
chapter 1

In the Yates mansion

Pearl a light skinned girl with girl with blue eyes and black her..her face was so delicate and soft she looked so calm the blue gown she wore matched with her eyes with made them sparkle,pearl wore blue heels and bag to compliment her dressing..pearl was the only daughter of a business tycoon Me Yates ..his family was dominating the business sector in Europe,they were the most powerful family in Europe..they also had a competitor the Greg ..the Greg were also powerful but the Yates dominated them for the past five years and the Greg ad been looking for an opportunity to get back at them..

Pearl looked at her delicate face on the mirror and added a little gloss on her lips she looked to beautiful yet simple,she walked down the mansion stairs gracefully..one would think she went to courtesy class,her steps were bold and graceful at the same time like a princess..she walks to the dining and her food as already been served,she digged into the toast and jam delicately..each move was so accurate like she planned it all..there wasn't a single sound while she was eating..well as a Yates much is expected form you especially when you are the only heir of the family..pearl continued her food with her face fixed on a flower vase opposite her like she didn't want to face the world. right about that time a middle aged man with blue eyes and black hair walked down the stairs he looked so much like pearl ..they had a striking resemblance..the black suit he wore made him look so gentle and calm but his face was as serious as ever...one would wonder if he had smiled before..Mr Yates wasn't like this,he changed is personality after the death of his wife Caroline..she meant everything to him,he was willing to withdraw the business so has to be with his wife....but Caroline died 3 years ago in a bloody car accident,Mr Yates thinks it's the work of the Greg and he has made it just mission to destroy them ..ever since then the once kind heated Mr Yates became a cold hearted and workaholic man..his only daughter and child was Pearl and he enrolled her into the family business..he would send her to meetings around the world and treat like like a machine.. everyone would think they were a happy family with the way they acted in public..Mr Yates acted to kind hearted to Pearl in public but at home it was the opposite..he would yell at her if she made a simple mistake or if she attended a meeting late or if her steps weren't graceful, he wanted her to be perfect in everything she does.. but Me Yates has a soft spot which was his daughter,as strict has he was with her...he didn't let anyone mess with her..he always had her back secretly and has so many bodyguards to keep an eye on her..this made pearl doubt the type of love her father has for her..

Mr Yates joined Pearl on the table..and she greeted him to seriously..more like a master than a father..Good morning Mr CEO she greeted in a very serious voice..she had no emotions on. her face just like he father,Mr Yates nodded his head to recommend her greetings..they never actually talked like family..the only reason for them to communicate was about business related issues and it was usually very brief...

Pearl hurriedly finished her breakfast as she didn't want to have a conversation with her dad..she wiped her mouth and excused her self from the dining table...as she was about to walk out she heard his voice"you will be traveling to London tommorow to finalize a deal with the Hermes..the Hermes were a powerful family in London..

This annoyed pearl, what did he take her for,she wasn't a machine or his slave she was his daughter his only child.. "But why the short notice dad"she asked in angry but soft manner ....Mr Yates knew his daughter was going to reply..she always questioned him..she as just like her mother ..so outspoken... but he didn't want to be soft with her..so he replied in an authoritative tone"You would do as I say young woman..and next time keep the formality".This shook pearl was he telling her not to call him "dad"? wasn't she his daughter?hot tears dropped on her face as she wiped them off before he could see..she slammed the door behind her so hard like the door offended her...she went into her Porsche car and drove away..Mr Yates looked so sad has his precious daughter walked away.."I'm sorry my daughter but this is the only way for me to train you to be a brilliant CEO ..I hope u can forgive me one day...

Pearl's pov

Hot tears dropped from her face has she questioned he identity..why did her father hate her so much?was she a bad person?all this questions ran through her head as she speed of work like she didn't care If she lived or died..she started to wish her mother didn't die..things would have been different..her father used to love her and care for her..she was his little princess ... everything changed few months after her mom death..

In the Yates company...

Pearl Walks to her office disregarding the greetings of her workers... this was very unlike her,she was usually very familiar with her staffs and her loved her in return...she entered her office and walked to the wall where the picture frame of her mom was..the office used to be her mom's before she died..she didn't want to renovate it so as bring the beautiful moments of her mother..
