against the door. 36 dead bodies then.

"I say we burn them," Alli said raising her hand.

"We? No way! this is your problem. As far as I can see, I didn't kill anybody here and btw werewolves doesn't get involve in vampire problems.. So I guess it's all on you guys," Rachel blurt out still leaning against the door. I forgot how dramatic she was, even when she's right.

"We can't afford to raise suspicions here. Ohio is home for a lot of vampire hunters, if something like this ends up on the news it could end badly." Alli replied. Well she does have a point

I'm pretty sure there's more of them around here even though I've only met seven of them excluding the witch. My guess is that they were working for or with somebody else, so that means the boss I killed had a boss and that other boss really has it out for us. In other words, this is very far from over.

There has to be more of them because they're not stupid enough to not have a plan B.

Things are going to get a lot more complicated when the boss finds out that we killed their men and is in fact still alive. Christian glance in my direction and I quickly shake the 'thinking' look off my face. Hopefully, I don't lose my partner in crime.

"I object!" Christian shouts from behind the bar counter. So we left the bar and now we're in court.

"This.." He said pointing on the bodies "This right here is art... Nobody is burning my artwork, how would you feel if someone burned your dead body?". Is he drunk or smth?

Bruh, he really has been around Rachel a lot because now he's the one acting like a drama queen.

"Thinking about the things you've done to them, I think burning their bodies is probably the nicest thing you could do for them... even though their obviously dead," Alli scoffs.

Well, to be fair... I did witness the things he've done to them and I couldn't agree more with Alli.

"Do whatever y'all wanna do I have bigger things to deal with," I yawns walking out the bar.

I really need to kill that witch bitch


"Are you guys sure this is where it leads?" I ask staring at the warehouse in front of me.

Christian's a little cranky because Alli torched the bodies. They were dead anyways and it's not like he cared about them when they were alive. He just wanted to disgust the person who was going to find them if Alli didn't torched the place. That's how cruel he is.

I feel bad too... yk... for the bar. I had a lot of memories there and it all went up in flames. Poor bar

"Positive" Rachel breathe out. Well well well, part 2 of my fun is about to begin.

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