
An Unwelcome Hero - shadow slave

Shadow slave is a story, that takes place in an apocalyptic world full of death, disaster and tragedy. Everyone wishes to acquire a powerfulaspect and are slaves to their own power, which was given by the very thing trying to end them. With no one to stand up to it, the world never stood a chance and would gradually be devoured by the nightmare spell. Until a cursed young man, who was never meant to achieve anything rises up and becomes the first to challenge the world itself. His one goal in life: Absolute Supremacy! ------ P.S. Daily chapters, unless I am dead and bonus chapter every 100 power stones or when I feel like we accomplished a milestone for the story and don't want to leave you guys hanging on a cliff for too long.

Nike13K · 書籍·文学
34 Chs

The awakened are here!

Hearing his words, the awakened's jaw fell at the sheer audacity to demand a trial by someone with Chiron's sins. His eye twitches "A TRIAL! You, a traitor with hundreds of your own brothers deaths on your hands want a fair trial? How about I just execute you right now for a fair trial!"

Chiron shook his head "I refuse the suggestion. I want a trial, a formal one to decide if I am guilty or not! You might be an awakened, but so am I! I, as an awakened of Aranai, deserve a fair trial!"

The swordsman could only stare l, as he could barely react to the audacity he was seeing. He sighed and said "Alright, you'll have your fair trial! I won't deny you that, but only if you are truly Chiron of the Guardian Corps and still hold loyalty to Aranai. Recite the sacred vows you took when you joined your corp and I will give you a fair trial! Swear your loyalty and have our lord judge your sins!"

*C"nt! I have no faking idea whose body I am in! Hell, I don't even know why they all call me Chiron! F"ck! Welp, can't say I didn't try. Guess it's fight time!*

And with that final bridge burned, Chiron assumed his battle stance and held his thrice replaced great axe at the ready to fight. The awakened sighed and drew his sword and watched Chiron... but he didn't make any attack, he hadn't even moved a bit.


Chiron heard the sound of something speeding through the air, and then the sound went away... permanently. *An awakened archer!*

An archer had aimed at his skull. The goal of this awakened was obvious, he was there to distract, while the perfect shot was aligned. His enemy was buying time as much as he was... But his enemies were going for the kill shot!

The arrow was meant to go through his ear and out of his skull... and it most definitely did! It pierced right into his ear, but he was more durable than they anticipated and the arrow's edge became too blunt to continue cutting into his skull, after it already wreaking havoc on his right ear canal and permanently took out half of his hearing capabilities and sense of balance.

Chiron's body moved unnaturally fast, as he broke the wooden part of the arrow off and removed the arrow from his skull. He then condensed dow all the way down to 5'4, so his bleeding stopped and the blunt arrow tip was now a makeshift "ear" plug. Just in time for when the next two arrows hit his skull!

This time, all Chiron felt was the impact of said arrows, they couldn't pierce any part of his body! "You are such a disappointment! If only you had shown this much promise during your training, you wouldn't be in the Guardian Corpses! You would be directly under me!"

Chiron's Heart sank, as he heard another unfamiliar voice. Unlike the young man, this voice sounded ancient, like an old relic of a person just spoke. It sounded tired, angry, but what Chiron felt was worse. His body seemed to begin trembling on instinct, before he forcefully subdued himself and looked towards the voice with a shaky gaze.





The knight walked slowly. No, not a knight, it would be more accurate to refer to him as a living mountain.

Next to the swordsman, an awakened arrived and stood. He glanced at Chiron, looking down on him figuratively and VERY literally. This giant of a man was even taller and grander than Chiron's body. He looked like Chiron, if his body's owner wasn't a wastrel.

A man over 7 feet tall, muscles on his arms bigger than most men have on their thighs and thighs wider than most men's torsos. A minotaur forcefully given the shape of a human is the most adapt way of describing him!

The swordsman bent the knee suddenly and said "Ascended Elbaf!"

*Oh come the fuck on! What is this dog shit?! Not one, but TWO ascended in an aspirants first nightmare! Who wrote this fklucking Script! Weaver, when I get my hands on you, I will wring your neck!*

Chiron sighed slightly, his voice seemed to have warped, as it got deeper and he stared at Elbaf with evident confusion "Sir, with all due disrespect, I have no fucking idea who you are! I don't know what is happening! I don't even know WHY I am doing this! All I know is this, I want to live! And you don't, so I will let you court lady death as much as you want... in hell!"

The mountain of a man stood there, not even paying attention to Chiron, as if his words were the equivalent of a summer breeze. Elbaf's eyes lazily looked over, as he stared at Chiron and laughed at him. "You half baked mongrel! Let us show you what a REAL Guardian is capable of!"

His voice boomed, as if his vocal chords have been trained to produce as deep of a voice possible. Elbaf wasn't angry or even feeling any emotion towards Chiron. His look was one of pity, nothing else.

"Positions!" As soon as the command was given, 3 more people appeared out of completely nowhere.

A shorter man with Sais at the ready in his hands, a Tall and long armed man with a bow taller than Elbaf himself and a woman wearing a cloak with no distinct equipment to give away who she and what her skillet was.

They appeared around the field, as the massive troop stood around them to firm a circle. The only one outside this circle were the archer and the female, which was reason enough to conclude Chiron would have to deal with 2 ranged classes and the superior user of his own aspect and two armour piercing combatants!

Elbaf is my personal favorite character of this arc. Bro is just such a base MFer I can't not like him.

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts