15 Chapter 14 meeting Ursula

Kate sat down and drank her midori splice.

A adult walked in. It was Morgana. Morgana said is Kate here. Jack said yes she is. Morgana said hello Kate. Kate said hello Morgana. Morgana said my older sister wants to meet you. Kate said okay. Morgana said guards tie Kate up. The guards said okay. The guards tied Kate up. The guard's said come with us Kate. Kate went with the guards and morgana. Morgana said we here. The guards said okay. Kate walked in. Kate said hello morgana and Kate. Morgana said hello Kate. Kate said I see you brought my daughter. Kate said wait you're my mom. Kate said yeah I am and now that your here I'm going to make you a offer. Kate said okay. Kate said If you become my daughter again I will protect you. Kate said and if I refuse. Kate said I will turn you to the dark side. Kate said okay. Kate said do you accept my offer. Kate said I do. A adult walked in. The adult said good job Kate. Kate said oh Kate this is my mom Ursula Ursula this is Kate. Ursula said hello Kate. Kate said hello Ursula. Ursula said we will protect you Kate. Kate said we will. Kate said okay. Ursula said would you like anything to drink. Kate said sure Ursula can I have a midori splice. Kate said sure Kate. Kate said so bee and Melanie aren't my real parents. Ursula said no they aren't Kate. Kate said they took you from me and that's why I used all my power to get you back. Kate said they lied to me. Kate said don't worry I'm here and that's all that matter. Ursula said we are going to get dinner now. Kate said okay. Ursula said we see you later. A young teenager walked in. It was Vicky. Vicky said hey Ursula Kate and Kate. Kate said hey Vicky. Vicky said we got people after you Kate. Kate said who. Vicky said bee Melanie and Chris Andersen. Ursula said i see you later Kate. Kate said yeah I see you later. Ursula and Kate went outside. Vicky said how are you Kate . Kate said I'm good thanks. Vicky said that's good. Kate said so how's your gang. Vicky said they are good thanks. Kate said that's good to hear

End of chapter 14
