

When a hunter stumbles he becomes prey

Brandishing his knife the boar came barrelling forth like a bat out of hell determined to remove Mason from his perch

As the boar hit the tree a Bang reverberated throughout the calm of the forest,birds perched on the tops of the trees fluttered away and all the denizens of the forest ran from the sound as if it was a cacophony which sounded the end.

The tree vibrated with the force,a force which should not be able to be produced by a normal boar that's for sure.

Mason shaken clasped his dagger and jumped from his perch, twisting his body with acrobatic grace resolving himself, The boar dazed from its stumble,the predator who stumbled now is the prey.

Mason landed on the boar dagger ripped the thick hide of the beast and rent it ,blood-spattered out like a fountain. Mason held onto that dagger plunging it deeper as if plugging the whole gushing blood.

The boar roared in anger thrashing around throwing Mason flew to the side hitting on of the many trees which littered the forest.

The boar without hesitation ran away with haste, even though a dagger protruded out its back it did not stop it from running.

Mason awoken from his daze saw the pitch black boar run into the dense forest, he stood up and ran without hesitation in his stride he had no dagger but the boar would eventually bleed out, he only needed to follow the blood. Mason keyed his senses into the smell of iron, the smell of crimson vitae which flows through him and the boar alike.Its ruby red gleamed on the ground as if a grim trail of breadcrumbs.

Mason went deeper into the forest, deeper then it was safe, He didn't care, he wanted to kill it, get his dagger back and the validation he sought to show he is not a wastrel ,He didn't want to have all his effort culminating into this hunt,this one final train to prove himself. He didn't want to fail.he couldn't fail.

Mason noticed the blood getting in bigger lines and his surroundings getting darker, the beast was slowing in its haste as the blood-loss has finally caught up to him like a grim debt. it was close to death but he was ever approaching the deepest parts of the forest.

As he blurred through the treeline he saw beasts of all sizes and power, but as if respecting his hunt they did not interfere.

Mason was reaching a clearing and saw the boar, it was limping and slowly approaching a cave.

It would soon lay on the floor faint from blood loss. He knew there was no point killing it now.

The cave was basked in an unnatural night-light, ominous in its existence as if bathed in some dark mist.

Mason reached the outskirts of the cave not daring to go inside and stayed there silent waiting till the rasping breath of the boar to dim, It panted and it gasped exhausted and in pain.A large echoing bang resounded throughout the cave.

The beast has fallen
