

in a dark alley, we can see a handsome man with black hair and deep blue eyes walking by, however there was something peculiar about the alley, it was covered in blood and bodies,however they were not human bodies, looking closely one could find what looked like bat-like wings protruding from their back and small hidden horns on their head,

the man calmly walked forward as a voice rang out,

"The rumors of the original Dracula are true after all, you truly deserve your title as the oldest vampire in existence, it's a pity that Vlad had stolen your title as Dracula when you were asleep"

the young man turned around to come face to face with an inhumanly beautiful face of a man, however just like the rest of the corpse on the ground, he had bat-like wings, however, he had 6 pairs of wings,

"it has been a while Lucifer, how's your brother??" the young man said teasingly to which the man called lucifer had a furious expression,

"You will pay for killing my brother and the dukes of hell, i will make sure that you die a miserable death alexander," he said to the man who laughed,

suddenly a crushing pressure forced lucifer onto the ground as alexander walked forward,

"you are far too young to fight me lucifer, i am the oldest being on the planet, even before i became a vampire, i was already an immortal, i was there when your father created the seraph, i was there when that so-called God had the children of Adam and eve spread across the planet to replace the extinct ancient humanity, my people, i was there when you along with Azazel, kokabeil and the others fell from grace, i was there when you were reborn as the king of hell, i was there at the birth of the demons, i am the ultimate weapon created by my people to destroy the supernatural, now tell me young one, how do you hope to defeat me, someone who even your father fears??" he said to which lucifer was shaking in fear and rage,

however suddenly he grinned viciously and used a hidden gem in his sleave,

immediately a black hole covered alexander and started to suck him in,

"hahaha!!, die you bast-" before he could say anything more, a blade of pure energy severed his head and body while also destroying his soul,

"foolish child, i had long since detected the dimension gate keystone on you, but i do not care, all i wish for is to find something to drive away my boredom," alexander said as he disappeared into the void,


new phoenix, America, 2000 C.E.

in a dark alley near the sub-urban areas, a vortex in space suddenly opened up, from the vortex a handsome young man walked out, he looked to be in his 20's,

"well, looks like this world won't be able to provide me with any entertainment," he said,

the moment Alex arrived on this planet, he immediately sensed the abundant amount of mana in the atmosphere,

as long as there are creatures of a certain level of power, the mana in the atmosphere will continue to deplete as the centuries go by, however, the abundance of mana indicates that there exist no such creatures, hell, if the readings he was getting was true then there did not even exist a god on this planet, this reminded him of the primordial time when the ancient humans had ruled across the galaxy, until the war happened,

"ah, good time, but first i must find a place to live in" he mumbled and started walking towards the city,


6 months later,

Alex was right now relaxing in his home that he had bought thanks to the money he earned by investing in the stock market,

just as he was about to fall asleep, he sensed a presence on the other side of his door, he sighed and said loud enough for the person to hear,

"come in Bella," he said,

slowly, the door opened to reveal a sheepish looking girl of 14 years of age, she slowly walked in and said,

"hey Mr.Alex, can you help me with my homework again?? she said as she fidgetted under Alex's glare,

he then sighed slightly and motioned her to come in,

"i know that i will be your teacher soon enough, but that does not mean that you can annoy me at my nap time" he grumbled to which the girl raised a brow and said,

"what the hell, you sound like a grumpy old man," she said to which Alex showed an amused face,

'you have no idea Bella' he though in his mind and continued to help her with her homework,

5 months ago, when he moved into this house, he came to know this girl, isabella swan,

at that time, she was a moody girl that never fit in with anyone and was much of a loner, she was average in her studies and had a gloomy mood all the time, one day, he saw a bunch of high school boys trying to attack her,this enraged the ancient vampire, but he was able to control himself and only traumatized the boys for life,

after that, she would always talk to him every chance she got,

for young Bella, she had found someone other than her father that she could rely on, soon enough, she came to see the man as a brother and would share everything with him, she also took great pleasure in annoying him and pushing his buttons much to his displeasure,

however what she did not know was that the vampire himself had grown attached to the young girl, of course he knew that as a human, she would end up dead before he even realized, that is why he decided to spend what little time he had with her to the fullest, so even though he appeared to be annoyed, he would not have it any other way,
